Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Pilgrimage

Thursday, 5 September

TEXT: I Cor. 10:1-6,
MORE LESSONS: Heb. 12:1-2

The Israelites’ journey out of Egypt, through the wilderness, to the Promised Land is a type of the Christian pilgrimage. Our Christian journey has such a striking resemblance to the Israelites' journey that it is important for us to study it, learn from their experiences and avoid pitfalls as we move towards the heavenly Canaan. As Apostle Paul exhorts, Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition...: 1Cor. 10:11. The lessons from Israel’s experience are many. The Israelites were chosen by God to be His peculiar people but God had to raise a deliverer to lead them out of the bondage of Pharaoh and Egypt (Exo. 2:23-25; 3:7-10). This compares favourably with our need to be free from the bondage of sin and Satan, Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son…: Gal. 4:3-4.
To escape from this bondage, everyone must accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour (Jn. 3:16). This is about creating a Father-son relationship with God through acknowledging that you are a sinner, and accepting Jesus' offer of forgiveness through cleansing in His blood. If you are already born again but you still struggle with your old sin, this can be compared with the stubborn act of Pharaoh who even after he had released Israel to go, still pursued them to the Red Sea, where he perished with all of his army. In that same manner all your enemies shall perish, in Jesus’ name. As long as you don't give up the battle, your old life will bow to your new Saviour.
Here are some few things you must do to permanently win the battle over your old sin habits.
1. Attend a good convert/follow-up/foundation/discipleship class in a Bible-believing Church, immediately.
2. Begin to give more time to reading, studying, memorizing and confessing God's Word.
3. Go for deliverance and don't hide anything from the man of God, including your old habits.
4. Spend more time praying in the Holy Ghost.
5. Ask God to sanctify you wholly – spirit, soul and body - (I Thess. 5:23).
6. Never give in to satanic blackmail of being a sinner. You are not; God loves you with an everlasting love. (Rom. 8:36-37).
7. Be assured of your victory over Satan, sin and the world (I Jn. 4:4). God is faithful who has begun a good work in you and will perform it until the day of Christ (Phil. 1:6).

*Pray that your sojourn on this earth will not terminate in hell.
*Ask God for grace to be a full time Jesus chaser.
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The Divine Mandate

Wednesday, 4 September

TEXT: Mk. 16:15-20,

In Africa, the word mandate is often more associated with political campaigns and politicians. It is hardly used in church or spiritual contexts. A mandate is an authoritative order or command; it could be political, judicial or spiritual. When Jesus was leaving the earth, He handed down a mandate, an authoritative command: And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature: Mk. 16:15. This is our mandate because it is an authoritative command from our superior and Master, Jesus of Nazareth. This mandate tells us that preaching Jesus as the Saviour of the world is the message and assignment, the whole world is the location and all mankind is the target. Anything different from this is a sin and Jesus will judge us for it. Whatever we do as believers in Christ Jesus must therefore reflect this mandate. We must tell the world there is a Saviour who lived, died and resurrected to reconnect man back to his God and that He is coming back soon, in fact, today or even now. Our songs, sermons, announcements, offering, thanksgiving, miracle service, fasting and feasting must tell just this message alone.
This mandate is not just church denomination mandate; it is every believer's mandate. There is only one pulpit in our church on Sunday and thousands must be available after service to spread the message of the day. This is why we live and why after redemption Jesus did not take us home immediately to be with Him. He wants us to represent Him and spread the good news to all the people of the earth. The wonderful thing about this mandate is the one who sent us has promised to go with us on the assignment, …and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen: Matt. 28:20. He also promised to empower us for the job, And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils… Mk.16:17.
It is encouraging to see the response of the apostles to the mandate and the testimony of God’s faithfullness to them. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, Not that alone, They also had a testimony of God's faithfulness to them The Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen: Mk. 16:20. If we too will obey that mandate as the apostles did, God will also confirm His words in our lives. Let us go a fishing now!
* Ask God to make you a faithful soul winner.
* Pray that God's investment in your life for the sake of His work will not be a waste
* Ask God for a soul today.
Target someone you must tell about Jesus today. Promise God your day will not end until you tell someone about Jesus.

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The Divine Mandate

Wednesday, 4 September

TEXT: Mk. 16:15-20,

In Africa, the word mandate is often more associated with political campaigns and politicians. It is hardly used in church or spiritual contexts. A mandate is an authoritative order or command; it could be political, judicial or spiritual. When Jesus was leaving the earth, He handed down a mandate, an authoritative command: And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature: Mk. 16:15. This is our mandate because it is an authoritative command from our superior and Master, Jesus of Nazareth. This mandate tells us that preaching Jesus as the Saviour of the world is the message and assignment, the whole world is the location and all mankind is the target. Anything different from this is a sin and Jesus will judge us for it. Whatever we do as believers in Christ Jesus must therefore reflect this mandate. We must tell the world there is a Saviour who lived, died and resurrected to reconnect man back to his God and that He is coming back soon, in fact, today or even now. Our songs, sermons, announcements, offering, thanksgiving, miracle service, fasting and feasting must tell just this message alone.
This mandate is not just church denomination mandate; it is every believer's mandate. There is only one pulpit in our church on Sunday and thousands must be available after service to spread the message of the day. This is why we live and why after redemption Jesus did not take us home immediately to be with Him. He wants us to represent Him and spread the good news to all the people of the earth. The wonderful thing about this mandate is the one who sent us has promised to go with us on the assignment, …and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen: Matt. 28:20. He also promised to empower us for the job, And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils… Mk.16:17.
It is encouraging to see the response of the apostles to the mandate and the testimony of God’s faithfullness to them. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, Not that alone, They also had a testimony of God's faithfulness to them The Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen: Mk. 16:20. If we too will obey that mandate as the apostles did, God will also confirm His words in our lives. Let us go a fishing now!
* Ask God to make you a faithful soul winner.
* Pray that God's investment in your life for the sake of His work will not be a waste
* Ask God for a soul today.
Target someone you must tell about Jesus today. Promise God your day will not end until you tell someone about Jesus.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Your Prophet, Your Profit

TEXT: Hosea 12:13,
MORE LESSONS: Ex. 11:1-3

The role of prophets in the Old Testament was major to everything in the lives of the Israelites at that time, both in personal and national life. This was so because the prophets served as intermediaries between the people, the nation and their God. Israel never went to war nor took any decision as a nation without consulting the prophets or the priests, as the case may be. Examples abound of those who attempted to run their lives and nations outside of this God ordained method and paid dearly for it.
Today, although the ministry of prophets is not very pronounced like in the Old Testament, their roles are now generally conferred upon pastors. The word ‘pastor’ is the generally accepted title for all spiritual leaders regardless of their spiritual grace and office. There are, however, a few people who still bear titles of the spiritual offices that they occupy, such as apostle, prophet, evangelist. The title ‘pastor’ is the most popular while ‘teacher’ is the least. The most important thing, however, today is not the titles but the function. The role of a pastor today in the spiritual and physical lives of church people can be compared with that of a prophet in the Old Testament. Among the functions of the pastor are: providing spiritual and physical cover and guidance, exemplary living, prayer preaching, teaching, healing, prophetic insight etc. Several people today have come this far under God by the instrumentality of their pastors. The ministry of a spiritual head/pastor is God ordained and everyone who despises the place of spiritual guidance ends in crisis If Israel had rejected Moses' ministry their story would not have been the same today. The throne of Israel was finally taken away from king Saul in the day he declared his prophet/pastor a late comer and stepped into Samuel's office (I Sam13:8-14).
Don't break ranks, don't be rude or insultive to your pastor/prophet, publicly or secretly; God will not overlook it. Your victory over any Egyptian bondage and the preservation of your good life is tied to your life of obedience to God and your prophet; keep a good relationship with them (Hos. 12:13).Your pastor has a role to bless you and you too have a responsibility to take good care of your prophet. May the ministry of prophet be a blessing to your life!

* Thank God for being mindful of your needs and setting His servants to meet them.
* Give God thanks as you recount the blessing that your pastor has been to you.
* Pray that your pastor/prophet will never lose contact with God but will increase in the anointing of God more and more.
* Pray that you will be a blessing to all your spiritual leaders.

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