Friday, October 4, 2013

2nd Chance

Text: Judg. 16:25-30
More Lessons: Psa. 4:1-3

Nothing can be more devastating on the battle field than being disarmed by your enemy. Because the strength of a warrior is in his weapons, the seizure of one's weapons ordinarily signifies the end of the captive. This scenario is far more tragic when a child of God faces a situation of spiritual disarmament by the enemy. Before the birth of Samson, God set him aside for an assignment… he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines: Judg. 13:5. He started well but because of his relationship with Delilah, he later fell into the hands of the Philistines. The dreaded Samson became a theatre piece brought out of prison to entertain his enemies. May we never degenerate and end this way. Thank God Samson realized what to do; he told the lad that held him… Suffer me that I may feel the pillars whereupon the house standeth, that I may lean upon them: Judg. 16:26.

What pillars do you lean on in your trying times? The pillars of wrong and ungodly counsel or the pillars of encouragement that can lead you back to reconcile with God? Where you ask for the renewal of strength dictates how far you can go in your relationship with God. Leaning on the pillars for support, Samson cried unto the God of Israel, (v 28). May God remember you when you call on Him in your days of trouble. He cried on…and strengthen me. May the Lord strengthen you when you are weak. And he concluded… I pray thee, only this once.

The God of compassion answered and Samson pulled down the building and killed more enemies that day than in the twenty years that he judged Israel. Who are the Philistines that plucked out your eyes of righteousness and commitment? Ask God for one more time to regain your strength. He will answer because He is the God of the second chance who granted Samson, Peter, David, Maneseth, Jonah, etc a second chance. If He has spared your life till today, then take advantage of that and seek a restoration over any area of life, now. This same opportunity might be unavailable tomorrow. What a privilege to have such a merciful and forgiving God, ever ready to receive any returning child.

Prayer/ Action
* Pray that you will never be a victim in the hand of your enemies.
* Pray that the heavens will not be closed against you in destiny come what may.
* Ask God for restoration of all things that you might have ever lost due to any form of carelessness and sin.
* Give thanks to God for the opportunity of restoration.

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Winning Over the Old Serpent

Text: Exo. 1:8-11
More Lessons: 2 Cor. 2:11

Among the weapons that Satan uses to prevent men from becoming what God has destined for men are cunning devices and craftiness. In our Scripture reading today, Pharaoh adopted these methods in dealing with Israel; lest they multiply. (Exo. 1:10). It was the same weapon Satan used to overpower Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He simply made the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil appeal to their emotions. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat: Gen. 3:6.

I wish to let you know that Satan and his agents have not changed from using cunny and crafty schemes to tamper with and alter people's destinies in our generation. Make up your mind today that you will not listen to and accept those thoughts flooding your mind that you should stop being over-righteous and try other means outside Jesus to solve your problems. That is the voice of Satan. Your destiny is designed for the top and you will get there. Only ensure that you don't yield to all the ever increasing satanic seductions and temptations intended to lure you Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life: Pro. 4:23. How do you do this? By taking heed there to according to thy word: Psa. 119:9.

Finally, I Pet. 5:8-9 says, Be sober, be vigilant. Because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may destroy... v 9, whom resist steadfast in the faith. So we keep our hearts by being sober, vigilant and by resisting Satan his tricks steadfastly, never giving room to Satan in any way. I believe the power that helped Jesus to overcome Satan's tricks and crafts are available also for us today. Jesus said ...for this prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me: Jn. 14:30. In the same way, we will win over Satan's whiles and testify like our Master did.

Prayer/ Action
* Pray that you will not be ignorant of the devices and cunny acts of Satan against you.
* Declare that no weapon of the enemy will overcome you in life and destiny.
* Prophesy that Satan will remain a defeated foe in your destiny.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Text: Esth. 9:20-32
More Lessons: Heb 13:8.

Before the Hitler holocaust of European Jews during World War II, in which over 2 million Jews were completely burnt in fire, there had been an earlier attempt by a Babylonian anti-Jewish man called Haman. His plan was almost exactly like that of the German warlord, Hitler but for the different methodology. However, as usual, God undertook for the Jews and the devastation was averted. God turned the battle against the arch enemy of the Jews, Haman, who had planned the genocide.

So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai: Esth. 7:10. This done, the Jews declared a day of celebration to mark the victory over their enemy. It was tagged, “Purim”. Beyond just a day to mark victory, Purim also stands for the following:
1. Back to sender – Esth. 8:7; 9:24-25; 7:9-10,
2. Enemy's failed plan:– Esth. 5:14; 6:9-10,
3. Divine intervention: – Esth. 6:1; 8:11,
4. Mourning turned to dancing: –Esth. 8:17; 9:22,
5. Babylonians converted to Jews: – Esth. 8:17.
6. A day when captors feared captives: – Esth. 8:17; 9:2,
7. A day when the Jews had rule over those that hated them: – Esth. 9:1,
8. A day when the Jews took advantage and laid hands on those who hurt them:- Esth. 9:2,5,
9. A day when no man could withstand the Jews:- Esth. 9:2
10.A day of rest from the enemy: Esth.9:16.

This is indeed the type of day God needs to give you and the type of day God desires to give His children; a day of monumental rejoicing that continues for generations. If God did it for Israel of old, he can repeat it for all His children who are facing such similar challenges in any area of life. Is there an elimination attempt of the devil over your life? God is ready to take over your battle if you can by prayer and fasting, coupled with faith in what God can do, hand over the matter to Jehovah.

Prayer / Action
* It took Esther and all the Jews days of fasting to have a day of great victory.
* Take a fast today and ask God for the following:
- to repeat what He did in the days of Esther,
- to grant you a day of Purim over your enemies,
- to do all that is written in point 1-10 in the study. Pray all the 10 points in your hour of prayer.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wait on the Lord

Text: Isa. 40:28-31
More Lessons: Isa. 30:18-21

One of the major problems in the world today is haste; everybody wants to “make it”, that is, succeed as a matter of urgency. Sadly, this attitude is also found even in the body of Christ. The irony, however, is that those who carefully and patiently come behind you discover the money which you might have run over.

Today, the Lord is teaching you to pause for a while. Learn to wait upon the Lord for everything. The Bible teaches us that the Lord makes things beautiful in His own time. God does not use a wristwatch to calculate time, seasons and years the same way we do.

Psalm 90:4 says, for a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday…. Are you in haste over anything? The Lord is telling you to wait upon Him. It is in your interest to wait upon the Lord because they that do so shall renew their strength (Isa. 40:31).

You burn a lot of energy running here and there but when you wait upon the Lord in prayer and fasting, in diligence and commitment, your burnt energy is renewed, replaced or refilled. For waiting on Him, He grants you the strength of an eagle (agility, might, glorious height and dominance of your environment) to fly over and above all circumstances; the speed to run, power never to be weary, and the majesty, caution, confidence, protection and guidance to walk over pain, affliction, lack, opposition and obstacles, and yet not faint. You are granted total protection when you fly (great speed), run (medium speed) and walk (slow speed) as strictly directed by the Spirit of God in response to situations and circumstances of life. Learn to wait on the Lord; it pays.

Never be desperate about anything, whatever goes round must come round. Trust in the power of God to give you yours in your season and His time. Prov. 28:20 says, a faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent!” And Isaiah the prophet says, Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.” Isa. 28:16 (KJV). Another version (NIV) says, He that relies on it will never be stricken with panic and the Amplified version says, He who believes (trusts in, relies on, and adheres to that Stone) will not be ashamed. Therefore, wait on the Lord!

Prayer/ Action
* Ask God to grant you patience in the midst of challenges.
* Pray for strength not to faint in the place of waiting.
* Find a prayer partner today and agree with him that you will not wait in vain.

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