Monday, November 4, 2013

Valuing the Voice of God II

Text: Heb.4:7
More Lessons: John10:1-5

Many people keep asking to know how to be sure that the Lord is speaking when you hear a voice either in your spirit or audibly. There are certain people in my life who's voices I cannot miss even in a crowd simply because I know them personally and intimately, So If you deepen your intimacy with the Lord, you will not miss His voice, because you know Him. When Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, He was invariably saying, the little lambs cannot hear my voice, because they have not developed to the point where they can recognize my leading. Sheep in this context are those who value God's voice more than anything else. These are the true sons of God.

When the troubled waters roar, those who have a personal relationship with God will find an easy way out because they can identify the still small voice of the Holy Spirit even in the noisiest of tempests. However, those who have no personal relationship with Jesus Christ will grope in the dark even when God is speaking to them because they have not developed their spiritual senses to know the voice of the Lord. It is often said that only what you value can add value to you.

God will not trust His voice to those who will not value it. If God cannot trust you to obey Him in little things, He will not reveal strong things to you. His leading is a heritage only for those who are maturing into sonship. Leading is only made possible when those who will be led are yielded and obedient enough to follow the voice of God. It is in vain that some people in search for the Lord's leading hop from one miracle centre to another when the Lord desires to speak His word directly into our hearts by His Spirit which is resident in us. God wants to talk with you.

The pathways of this life are too dangerous to ply without the voice of the Ancient of days. We cannot afford to handle the voice of God with levity. We cannot afford to use God; we must let God use us. We must yield and obey his gentle promptings. Until the child Samuel learn to say “Speak Lord for your servant heareth” he may have never matured into the prophet Samuel who could say 'thus saith the Lord'.

* Pray that the issues of Life will not negatively affect your intimacy with God.
* Ask for God’s directives towards maturity in hearing His voice.
* Repent of ever handling the voice of God with levity.
* Ask the spirit of God to come upon you afresh and keep you connected to the Father.
* Pray that you will never grief the Spirit of God nor walk away from Him.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Valuing the Voice of God I

Text: John10:27, More
Lessons: I Sam.3:1

The GPS navigator system in a car might be of very little value to its owner until he drives into a big city for the first time and all he knows about where he is going is the name of the destination. That's the moment when the advantage of having a navigation system fitted car will be appreciated. You will suddenly put all your trust in the directives of the electronic navigator that was once abandoned, and obey its directives aptly and without a second thought because of the pressing need to arrive at your destination.

We never know the value of a thing until we are in a situation where we cannot do without it. It is just the way our minds are conditioned to respond naturally. It is the same with the voice of God. We don't seem to easily realize how much we need God's voice until all of hell breaks loose and there is nowhere else to turn; then we come running to the feet of the Master in tears, asking for just one word from Him. Man desires an affair with God, but God desires a relationship with us; that's why he speaks to our hearts. One of the free benefits to the New Testament Christian is complete and unhindered access to the mind of God.

Heb.1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds. God is more than a GPS car navigator; He is our Father and Friend. The purpose of God's voice and leading is so that we would be more intimate with Him. Rom.8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. By the leading of the voice of God, we grow to maturity in God.

We receive wisdom of God to respond to the challenges of life with answers and solutions. But if you seek the Lord only when you have pressing needs, He may come to your rescue in His mercy. But for how long do we want to keep running in and out on God when we can stay in His presence and know the Master for ourselves? But how will we even recognize his leading and gentle promptings when we have not developed the culture of valuing his voice? The Voice of God is the most valuable aid and guide in the Christian walk. God is speaking so let us listen to the voice of God today.

* Appreciate God for your unlimited access to His mind.
* Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you to hear God’s voice clearly in all matters
* Ask God to take away every sinful obstruction that can break your continuous contact with Him
* Ask God to keep you permanently in His presence.

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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Strength for Today II

Text: Lam.3:23,
More Lessons: Zeph.3:5

It is clear without the shadow of doubt that our God is concerned about all aspects of our lives. He is detailed and continuous in His loving kindness towards us. A day is a period of 24hours, so if the Lord says He loads us daily then it means that whatever you are going through, God can turn it around in a single day. There is a load of benefit that can answer to that need in your life. It is only a matter of time. When the loaded benefits of God come upon you, it engineers your next level such that as the needs arise, the benefits also rise to meet the needs! Some believers still languish in pain, debt, sickness and all manner of unfortunate situations, despite the unlimited benefits from Jehovah.

This is simply because they have not learnt to tap into the daily benefits of the Lord over their lives. Ignorance is a silent thief programmed to deprive you of what is rightfully yours. Until we wake up to the consciousness of the Lord's goodness over us the enemy will cheat us of our blessings. Psa.27:13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. The benefits from the Lord are over all contemporaries, making you live a life with unmatched distinctions.

The blessings of God are loaded, but it is your responsibility as the recipient of the benefits to get them downloaded. It is not enough to have money loaded for you in the bank; you need to access it for your use. One of the ways to access the benefits of heaven for your daily life is to be committed to maintaining an attitude of gratitude towards God and His goodness. Thankfulness is a powerful force! Live daily like you know you are already blessed! As you do this the substantiation of divine uploads from the Lord over your life will be your daily experience. Think it, talk it, thank Him and take it! Life is gracefully easy for those who can tap into God's daily provision by relying totally on his everlasting arm. The strength infusion necessary to experience daily victory is hinged on our ability to draw from the Lord daily. Yesterday's manna has worms; only fresh loads of benefits for the new day will suffice. Lam.3:23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. All the blessings you will ever need are wrapped up in the Lord's loads of benefits. It is the secret of strength for today. It is time to walk daily in the strength of the Lord and experience God's unlimited provisions packaged for your use.

* Thank God that you don’t need to worry about your daily needs.
* Ask for forgiveness in areas you were ungrateful to God.
* Ask God that with limitless provision of God in your life, poverty is forever banished.
* Declare the door of God’s blessing permanently opened over your destiny.

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Strength for Today I

Text: Psa. 68:19,
More Lessons: Deut. 28:1-13

No human government, system or administration, no matter how powerful has dared to assure its citizens of meeting all their needs on a daily basis. Yet the Bible declares that without fail, the government of our God loads His children with all the DAILY benefits we will ever need. The Darby Bible puts it this way; blessed be the Lord: day by day doth he load us [with good], the God who is our salvation. Selah. What a great assurance of an abundant life full of peace and prosperity we have in the Lord our God!

Over 2000years ago He whole heartedly paid the ultimate price when He gave up His Son to be crucified as a ransom, that we may be redeemed from the slave market of sin, justified and made complete. II Cor.5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. By that singular act of love, we who accept Jesus as Lord and King are free from sin, Satan, sickness and shame forever. Halleluyah! You bet, that was good enough owing to the fact that what we really deserved was death! Rom.6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

He didn't just save us from sin by putting Jesus on Golgotha's cross, raising Him from the dead and when it was done, dust his feet and asked us to find our way from there. He is doing much more for us even today. The text says He daily loads us with benefits. The tense “loads” is a present continuous tense, to show that God's blessings on your life yesterday are nothing to be compared with His blessing about to be released unto us daily.

God is at work to load your life with benefits. His desire for you is that you will enjoy peace round about; nothing missing, nothing broken, but full of his benefits. Friend, God is not through with you yet. Your case is not closed because you have a father who has scheduled loads of favour, and grace and riches and strength to be delivered to your door step every day. If you are in Christ, you are a divine project in the hands of a divine God. He is set to bless you beyond boundaries evident in Matt.7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Today's blessings and benefits are hovering over your head; thank Him and take it!

* Pray that your benefits loaded in today will not pass you by.
* Ask God to grant you daily strength to enjoy your benefits.
Take a decision today to be used by God to meet somebody’s need.

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