Saturday, November 9, 2013

Help in Times of Trouble I

Text: Psa.46:1
More Lessons: Dan.3:19-25

A throw-back down memory lane to that moment when I made the best decision of all; accepting Jesus as Lord and King of my life, reminds me of that instant thrust of joy and peace that filled my heart and soul. So also do I remember gospel comments that came to us from awesome evangelicals, popular tracts and even new convert classes that were taught in those days. We were told that being in Christ, everything will be easy and smooth for us from that moment forward. We were told that all the pains and troubles of the past were gone! The powerful messages came with the assurance that everything from that moment onwards will almost be a bed of roses. Wonderful back up scriptures of the saving, healing and life transforming power of the new creation reality were the music of the day! And Yes, it created an atmosphere of faith, positivity and trust in the ability of God to protect and defend us all the way.

But sooner or later, we all discovered that as good and true as it was, it wasn't all of the truth. As we began to mature in the Christian faith, we were confronted with demonic attacks, spiritual warfare and even temptations of the flesh, all roaring in our face. Then we began to search the scriptures and found that we missed the crux of the matter at first! Those awesome publications and evangelistic messages that we read and heard were not to make us think that we would be free of the attempts or confrontations of the evil one but that we would always emerge victorious and triumphant in Christ. 2Cor 2:14 Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.

While Jesus walked the earth, teaching and preaching the message of Kingdom of heaven, He never promised us that our lives will be without challenges. In fact He told us of the tribulation, rejection and conflict of being His disciple, John16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. But he didn't begin that sentence until He commanded us to be of good cheer or rejoice and be glad because He had overcome the world on our behalf! Glory to His name forever!

* Appreciate Jesus afresh for paying the price for your salvation and well being.
* Pray that by the leading of the Holy Spirit, you will overcome all trials.
*Ask God to help you emerge victorious from all attacks.
* Declare that because Jesus conquered, you will conquer.
* Pray that your anchor will hold fast in the midst of any trial and you will never loose your faith to any trial.

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Friday, November 8, 2013

My God is not Poor II

Text: Ecc.5:19 More
Lessons: I Chro.1:11-17

In these times, God is revealing to as many who will hear that it is His good pleasure to release wealth and riches into the hands of the righteous. 3Jn.1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. The arch bishop referred to yesterday believed that since the God who made all things out of the bounty of his riches was his Father, then someday, somehow he too will be wealthy and prosperous. God cares for our every need. He wants us to prosper and become exceedingly great.

I have never known a patriarch or matriarch in scriptures that walked with God and didn't lead the financial market of their day! From Job, Abraham, Moses to Jesus; none of them lacked. The other day, Jesus paid tax by commanding money from the mouth of a fish. There is supernatural provision for you in Christ. Eph1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. The blueprint for our prosperity is in God's hands and He is not holding it back from us. The child of a king always has this royal mindset that whatever he needs in the kingdom, his father the king can and will do it for him. Ever seen the level of confidence that little children have in their fathers? I think I do because I remember asking my dad to buy me an aero plane when I was a little child. How much more we who have the King of all the earth as our Father? Poverty is not righteousness; in fact, it is anti-covenant. Where ever poverty is found in scriptures, it is usually connected to a curse or punishment from the Lord for evil deeds.
There is no verse in all of scriptures that admonishes us to embrace wretchedness as humility and holiness. Rather, we are instructed not to forget that it is the Lord that empowers us to make wealth; meaning that it is a normal Christian life to be successful. Nobody partners with the King and remains a pauper. Psa.67:7 God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. Your present situation does not define your true reality; it is God's word about your finances, health, projects and career that has the final say! If you cannot say it, you will not see it. Like the Arch Bishop, it is time to declare into your own life that your God is not poor. You will never lack anything good in Jesus’ name, amen

Prayer / Action.
* Pray that you will never be poor.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to godly prosperity.
* Pray that God will bless the works of your hand greatly.
Imbibe the mentality that you were not made to be poor.

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Thursday, November 7, 2013

My God is not Poor I

Text: Haggai2:8
More Lessons: Mal.3:10-12

The Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa of blessed memory was popularly known for using the phrase “My God is not poor”. This was a man who was so wretched that he had to push carts carrying dirts and sometimes people's baggage on the streets to keep body and soul together. Somehow along the line, he encountered God and his life and mindset was transformed forever. He read through the pages of the scriptures and discovered that all those who walked with God never went to bed hungry because God is able to provide for His own.

In fact he realized that Holy men in scriptures were the wealthiest in their days. From that day he began to live aware that the God whom he believed was not poor there was hope for his life. Then he inscribed on his little cart, “My God is not poor” and everywhere he went with the cart people began to identify him by the name of his cart. They often said, “Good afternoon, Mr. My God is not poor”, and with great excitement he would return the pleasantries. The days turned into months and the seasons changed but this cart pusher maintained his convictions! Sooner than everyone thought, the cart pusher owned a whole dynasty and pastored the most powerful Pentecostal ministries of his time. He began to impact the same streets he used to push carts in, but this time in limousines. Now, who used to greet him while he pushed carts in the heat of the sun and even people all over the world who hear his story today can see what incredible power is made available when we build our vision around the provision of God, and never give up!.

Poverty is more of a mindset than an economic state. A million naira in the hands of a poor minded man will leave him still as poor as he already was because our lives are a direct reflection of our level of revelation and consistency. The arch bishop didn't have a penny but he had a mindset that his God was not poor. The pictures of the future we create in our hearts and minds determine to a large extent, what becomes of us tomorrow. The truth is, you will never outgrow how much you understand and insist on the things of God as long as your mindset is negative and self-defeatist.

Prayer / Action.
* Appreciate God that He is Your Father that has everything you will ever need.
* Pray for wisdom to key into the abundance of God’s provision.
* Pray that you will succeed in whatever you lay your hands upon to do.
* Break the yoke and curse called poverty over your life, family and church.
* Rebuke every poverty mentality out of your life from today.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Mystery of Praise II

Text: Psa.34:1
More Lessons: Acts16:25-26

When God made man, he made him spirit, soul and body. 1Thess.5:23b …and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So when the psalmist in the first text demanded of his soul to sing praises to the Lord, it was actually his spirit that was instructing his soul to praise the Lord. Why did the spirit of the psalmist summon his own soul to praise God? Our human minds tend to focus on the prevailing challenges around and not on the prevailing power in praise within.

The realms of our intellect and logic cannot fathom that we must praise God because praise is not an intellectual concept, it is a spiritual mystery. That is why, with a closer look, we also will notice that the psalmist was not issuing an advice or suggestion but an emphatic command! David was arguably Israel's greatest King and an anointed man of war from his youth; so if anyone knew anything about issuing commands, David did for sure. Now, here comes the great man of war speaking about praise with military undertones to reveal that he understood that praise was actually a lethal weapon of warfare.

Throughout Bible history, from the exodus of the children of Israel to the time of the apostles, the mystery of praise was one weapon consistently deployed by the children of God to quench the fiery darts of the devil and his cohorts. The mysterious power in praise is owed to the fact that God dwells in praise and where ever the presence of the Lord is, no demonic operation can thrive there.

Praise is a vehicle of the presence and power of God. True Praise is irresistible to God. It commands the manifestation of the full weight of the hosts of heaven to your life and situation. Whenever we praise God whole heartedly, God surely visits our lives. One visit from the Lord Himself is more than enough to turn everything around for the better. Psa.126:1 When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Praise is a spiritual transaction where you give God what He desires and He in-turn gives you your heart’s desires. Truly, wise people praise God even before their breakthroughs show up. Be wise, praise him in advance!

* Ask God for strength to always praise Him.
* Pray that things of celebration will never depart from your tabernacle.
* Pray for Christians to understand the mystery of praise.
Praise God even when in pains for it pays.
Begin to praise God for everything about you and around you.
Promise God you will praise Him before, during and after every pain beginning from today.

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