13 Nov. 2013
Text: Psa.106:1-5,
More Lessons: Psa.95:1-3
When we talk about ingratitude it means any act that is at abeyance to been thankful. Verse 1 says, ...give thanks unto the LORD. It is foolishness to think negative of God because of what you are passing through. Somebody going through a very painful experience once said to me, “why me?” I responded that she should recommend who it should be. God is God no matter what happens; whether he has answered your prayers or not, He remains God. If you are a person who soon forgets what good somebody did for you yesterday, you are ungrateful. The first born children of the Egyptians were killed but God kept the children of Israel alive.
But verse 7 says...they remembered not. They forgot the good things God did for them too soon. To some other ingrates, it is impatience. God has been so faithful to you but because of one thing that He has not given you yet, you decide to be ungrateful. Some people take their response to the extreme by renouncing their faith in Christ.
Lust is another way you know an ingrate. When you have a desire that is so strong for something and you can't give God praise until you get it, you are showing gross ingratitude. An ingrate always complains. Ingrates are never satisfied, that is why they always complain. During the exodus of the children of Israel through the red sea, after seeing the miracle of the red sea they still complained to Moses that he brought them out to kill them in the wilderness.
The Bible says God overthrew them and their children. For you not to be an ingrate, you must learn to appreciate whatever good is done to you, no matter how small. Let the good that people did to you swallow the evil they did. Gratitude is a key to living a long life. Show gratitude for the life that you have today. Don't complain that you didn't enjoy your sleep, thank God for waking up alive and well. Do you have reasons to be grateful to God today? There are many people in the hospital right now with just one desire; to be healed. Take a look at yourself where you are, healthy and fine yet with numerous acts of ingratitude. You have to be well to graduate, have children, succeed in business and achieve your desires. That you are alive and well today is a proof of God's faithfulness. Do you have reasons to be grateful to God today? Don't be an ingrate; always show gratitude to God and fellow men.
* Ask God for forgiveness for your acts of ingratitude thus far.
* Pray that henceforth you will appreciate God for everything.
* Send a word, a text message, a call or a visit today as a sign of gratitude to at least two people who have been a blessing to your life either directly or indirectly.
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