Sunday, December 1, 2013

How to Get Revelation from God’s Word

Text: 2Tim2:15
More Lessons: Psa.119:18

If you desire to find revelation from God's Word, whether as a preacher or a believer, one of the things you must learn to do is to ask several questions about the scriptures you read. There are two ways to read the Bible; you can read it like a piece of literature and secondly read it line by line, precept by precept and ask questions about what you read. This way you will be reading the Bible as a divine Word of God.

You can read the Bible as a literary text the same way you do when you have the Bible on tape playing. Sometimes, as you are listening to that Bible on tape, you could have the Spirit of God click on one verse. You can stop, note that verse down for an in-depth study later. But primarily there is a place for just listening to the Bible running. There is a place for just reading the Scripture, just running over it. You could take a book, for example, the book of Matthew. Let me tell you that here is no book in the Bible that is difficult to read when you do it that way.

You can take Matthew, for example, and without a need to make marks, to pencil anything, to underline, just read it. You just sit down today and in a few hours, you can finish the book of Matthew. When you finish doing that, you can come back and start noting the parts that struck you. After all these you can now do what we call 'thorough study'.

In order to have a good understanding of such scriptures, sit down and look at the scriptures, take a pen, a notebook, and then read the portion that hit your spirit all over and ask yourself several questions like: 'who was speaking here?' 'Who was he speaking to?' 'What actually could be happening?' Create a scenario in your mind about what could be happening when the matter was spoken. Imagine what the portion in question looked like the day it happened. Thereafter, get some study aids and in addition pray over what you read. As you do so keep your spirit connected to God for the revelation knowledge of His word as such affect your life and relationship or fellowship with Him. In all these, remember that God values an intimate communion with you by the instrumentality of His Word through your deep study, mediation and prayers.

Ask God for indepth understanding of His Word by His Spirit.
* Ask God to help you create time for reading and studying His Word
* Rebuke every wandering thought and lack of concentration while reading the Word.
* Ask God for special ability to understand and interpret His Word

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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holy Access

Text: Matt.4:1-10
More Lessons: Psa.24:7-10

Of all the sense organs of the human system, the loss of sight for me is the most traumatic, especially for the blind that once saw. You lose the beauty of colours, scenery and God's blue sky and deep blue sea. The blind man has no access to anywhere except by aid. In our Christian journey, we are empowered to have access to God every moment of the day for as long as we are correctly connected to Him.

Any time we are disconnected from God, Satan takes advantage to lure us into ungodly acts. In our passage for today, Satan wanted to give Jesus an unholy access. In Matt.4:9, Satan told Jesus- “....all these things will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me…” Did Jesus say He didn't have them? When Jesus wanted to answer, did He say Satan lied and that he was not the owner of all the glory on all the face of the earth? No, He left it for another day to pay back. After, He died on the Cross of Calvary, the Bible says the veil of the holy of holies tore open providing a holy access. Jesus then followed up to hell to take back from Satan the very key he ceased from Adam in order to release the saints that were held captive from the days of old (Psa.24:7). No wonder the Bible says, when Jesus resurrected, in the city of Jerusalem they saw the saints that died walking on the streets (Matt.27:51-52). People identified them. The glory that Satan said was his own and he needed Jesus to worship him for a lease, Jesus went down to hell and got it from Satan by the instrumentality of His shed blood. The moment He died on the cross of Calvary and paid the price, He walked up to Satan and said, I have paid the price.

When a man pays for a product, the product goes home with him. Jesus got to the door and said “I have properties inside” and He began to quote the scripture, in verse 7 of our second passage. Ye everlasting doors, symbolize all benefits that are shut against your destiny in their large numbers. I command them to be lifted that the King of glory may come in. If you want your destiny to open, open the door. Your success is at the door. Your breakthrough is at the door. Your glory is at the door. The manifestation of God is at the door, your children are at the door, your financial manifestation is at the door, just waiting for you to say, be ye lifted, ye everlasting doors.

* Ask God for strength and divine direction to your destiny.
* Because Jesus has paid the price, command satan to hands off all that belong to you.
* Command the gates to open and your inheritance be released today.
* Ask God to grant you access to all the doors that have ever been shut against you.

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Friday, November 29, 2013

Rise Up and Walk

Text: Acts3:1-8
More Lessons: Mk.16:15-18

I was preaching somewhere in Kaduna North West Nigeria a couple of years ago when right in the church, a lady I who had difficulty with her legs came in limping on crutches while the service was in progress. On noticing her, I was moved in my spirit and I called her to bring the stick to me and go back to her sit. As soon as she dropped her stick, she walked back on her legs without the crutches and that was the end of that situation. Being crippled can be spiritual and physical. You can be crippled in business, academics, health and the like. Whatever crippled you, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to rise up and walk.

Anyone who is born with two legs should be able to walk. Anyone who went to school should be able to feed himself/herself. This man in our text was crippled and couldn't walk. He was born crippled and the parents could not help him. It was not his fault that he was born cripple. There are many of us suffering afflictions and pains we never had a hand in their coming. I make a declaration today, not as I was born but as I was commissioned by the LORD that for every of such you never knew how they came; rise up and walk. Where ever you are on the surface of the earth today, I command you, rise up and walk. You will give your testimony in Jesus' name. Every story that has filled your life with a filthy result, I command you rise up and walk.

For the crippled man in this passage, all his mates had gone far ahead of him. It is not correct that your mates are higher than you, I take you back to your rightful position; take it in the name of Jesus. The day they gave birth to him, he had a name. But that name was swallowed by the situation he found himself. In fact, the Bible says of him " a certain man lame..." His situation swallowed his name. Every negative situation that swallowed your name and destiny, I command that situation to vomit you now in the mighty name of Jesus. Verses 7-8 of our passage indicate how Peter took the cripple by the right hand, and lifted him up immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he arose walking, and leaping, and praising God.

Your miracle will announce you to the world. He was brought to the entrance of the temple daily. Every situation that has daily limited you, I command that situation to be replaced with daily blessings in the mighty name of Jesus.

* Pray and receive strength for every weak area of your life in Jesus' name.
* Ask God for a lifting up in your career, home, academics, etc.
* Command all situations that are dead and contrary to your destiny to rise up and walk.
* Like Peter, command every challenge with which you were born to break off you

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Prospering Anywhere

Text: Gen.26:1-14
More Lessons: III Jn.1:2

Every child of God is an automatic candidate for prosperity. There is nothing we ask from God that He didn't make them available long before we were born. The delays to having answers to our prayers are most often caused by our ignorance or inability to do our own bit of the covenant. Painfully, our part of the covenant with God is so infinitesimal yet we allow situations to blow them out of proportion for us. Take the issue of salvation for instance, God's role in making Jesus available is far greater a part of the covenant; ours is just to believe.

It is like a mathematical equation of God's role taking 99.9% to our .1% .God wants to proper His children but so many of us have placed barriers upon ourselves as a result of what we do or what we wrongly construe as barriers. Not all obstacles are barriers, most of them are stepping stones carefully arranged by God's angels to lead us to our divine destinies. Our ability or inability to comprehend this determines how far and how well we go in destiny fulfillment.

Our passage talks about Isaac and the issue of prosperity. From this passage it is clear that prosperity is not first an environmental affair. Prosperity is not necessarily about what your enemy is doing, has done or is about to do to your matter. Do you know why? The Bible says in Psalm23:5 that,”Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over”.

This is a clear confirmation. In this scripture, David said, in the presence of my enemies, my cup overflows. I declare unto you today that no matter what the situations are, you will overflow with employment, children, abundance and breakthrough right in the presence of your enemies in the mighty name of Jesus. In Gen.26:1which land did the Lord say Isaac should go? Gerar. Which land did He say he should not go? Egypt. What was the result? Gen. 26:13 says, “And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great”. Therefore the type of land which you dwell is not the case, it is what you do with the divine instructions you receive from God that makes the great difference. In Gen.26:14, Isaac prospered so much that the people around envied him. The land of your birth or the town where you work have nothing to do with your prosperity. If as a child of God you are rightly connected to Him, He will make you prosper irrespective of your geographical location or occupation.

* Declare upon your life God's divine prosperity that has no regards for human positioning.
* Pray that God will change your prosperity mentality to connect with His divine plan for your life
* Ask God to make you an Isaac to your generation.

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