Text: 2Tim2:15
More Lessons: Psa.119:18
If you desire to find revelation from God's Word, whether as a preacher or a believer, one of the things you must learn to do is to ask several questions about the scriptures you read. There are two ways to read the Bible; you can read it like a piece of literature and secondly read it line by line, precept by precept and ask questions about what you read. This way you will be reading the Bible as a divine Word of God.
You can read the Bible as a literary text the same way you do when you have the Bible on tape playing. Sometimes, as you are listening to that Bible on tape, you could have the Spirit of God click on one verse. You can stop, note that verse down for an in-depth study later. But primarily there is a place for just listening to the Bible running. There is a place for just reading the Scripture, just running over it. You could take a book, for example, the book of Matthew. Let me tell you that here is no book in the Bible that is difficult to read when you do it that way.
You can take Matthew, for example, and without a need to make marks, to pencil anything, to underline, just read it. You just sit down today and in a few hours, you can finish the book of Matthew. When you finish doing that, you can come back and start noting the parts that struck you. After all these you can now do what we call 'thorough study'.
In order to have a good understanding of such scriptures, sit down and look at the scriptures, take a pen, a notebook, and then read the portion that hit your spirit all over and ask yourself several questions like: 'who was speaking here?' 'Who was he speaking to?' 'What actually could be happening?' Create a scenario in your mind about what could be happening when the matter was spoken. Imagine what the portion in question looked like the day it happened. Thereafter, get some study aids and in addition pray over what you read. As you do so keep your spirit connected to God for the revelation knowledge of His word as such affect your life and relationship or fellowship with Him. In all these, remember that God values an intimate communion with you by the instrumentality of His Word through your deep study, mediation and prayers.
Ask God for indepth understanding of His Word by His Spirit.
* Ask God to help you create time for reading and studying His Word
* Rebuke every wandering thought and lack of concentration while reading the Word.
* Ask God for special ability to understand and interpret His Word
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