Text: Gen.37:1, 3-5.
More Lessons: Matt.5: 14-16
I was in a meeting one day and I was teaching on the gifts of the Spirit. I got to the point where I was explaining the gift of miracles when a deaf and mute boy of about 12 years, who roamed around in a very small town called Ipetu in Kwara State entered. Because the village was so small everybody knew the boy. The parents couldn't control him because he did not even hear what they were saying, so he roamed around the town. This fateful day he entered the church, sat down and watched while I taught.
When I got to the point of trying to explain to believers what the gift of miracle is, and as if to help me do the explanation, I said praise the Lord and the boy stood up and shouted Hallelujah. We had not left the place when the whole town gathered at the church because they heard about the miracle. I don't know how to cover that one. What do you do in that situation? The Bible says when Peter and John healed the man at the beautiful gate, the elders took them and asked them not to preach anymore in this name and decided to rebuke them. They said at the Sanhedrin meeting, For a noticeable miracle has been performed. Nobody can deny this miracle! So what do you do about the people. That's the type of glory I am talking about. You will get one! I'm talking about noticeable miracles. When you talk about glory, there are certain glories that no matter how humble you are, they are there for all to see. They are just there; there is nothing you can do about them. One day, we were to receive Pastor E.A. Adeboye from Lagos; we made sure just very few of us went, we didn't want noise.
The Governor had already told us that we would not be able to use the stadium because of the tension in town. When his aircraft landed, we didn't have to tell anybody anything because all the aircrafts that had been landing were the usual commercial aircrafts. When the jet landed, there were only three people in the aircraft.
Of course people gathered because a private aircraft just landed. And when they would peep to see who was in the aircraft, we had a problem that we didn't prepare to handle. I'm talking about certain measures of glory. What do you think the man of God should do? How does he cover his yam that is spreading now? And I pray for you today, that one day your glory will be so much that you can't cover it anymore. This will happen in a short while. God will pick you from grass and you will find yourself in glory, in the name of Jesus Christ.
* As the glory of the sun cannot be covered and it glory of my life shine.
* Ask God to open Heaven and shine on you.
Take time to worship God.
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