Monday, December 9, 2013

Enemies of your Flying Colours

Text: . Gen.37:13-36
More Lessons: Psa.23:5

There are enemies of your flying colours. As for the glory for you, there is a promise, but you have to deal with the enemies of your glory. Who are these enemies? They are many. That's exactly what glory is like. The higher the glory the more it attracts enemies like insects to light. We are not going to be dealing with all the types of enemies but you can be sure that there are some in your class, even in your village where you have not been for sometime. They've heard about your progress. But the most important one I want to talk and ask you to pray about is the enemy from within.

The enemy within is the strongest. All the people I have mentioned to you had it. What makes the enemy within stronger than every other enemy is because they have all the information about you. I'm talking about vital information that is needed to do anything: your date of birth, the place you were born, in fact, they can tell the world where your head hit the ground at birth. They have it all. They know who your mother is. They are dangerous because, by the reason of the power of information, they can deliver. Whatever is requested and needed for affliction and for destruction, they can deliver. If they need your photograph they have it, if they need your dress, they will deliver. So, they have possession for the purpose of delivery. That makes them very strong and dangerous.

In my place, it is said that if the enemy within does not deliver you to the one outside, the one outside cannot perform. It was the brothers of Joseph who said, We vow this boy must die. The brothers of Joseph were of the same father, they ate the same food, and grew up together with Joseph but his dreams were enemies to them. It's not everybody who likes your dream.

You want to be a pilot and things are working, scholarships are coming. When you become a pilot people will know, they circulate information. Enemies of your progress are worse than murderers. People don't mean evil but they throw information around which is used against you. They will say, “that boy, we know the day his mother gave birth to him, as a matter of fact his father was not around during his naming ceremony”. That's an enemy from within. May every effort of your enemies from within be frustrated, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask the Lord to deliver you from enemies too difficult for you.
* Declare that no matter how close the enemies might be, they will not be able to carry out their evil intentions against you.
* Ask the Lord to expose every enemy of your life and deal with them by His might.

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Appointed for Glory

Text: Gen.37:1-4
More Lessons: I Cor.15:39-41

While some people from one region line up in the civil service for jobs, some of their classmates that they probably taught in class to pass are “appointed” without lining up. And the moment they are appointed, you don't call them by their names anymore. They are “His Excellency”. May Heaven agree to appoint you. The glory of the star is not the same as that of the moon which is also different from that of the sun.

There is a force which, when it comes upon a man, bypasses what men say, and launches you like a rocket. Before this year runs out, we will hear your name world wide, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be your portion to be appointed. It is the will of God because if you look at all the men that God took to glory in the Scripture, the ones He gave beautiful colours were nobody after all. Let's start from Abel. Cain was the elder brother, Abel was the younger but God favoured the younger, Abel. God accepted his sacrifice and that made Cain angry to the point of killing his brother. Even after Abel died his influence on the earth abides to the New Testament. Can you imagine the voice of a dead man making impact on the throne of Heaven when the living cannot be heard? Then you look at the story of Joseph, one of the last in the family. His father loved him because he was the child of his old age; but he was not the youngest, Benjamin was still there. So it's not an issue of old age at all, it's favour.

Why wasn't Benjamin favoured nstead of Joseph? Joseph was brought out from the crowd to be favoured. You will be favoured among many! In Moses' family they were three, Aaron the eldest, Mariam was next, then Moses. God bypassed Aaron and called Moses. Then there came a day when Aaron and Mariam said to Moses, What do you even think about yourself? They conspired against Moses and God answered for Moses, ... if there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream Num.12:6.

Before God finished, Mariam became a leper. Moses had to plead with God to be merciful. God kept Mariam in that state for two weeks so that she could learn a lesson. You will be appointed for favour and glory, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask the Lord to give you grace and glory permanently.
* Say, “I will walk in glory and not in disgrace all the days of my life”.
* Ask the Lord to enlist you as the “glorified one”.

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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Uncoverable Glory II

Text: Gen.37:1, 3-5.
More Lessons: Matt.5: 14-16

I was in a meeting one day and I was teaching on the gifts of the Spirit. I got to the point where I was explaining the gift of miracles when a deaf and mute boy of about 12 years, who roamed around in a very small town called Ipetu in Kwara State entered. Because the village was so small everybody knew the boy. The parents couldn't control him because he did not even hear what they were saying, so he roamed around the town. This fateful day he entered the church, sat down and watched while I taught.

When I got to the point of trying to explain to believers what the gift of miracle is, and as if to help me do the explanation, I said praise the Lord and the boy stood up and shouted Hallelujah. We had not left the place when the whole town gathered at the church because they heard about the miracle. I don't know how to cover that one. What do you do in that situation? The Bible says when Peter and John healed the man at the beautiful gate, the elders took them and asked them not to preach anymore in this name and decided to rebuke them. They said at the Sanhedrin meeting, For a noticeable miracle has been performed. Nobody can deny this miracle! So what do you do about the people. That's the type of glory I am talking about. You will get one! I'm talking about noticeable miracles. When you talk about glory, there are certain glories that no matter how humble you are, they are there for all to see. They are just there; there is nothing you can do about them. One day, we were to receive Pastor E.A. Adeboye from Lagos; we made sure just very few of us went, we didn't want noise.

The Governor had already told us that we would not be able to use the stadium because of the tension in town. When his aircraft landed, we didn't have to tell anybody anything because all the aircrafts that had been landing were the usual commercial aircrafts. When the jet landed, there were only three people in the aircraft.

Of course people gathered because a private aircraft just landed. And when they would peep to see who was in the aircraft, we had a problem that we didn't prepare to handle. I'm talking about certain measures of glory. What do you think the man of God should do? How does he cover his yam that is spreading now? And I pray for you today, that one day your glory will be so much that you can't cover it anymore. This will happen in a short while. God will pick you from grass and you will find yourself in glory, in the name of Jesus Christ.

* As the glory of the sun cannot be covered and it glory of my life shine.
* Ask God to open Heaven and shine on you.
Take time to worship God.

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Uncoverable Glory I

Text: Gen.37: 1, 3-5
More Lessons: 1Sam.18:6-8

To come out with flying colours is to have success, to have something that is admired by everyone, to have something that stands out. Coming out with flying colours is not only a beauty, it is a beauty that is seen and known. Some people have glories that are not known or that are hardly identified but when your colours are flying, your glory is known, your glory is identified, it is visible. When glories are hidden though they exist, they are likely to attract less enemies but when glories are known, whatever happens to you, everybody knows. Everybody hears it, they know how beautiful you are in different areas, but you are likely to attract more enemies.

A Yoruba adage says, When your yam is blowing out, you use your hands to cover it up. This means that you can reduce the number of the enemies of your success by not saying much about your success to people. But there are certain glories that even if no one announces them, they announce themselves. How do you use your hand to cover those ones? The glory that will not be seen must be small. There is a dimension of glory that it doesn't matter how much you try to cover it, it's just known because of its size. A first class cannot be covered if it is first class that is earned; it's just there for everybody to see.

Even if you don't announce it, your teacher can come to class one day and say, I appreciate first class candidates in this class, people like…, how do you cover that? Or your teacher always asks students to answer question in class and you know it, you have to answer. So how do you make your classmates not to know that you are brilliant when you have to write exams and pass? Should a man fail so that his glory will not be seen? No. So I really do not know whether we should pray for glories that are not seen or pray for the ones that are seen, because I am looking for a glory that will announce itself.

* Pray that the glory that God has given you will not be covered.
* Ask that God’s hands will protect the glory of your life from glory attackers and hijackers.
List out what can make someone’s glory not to be seen. Pray about them today.

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