Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dealing with Enemies Within

Text: Psa.18:16-19 
More Lessons: Psa.27:1-8

How do you deal with an enemy from within? The following are what you need in order to deal with enemies within.
1. Wisdom – wisdom is the knowledge of how to do a thing. It is wisdom that people emphasise when they say if your yam grows big, you should use your hands to cover it. What they are trying to say is apply wisdom. If you don't have money to buy fuel and you are planning to buy a motorcycle, buy a bicycle, which does not need fuel; you only need to pump air.

2. Discipline – an enemy from within can be dealt with by discipline. What type of discipline? Restraint. Learn to be restrained, look before you leap, before you announce the next car that you want to buy be sure that it is safe.

3. Prayer – pray some dangerous prayers, for instance use Psalm 18, verse17 says, He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me. That's what to do with an enemy either within or without. Hand them over to God, the God that Hannah spoke about. Don't go about arguing, or asking someone to beg them because they want to kill you. No, deliver them to Him who can kill without using a knife or gun. With prayers you will win, The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up 1 Sam. 2: 6-7. Hand them over to the Lord that kills.

Sometimes you should take your Bible and pick a scripture like the one above, at 12 midnight, stand up and say, Father, the Bible says “the Lord killeth”, I hand over so and so to you, do with him as you are known for doing. The Lord maketh poor: Lord this man has used his wealth to afflict me, let him become poor, let him put his hand in his pocket and find nothing anymore until he acknowledges that there is a God in Heaven. One man sank a million copies of the Bible in the sea because he was wealthy. For several years, God did not act. The day God would act the man ascended to the throne, God allowed him but he never sat upon the throne; at the peak of his popularity, he was a dead man. One arrow from hell and he was gone. The Lord killeth, the Lord maketh alive. Instead of crying around, pray.

* Say, Oh Lord my God, deliver me from my strong enemies and save me from those that hate me without a cause.
* Say, Oh Thou God of Heaven from whom nothing is hidden, expose all the agents of affliction who fight me from within.
* Say Lord, I hand over to You those who hate to see my good.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Handing over to the Almighty

Text: 1Sam.2:3-9
More Lessons: Dan.4:28-37

There is a God who could make a king like Nebuchadnezzar in all his glory to become an animal. Nebuchadnezzar walked out of his bedroom as an animal. From the throne where he was bragging, he just noticed that he was going down, on four and walked into the bush, he grew claws like an animal. The counsel of God was negatively fulfilled over him instantly. Yet God put disability in the subjects so that they saw but could not harm the “animal” or rebel against him when he came back to the throne. The Almighty God is greater than the greatest. I am talking about handing over the enemy from within and outside, to the One who is capable of dealing with them.

The Bible says that the day Nebuchadnezzar was restored, he came and nobody challenged him to say, “This animal, why do you want to rule us?”For seven years God kept the throne and he ruled over his kingdom again. Today, you are going to say “Father, do to every enemy within and without what you did to your enemies in the days of old”. He took Nebuchadnezzar and made him an animal, He sank pharaoh in the Red Sea after killing all the first born of Egypt, disgraced and humiliated Goliath before his death. That is what God does to His enemy.

You are going to pray, “Father, every enemy that has insisted that my glory will not arrive, every enemy that dreams to remove my coat of many colours, do to them what you are known for doing to your enemies. When you finish, Oh God, let the glory fall upon me contrary to their desire.” Because Joseph eventually realised his destiny, you too will get there. One day his brothers went to buy food in Egypt and they had to bow down to Joseph.

I want to guarantee you that by the time you finish this prayer the angels will have been dispatched. I bless you in Jesus’ name. Whatever the enemy took from you I restore back to you; I deny the enemy access to any information they are using to destroy you, in the name of Jesus Christ. The information they have about you, I delete it, I destroy it! And I give you the right of way, go and achieve your goals. Receive flying colours today. I command that your glory cannot be covered, in the name of Jesus. You will not walk small in glory; you will walk in glory that cannot be covered. Before the end of this month you shall see your colours fly, you shall not be denied, in the name of Jesus. Today you will be located for the next level.

* Oh Lord!, be an enemy to my enemies and be ruthless with them in your wrath.
*Ask the Lord to turn every enemy of your life to animals until they repent.
* Say, “In the name of Jesus, Oh enemy, hear the sound of Heaven and melt, in Jesus’ name”. Say this three times and begin to worship the Lord because it is done.

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Enemies of your Flying Colours

Text: . Gen.37:13-36
More Lessons: Psa.23:5

There are enemies of your flying colours. As for the glory for you, there is a promise, but you have to deal with the enemies of your glory. Who are these enemies? They are many. That's exactly what glory is like. The higher the glory the more it attracts enemies like insects to light. We are not going to be dealing with all the types of enemies but you can be sure that there are some in your class, even in your village where you have not been for sometime. They've heard about your progress. But the most important one I want to talk and ask you to pray about is the enemy from within.

The enemy within is the strongest. All the people I have mentioned to you had it. What makes the enemy within stronger than every other enemy is because they have all the information about you. I'm talking about vital information that is needed to do anything: your date of birth, the place you were born, in fact, they can tell the world where your head hit the ground at birth. They have it all. They know who your mother is. They are dangerous because, by the reason of the power of information, they can deliver. Whatever is requested and needed for affliction and for destruction, they can deliver. If they need your photograph they have it, if they need your dress, they will deliver. So, they have possession for the purpose of delivery. That makes them very strong and dangerous.

In my place, it is said that if the enemy within does not deliver you to the one outside, the one outside cannot perform. It was the brothers of Joseph who said, We vow this boy must die. The brothers of Joseph were of the same father, they ate the same food, and grew up together with Joseph but his dreams were enemies to them. It's not everybody who likes your dream.

You want to be a pilot and things are working, scholarships are coming. When you become a pilot people will know, they circulate information. Enemies of your progress are worse than murderers. People don't mean evil but they throw information around which is used against you. They will say, “that boy, we know the day his mother gave birth to him, as a matter of fact his father was not around during his naming ceremony”. That's an enemy from within. May every effort of your enemies from within be frustrated, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask the Lord to deliver you from enemies too difficult for you.
* Declare that no matter how close the enemies might be, they will not be able to carry out their evil intentions against you.
* Ask the Lord to expose every enemy of your life and deal with them by His might.

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Appointed for Glory

Text: Gen.37:1-4
More Lessons: I Cor.15:39-41

While some people from one region line up in the civil service for jobs, some of their classmates that they probably taught in class to pass are “appointed” without lining up. And the moment they are appointed, you don't call them by their names anymore. They are “His Excellency”. May Heaven agree to appoint you. The glory of the star is not the same as that of the moon which is also different from that of the sun.

There is a force which, when it comes upon a man, bypasses what men say, and launches you like a rocket. Before this year runs out, we will hear your name world wide, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be your portion to be appointed. It is the will of God because if you look at all the men that God took to glory in the Scripture, the ones He gave beautiful colours were nobody after all. Let's start from Abel. Cain was the elder brother, Abel was the younger but God favoured the younger, Abel. God accepted his sacrifice and that made Cain angry to the point of killing his brother. Even after Abel died his influence on the earth abides to the New Testament. Can you imagine the voice of a dead man making impact on the throne of Heaven when the living cannot be heard? Then you look at the story of Joseph, one of the last in the family. His father loved him because he was the child of his old age; but he was not the youngest, Benjamin was still there. So it's not an issue of old age at all, it's favour.

Why wasn't Benjamin favoured nstead of Joseph? Joseph was brought out from the crowd to be favoured. You will be favoured among many! In Moses' family they were three, Aaron the eldest, Mariam was next, then Moses. God bypassed Aaron and called Moses. Then there came a day when Aaron and Mariam said to Moses, What do you even think about yourself? They conspired against Moses and God answered for Moses, ... if there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream Num.12:6.

Before God finished, Mariam became a leper. Moses had to plead with God to be merciful. God kept Mariam in that state for two weeks so that she could learn a lesson. You will be appointed for favour and glory, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask the Lord to give you grace and glory permanently.
* Say, “I will walk in glory and not in disgrace all the days of my life”.
* Ask the Lord to enlist you as the “glorified one”.

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