Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Don't Give Up on God I

Text: Mk. 2:1-3 
More Lessons: Ps.107:20

Wherever Jesus went, the crowd gathered because He is the answer to life's situations and circumstances everywhere He went while on the earth. The same thing is still happening today. The same Jesus, the same name of Jesus, the same miracle working power of God is still at work today and I'm glad to announce Him to your destiny, your neighbourhood and to you where you are today that the great miracle working God is still alive, doing as He used to do when He was physically around on earth.

And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them v2. The crowd gathered for miracles but Jesus brought the Word. I found that God's Word and God's power go hand in hand; wherever God's Word is available, there will be signs and wonders. Sometimes I wonder when I see people do miracles that are not rooted in God's Word.

I believe in God's Word bringing forth miracles as it was in the days of Jesus' physical presence on earth. Of course, the people gathered for the miracles, they didn't gather for the Word; but when He came, He gave them the Word. This is simply because the Word works the wonders and sustains the miracles. I want to encourage you to keep to God's Word. Find the Bible, read and do whatever it says. That is the secret of more miracles and of sustaining whatever miracles God will do in your life, because I believe God for something special in your life. I believe God for an impact. I believe God that even as you read this now; the Word of God will bring certain results in your life. Psalm 107:20 says, He sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. I believe that the Word will do something in you as you read with faith in the God that I serve.

It is natural for any person suffering from any form of affliction to rush first for a miracle that will solve the problem than going for the Word. However, for any miracle to be sustained, you must not only hunger for the miracle but hunger more for the Word. Healing or deliverance comes principally by the spoken Word of God with faith and sustaining such miracles is by keeping the Word.

* Re-dedicate yourself to the study of God's Word more than ever.
* Pray that God will work miracles in your life that will shock the world.
* Promise God that on no account will you sideline His Word in your relationship with Him.
* Make up your mind that you will not give up until that matter is settled by God.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Becoming Mighty IV

Text: Judges 6:11-16 
More Lessons: Hosea 4:6

Mighty men are known by the kind of vision they have. In our study of Gideon and his dialogue with the angel, I discovered that he was a man of vision with a purpose in his life. When he asked why things were happening to Israel contrary to the stories they were told by their fathers, he was bringing forth a vision and purpose of how things should be for his people. He was in a way saying that things ought not to be the way they were. Gideon seemed to be saying, “We ought to be enjoying here with the Medianites under us and not the other way round. The plan of God for us is that every nation should be under Israel not Israel serving as slaves to any nation”. That was the vision the angel saw when he concluded that Gideon was a mighty man.

A visionary man has a clear understanding of what the future should be. Why don't you ask God about a life that is full of vision, a life that is teachable, submissive, dedicated to the study of God's Word and determined to get results. These make you a mighty man of valour. There is no man that God cannot make mighty. You don't have to be born great to die great. Take a decision to become something in life and work towards it. If you read 2 Samuel19, you will see the record of the mighty men of David who were nonentity before. When Saul had problems with David and David ran away to the forest, these people left their fathers' houses and followed David. David began to train, teach, build and develop them until they became commanders of the army and were called the mighty men of David. Stop running your destiny down, you can be mighty.

Stop thinking you are a nobody; God did not create you a nobody; He made you somebody. Start today by looking inwards for what God has put inside you for you to get to where you are supposed to be in life. Build it, develop it, work at it. Don't let the pain of yesterday stop your tomorrow. Though your beginning is small, yet shall your latter end greatly increase, financially, materially, spiritually, physically, academically, maritally and all round. Say to yourself, “I will be mighty. My destiny will not be small. I am going somewhere”, and under the directive of the Holy Spirit, work towards realising your dream. You will make it. Don't only dream or talk, work the talk. Though there is nothing wrong in being small, don't remain small.

* Pray for the spiritual understanding of what you need to do to attain your might.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you on the path of realising your dreams.
* Ask God to give you great visions and great accomplishments in destiny.
* Rebuke every medianite hindering your well-being in life.
* Change your negative mindset about who you are.

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Becoming Mighty III

Text: Jud. 6:11-16 
More lessons: Psa.50:14-15

The encounter between Gideon and God's angel in our main text remains one of the strength building passages in the Bible. Among other things, that angelic visitation tells us how deeply God is interested in getting us out of our trouble zones. Israel was under constant raid by the Medianites and just when it looked like God had forgotten about them, He showed up. In the midst of your troubles, don't ever think that God has forgotten you. The Bible says that He is close to the broken hearted.

On your own part, remain conversant with the Word. In verse 15 of our main text, Gideon asked a great question,… did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt but now the Lord hath forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of Medianites. Here Gideon was exhibiting spiritual capabilities based on his understanding of spiritual things. An understanding of spiritual things makes a man mighty. He was invariably saying that if God was with Israel in those years that their fathers told them about, why did God abandon them to the dictates of the Medianites?

He had clarity of what relationship Israel had with God before and what God did compared to what was happening in his days. Out of that understanding arose in Gideon the burden for a change.

A lot of people want to be mighty but they lack spiritual understanding as to what to do. The problem of finance in the church for instance, is not about money but rather it is about people who lack the understanding of what God wants to use money for in His vineyard. Mighty men are men who have spiritual understanding of how things work. Gideon had an understanding of how things work in the spiritual. In verse 14 the Lord looked upon him and said, Go in this thy might. The angel said to him when he finished his submission, you are correct and loaded with enough information as source of strength, so go in that might and perform the dictates of God. The same way as the angel listened to Gideon, God is always eager to listen to your prayers. The angel gave Gideon instructions to go and act and with that Gideon stopped the argument and began to obey the angel.

One of the secrets of mighty people is that they are teachable. A man that cannot be taught can never be mighty. Be teachable. Don't confront your teacher, or whoever is leading you. Spiritual mentors are to be obeyed in all godly instructions. Because Gideon was teachable, at the end of his life, he was a mighty man. May you be teachable and be mighty in the vineyard of the Lord.

* Ask for a clearer spiritual understanding of issues about your life and destiny.
* Pray that you will be teachable even in times of pain and anxiety.
* Ask God to help you obey your spiritual mentors in all godly leadings.
* Prophesy that you will not remain a weakling in the things of God.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Becoming Mighty II

Text: Judges 6:11-16 
More Lessons: Joshua1:1-9

Becoming a mighty man goes with a lot of responsibilities. The Bible personalities who were mighty did not become so by sleeping all the days of their lives. They had an intimate relationship with God and they also kept the commandments and instructions of God and of God's prophets. They studied the Word of God and applied it to their situations.
When I hear people say the grace of God is upon them, I ask how much of the Bible they have read. I do not have respect for church titles without evidence. I do not celebrate people who are church leaders but refuse to master the assignment in their hands even from the point of knowledge. If as an ordained minister you cannot sit down to learn under others, you won't last. The ordination would become a reproach because the man who is too proud to learn will fall suddenly.

There is no way a man can come to church only on Sundays and be a strong man in God. This way, you may be mighty in other areas but definitely not in the things of God. Break with everything that limits your knowledge of God because it reduces your strength daily. Sit down with the things of God like Bible studies, quiet time with God, fellowship attendance, evangelism and the likes. Every Bible study you miss in 52 weeks of the year reduces the strength of your destiny. Every time you refuse to sit down and do quiet time, you grow less in strength and risk the danger that the day brings your way. Gideon said, “God cannot be with me and this thing will happen”. In other words, when God is with a man, he is a winner.

In verse 13, Gideon made an observation about what Israel was going through and wondered where all the miracles were, about which their fathers told them. Gideon was making reference to events in the past that made Israel great and wished such could be repeated so that Israel would triumph over the Medianites and regain their might. Gideon knew God's Word when he said their fathers told them about the miracles in Egypt on to Canaan. Because Gideon had the right and correct knowledge, the angel marked him down as the man needed for the assignment at hand. Gideon knew what God did before, which He could do again.  How much of God's Word have you stored in your spirit? Joshua was advised to hold onto the Word of God day and night and thereafter, he would experience good success. You should do same.

* Pray for divine visitation in times of depression for added strength.
* Connect to the miracles of the past and ask God for more today.
* Declare yourself one of the mighty men of your generation, in Jesus’ name.
Determine to reignite your commitment to the study of the Bible and prayer.

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