Monday, January 20, 2014

God’s Commission

READ: Acts 13:1-5
MORE LESSONS: Eph. 4:11-12
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 14-17

A commission is an assignment given to someone or a group of people. The moment you are born again, you are automatically given an assignment or a ministry to fulfil. But you discover this assignment or ministry only when you continue to walk with God after salvation.

In our text, God commissions Paul and Barnabas, As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away: Acts 13:2-3. Paul did not get this assignment when he was persecuting the Church, rather, it was when he became a member of God's Kingdom and was actively involved in serving God with the other disciples of Jesus that he realised his calling. God will never commission sinners; therefore if you are not saved, there will be no place for you in God's vineyard to render service to Him, The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight: Prov. 15:8.

Since you became a child of God, have you identified God's assignment for your life? If yes, then do not procrastinate because delay is very risky. As soon as the Spirit of the Lord spoke to the disciples concerning Paul and Barnabas, they prayed and laid hands on them and released them for the assignment (Acts. 13:3-4). Another important factor in handling God's commission is faithfulness, which is doing the Master's assignment when He wants it and how He wants it done. God’s assignment is not done when you feel like or when it is convenient..

In the Master's vineyard, everyone that is born again has something to do, so don't be idle. During Jesus' earthly ministry, He was full of compassion for sinners, But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd: Matt. 9:36. Soul winning is an assignment for you, receive courage and start today. I admonish you with what a song writer says, Let none hear you idly saying, there is nothing I can do, while the souls of men are dying, and the Master calls for you, take the task He gives you gladly, let His work your pleasure be, answer quickly when He calleth, here am I, send me, send me.

Prayer/ Action
Ask God for grace to be faithful to the end in the assignment He has committed into your hand

Rebuke the spirit of slothfulness over your life

Ask God to give you at least one soul today

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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Goodness and Mercy

READ: Exo. 33:12-23
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 11-13

A life lived outside of God's goodness and mercy is full of frustration, pain and is purposeless. The presence of God in a man's life helps him find direction in the path of destiny and attracts His goodness and mercy upon such a man. A man experiences the presence of God when he embraces Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour.

In our text, God granted Moses his request because He knew Moses by name, And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name: Exo. 33:17. In verse 19, God also said unto him, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, Moses’ relationship with God gave him the privilege of seeing God face to face.

When God's goodness and mercy is upon you, you become unstoppable in life. Daniel was a man who enjoyed the goodness and mercy of the Lord. Even when his colleagues teamed up to eliminate him, they couldn't because God was with him. Rather than die, it was his enemies that eventually perished in the den of lions (Dan. 6:22-24).

The Psalmist has an in-depth understanding of the goodness and mercy of the Lord, and thus declares, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever: Psa. 23:6. David knows the danger of living without God's goodness and mercy over his life and destiny.

The goodness and mercy of the Lord is so great that there is no human need that can ever exhaust it. The blind Bartimaeuse took advantage of the goodness and mercy of the Lord and he cried out to God with a loud voice, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me: Mk. 10:47. Immediately, Jesus gave him attention, and he received his sight that same moment. Therefore, whatever may be your request today, believe that God will do it for you and it shall be yours, in Jesus name
Prophesy God’s goodness and mercy to your life today.

Declare that every good thing that God has in stock for you will come to you this year.

Manifest God’s goodness in your life today by sharing with someone the testimony of what the Lord has done for you.

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Faithful Helpers

READ: Rom.16:1-10

Bible Reading in One Year: Job 8-10

There is an enviable term that has been used to describe particular categories of men and women across ages. This term describes some people as men of “timber and calibre”. This means people that have great worth, wealth and weight among the people in a community. Such are the men and women that are listed by Paul in today's reading. Consider the description of such brethren as we have in our text and pray earnestly that God will make you a person of “timber and calibre” to His glory, joy of your family and the progress of the nation.

First, such people have the ability to serve. The greatest men of God or leaders receiving commendation of many today are men of great service. Do you want to be well known? Then choose to serve. Second, such a person succours others, implying that they willingly help to bear the burdens of others without breaking under the weight. May God make you a pillar in His house to succour others from today. Third, there are people that laboured for Paul and others. This implies that faithful helpers don't shy away from responsibility or push it to others, they are solution givers. Churches or ministries that have such people flourish abundantly because such men and women labour much and are productive for which God is happy and the church is established.

* Lord, make me a pillar in Your house today.
* O God, empower and enrich me this year and use me to enrich others in my church, family and nation.
* Take steps to develop and advance yourself this year in order to lend to nations and not borrow from anyone.

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Friday, January 17, 2014

No Evil Memorial

READ: Psalm 91:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Psalm 27:1-3
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 5-7

Evil memorial is a sad event that brings sorrow or regret each time you remember. As long as satan has the freedom to move to and fro in his mission of stealing, killing and destruction (Jn. 10:10), evil will abound. Since the fall of man, evil has continued to grow from generation to generation in all areas of life such as natural disasters, hatred, killing, robbery, witchcraft, jealousy etc.

However, in all these, children of God have the privilege of divine defence. Central to the divine defence is the Word of God by which children of God are sustained all through life. A believer’s life is in the living Word and that is why he cannot easily be used for any evil experiment.

To prevent falling into evil you must wrap yourself in the Word of God, which keeps us hidden in God our refuge in a wicked world like ours. The devil cannot penetrate through the Word of God to harm you, that is why God reassuringly asserts, There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling: Psa. 91:10. Only the Master of the universe who has the power to kill and to give life can give such a decree. It is promises like this that give joy and boldness to the people of God.

There are two things you must do to activate this Word in your life and your loved ones. They are found in Romans 10:10, For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
1. Believe in your heart that there shall not be any evil memorial concerning you and your loved ones. You must believe that it will not even come near you. You must carry this mentality in you over every aspect of your life.
2 ...with the mouth confession is made.... Now you must say and pray loud: I reject any evil memorial over me, my loved ones and my belongings for the Word of God says there shall no evil befall me, neither shall any plague come near my dwelling.
Don't fail to say these words out so as to activate the power in the Word. No evil memorial, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer /Action
* In the name of Jesus, my path shall turn to testimony.
* I cancel regrets over my life, in Jesus’ name.
* Evil is not permitted to come near me and all that have to do with me, in Jesus’ name.

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