Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rain down Your Glory

READ: Joel 2:18-22
Bible Reading in One Year: Mark 1-3

The Scripture passage is the promise of God to Israel through Prophet Joel even before the nation went into exile. God had a foreknowledge of what was going to happen to Israel because of their disobedience and He gave them a promise of restoration. Beyond restoration, God also promised to bring them into prosperity and abundance.

These promises are still very much relevant and available for us to tap into because: 1) They are God's Word which is alive, active and potent in all ages; 2) God's Word being spirit outlives any generation to which it is specifically sent or spoken. If any generation inclines its heart to God, His promises will be very much applicable to them.

Let us examine these promises:
1) God promised to send you corn, wine and oil to give you satisfaction.
2) He will no more make you a reproach among the heathen (v.19).
3) God will remove far from you the northern army, the oppressors (v.20).
4) He promised to do great things and encourage the people not to fear (v. 21).
5) Even the beasts of the field are assured of pasture (v.22).
6) God also promised the former rain moderately, and the latter rain in the first month (v.23).
7) Bumper harvest of grains, wine and oil (v.24).
8) A restoration of the years that the locusts have eaten, the instruments of destruction that God sent among His people.
9) He will give you plenty to eat, and be satisfied, so that you can praise the name of the Lord your God that has dealt wondrously with you.
10) You will never be ashamed.

All these promises can be yours in 2014 if only you will speak to the heavens and the earth in prayer as Isaiah instructs, Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together;...: Isa.45:8.

* Wine, corn and oil are mine and I shall live in abundance of them all the days of my life.
* Let the doors of blessing of Heaven and earth be open to me, in Jesus’ name.
* In the name of Jesus, I shall never be ashamed again.


Monday, January 27, 2014

All-Round Glory

READ: Deut. 28:1-14
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 128:1-4
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 38-42

Our first reading is a vivid description of God's desire for His people. However, the delivery of these blessings depends on your meeting the conditions which are mentioned four times within the short passage (vs. 1, 2, 9 and 13). 1. Listen to the Word diligently. This is very essential for knowing who God is, what He wants, what He hates, etc. It will help one to do exploits and deliver one from destruction (Dan. 11:32, Hos. 4:6). It also helps the development of faith and obtaining direction from God, which brings success (Prov. 3: 6). 2. Be watchful and careful to do ALL. Many hear or are eager to hear but they don't practise what they hear. Partial obedience is disobedience before God (Jam.2:10 ). However, it is possible to do ALL that God expects you to do by His grace. Paul says, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me: Phil.4:13.You too can do all that God expects you to by His grace.

This is indeed a promise of an all-round glory from the Almighty, the King of glory and giver of grace and glory (Ps. 84: 11, Ezek. 16:14).

God cannot fail and it’s not His will that any of His children should fail, or be put to shame (Josh. 5: 9 ) because you are created for His glory( Isa. 43: 7). The promise was fulfilled for men of God. For instance, it was said of Abraham that the Lord blessed him greatly in all things (Gen. 24: 1, 34-35, 2Cor. 9: 8). God will make you great as He did Abraham who obeyed His instructions. Isaac also obeyed, sowed and persevered, and Isaac ...waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great: Gen. 26: 13. Even the people of the land envied him, ...for thou art much mightier than we: Gen. 26:16. Such glory is also awaiting you. Even satan reported his failure over Job to God, Hast not thou made an edge about him ...all he hath on every side....: (i.e. security) Job1: 10.

Whatever your past and present experiences, you can still enjoy all-round glory when God intervenes as He did for Jabez (1 Chro. 4: 9-10). A fish cannot be in water and lack water. Get attached to the King of glory by accepting Jesus Christ if you have not done so. If you are in Christ already, note that God has in stock for you unthinkable all-round glory (1Cor. 2:9, 2Cor. 4:16-17). Take these steps also: i) Be angry with everything in your life that is short of glory. ii).Cry to God concerning your situation as Jabez did and became more honourable than his brethren. iii).Seek His face for concrete steps to take. iv).Obey each instruction from Him/His servant (Gen 26:12-14, 2Kg. 4:3-7). v).Be diligent in whatever God directs you to do. vi). Forget the past and believe God to do a new thing in your destiny. vii).Focus on Jesus (2Cor. 3:18). viii).Put your trust in God with whom nothing is impossible and you will experience all-round glory.

* Pray that God will replace all your failures and shame with glory.
* Prophesy that this year, you are moving from glory to glory in all areas of your life.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

All Tears shall be Wiped Away

READ: Luke 7:11-16
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 11:5
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 35-37

God wants joy and laughter for His people. He wants to end sorrow in your life, wipe away all your tears and fill your heart with joy. Any trying condition you are going through now is temporal, For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning: Psa. 30:5. There is therefore no need to worry about the future; standing on God's unchanging Word, your future is secure.

The woman in our text is a widow with only one child, who is everything to her. However, one day the boy die. Her future, hope and joy are dashed because of the boy's death. As the mourners are on the way to bury the child, they meet Jesus the resurrection and life. Filled with compassion, Jesus raises the boy from the dead, thus wiping the mother’s tears. In 2014, everything (your business, finance, career, health, marriage, ministry, spiritual life) that is dead, receive life, and your tears wiped away.

A look through God's unchanging Word assures us that there is nothing you are passing through at the moment that somebody somewhere in the past or in the present has not conquered by God's divine intervention. If they conquered, then you will win. God, who delivered Samaria from lack and shame (2 Kings 6: 24-31), gave children to Hannah who wept bitterly because she had no children (1 Samuel 1; 1-2: 1-9), restored the sight of blind Bartimeus (Mark 10: 46-52), gave the Shunammite woman a child and restored him back to life after he died (2 Kings 4: 11-37), healed the woman with the twelve year issue of blood (Mark 5: 25-34), delivered Daniel from the lions (Daniel 6: 10-32), will deliver you from trouble. Believe God! God comes to the help of those who call on Him. He will intervene in your situation. This year, all your tears shall be wiped away.

* Command every situation that has made you cry to expire today.
* Ask God to wipe away your tears and give you joy.
* Declare that in 2014 you will not weep.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Disaster Free Year

READ: Psa. 91:1-16
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 32-34

It is possible that 2014 may have some challenges, but God's divine will for His children is to have a year free of disaster. Disaster is defined as a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life. In the Old Testament, God permitted natural disasters such as flood (Genesis 6: 11-23; 7: 1-24) to destroy all living creatures on earth except Noah, his family and the animals that he took into the ark because of sin and disobedience. The Lord caused the earth to swallow Korah, Datham and Abiram, their families and belongings because of their rebellion against Moses and Aaron His servants (Num. 16: 1-34). Any kind of rebellion against God and His ordained servants displeases God and can attract a natural disaster upon a nation or an individual. Be warned.

Satan (Job 1: 6-20, 2: 1-9) and his agents such as blood sucking demons, terrorists, suicide bombers, etc are forces of disaster. We must pray against satan and all his agents for a disaster free year. Man, out of wickedness (Esther 3: 7-15) or carelessness (Acts 20: 7-10), can bring disaster upon a nation or self. Our generation is a living witness to global warming that has caused bad changes leading to gradual degradation of nature all over the world. Natural disasters like desertification, drought, flood, etc which usually result in famine have been linked to global warming. But your nation can be free of these natural occurrences. Plane crash, road accident, flood, drought, earthquake, outbreak of disease, fire outbreak, etc are some of the disasters that have destroyed lives and properties in the past few years. These natural disasters can be averted in 2014 and beyond through prayers.

If you have put your trust in Christ and you are walking in righteousness and holiness, you have divine defence, which covers your household and all that you have. The Bible says that God made a hedge round about Job and all that he had such that satan could not touch him (Job 2: 1-9). It was only after God gave him permission that satan brought disasters upon Job. That was in the Old Testament before Jesus died on the cross and shed His precious blood for us. In the New Testament, our defence is surer than that of Job, For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God: Col. 3: 3.

To enjoy this sure defence against disaster, be sure you are born again, walking in righteousness and holiness, living by faith, appropriating the promises of God in His Word, walking in wisdom, taking precautionary measures about your safety. Above all, commit your entire life into the hand of God and trust Him to take care of you.

* Ask God for the grace to live a sin free life and stay above disaster.
* Pray against any planned disaster by satan in 2014.
* Plead the Blood of Jesus as a cover over the new year.
