Text: Est.3:8-15
More Lessons: Psa. 107:20
Bible Reading in One Year; Numbers 4-6
It was by a word from the king that the whole of the Jewish nation was to be destroyed. The king uttered a decree, put a word into writing and spread it abroad the whole kingdom of Babylon, saying that anyone who was a Jew should be destroyed. Esther and the whole of Israel went into fasting and prayer and took steps which made the king to reverse his word. The king wrote another decree that said no man was to lay a hand on the Jews but that the Jews were permitted to destroy anyone that rose against them; and it was so. That's the power of words.
Herodias' daughter danced very well before King Herod and the king said, 'I will give you anything you ask, up to half of my kingdom.'' She requested for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. The king did not go to the prison to remove the head of John the Baptist; he just sent a word. With just a word, the head of a great man was cut down (Matt 14: 6-11).
The day Joseph was to ascend the throne, Pharaoh didn't have to go to the prison. He just sent a word to bring Joseph and gave another word to make him the highest in Egypt, and that was all. These are powerful words of mere men, how much more the Word of the Almighty God.
Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? (Jer 23:29). The Word of God is a hammer and the Word of God is fire. The Word of God does not only affect the natural but it also reaches right into the spirit of a man. One of the strongest weapons that gets the devil out of his hiding and deals with him to the outermost in a man's life and destiny is God's Word. He sent His Word and His words healed them and delivered them from destruction (Ps 107: 20).
The Word of the Lord cannot fail. So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it: Isa 55:11. You can use the Word of God to destroy whatever the devil is doing in your life and to defend your destiny.
* Send God's Word ahead of the rest of your year and command obedience before your arrival.
* Declare that no promise of God will lack its mate in your life.
* Command that your victory will come like the word of Joseph came to him
* T ell the devil that by the unfailing Word of God you are more than a conqueror.
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