Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Word Works

READ: Psa. 107:17-20
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 8:5-10
Bible Reading in One Year: Deuteronomy 4-6

One of the lessons God sought to teach the Israelites during the forty years of wandering in the desert was to bring them to a definite realization of the power and supremacy of His Word over all situations. It is only by this clear understanding that people can wait for the fulfilment of God's Word. The Lord also expects His Church to understand that it was for a purpose that He took the people by the way of the wilderness where they encountered hunger, thirst, snakes, wars etc. In all of these, God showed the sufficiency of His Word to provide water, food and deliverance from Egypt through His sent Word. He wanted Israel to learn to trust His Word in spite of the difficulties. His Word rules over all. He also taught the people to remain resolute in their faith even in the face of opposition.
To become anything in God's hands, you must learn to live by His Word even when others don't. God expects you to stand on His Word as you make choices in all matters. Even when such choices are unpopular, as long as they are godly and scriptural, stick to them. God's Word has everything that you need for godliness and prosperity in life and destiny. Read it, obey it and activate its force by confessing it. No matter how great an automobile is, until you ignite the engine none of its capabilities and functions will be useful. You need to ignite the Word by speaking it. Everything is in the Word but it will not go to work for you until you take it out of the written to the spoken, ...The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart.... Rom.10:8. So for effectiveness of the Word, read it, believe it in your heart and confess it. Activate the Word today by believing and confessing it and see the Word go to work. The Word works wonders for those who put it to work. With God's Word in your life, you are more dangerous than any weapon of war. You can combat any battle and win.
Your worries are evidence of lack of trust in God's Word. Those who believe will not panic or worry. That was why King David said, Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. Psa.119:165. Another version says: nothing can make them stumble (ESV). Stay with God and stand strong.

* Ask for a personal encounter with His Word.
* Ask that God will reveal His fullness to you today by His Word.
* Pray that God's Word will not lose its power in your life.
* Pray that you will be a proof of the power of God's Word in your neighborhood.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Divine Direction for each Day

Read : Psa. 37: 23-25
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 32: 8
Bible Reading in One Year: Deuteronomy 1-3

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way: Psa. 37:23. It is a wonderful experience to have God speak to us on every issue of life. My earnest desire is that everybody becomes able to hear God correctly and make decisions on their own. Your ability to hear God determines the quality of your Christian life. On the other hand, inability to hear and know God's mind is the source of many believers' problems in various areas of life. Many are confused about whom to marry, which career to pursue and about other decisions; this is due to not knowing how to hear God.
Financial prosperity is a matter of divine direction; God can easily lead you to where your prosperity is located. There are many things we struggle about that will become so easy if we obtain direction from the Lord. If you know where what you are looking for is located, all you have to do is to just go straight for it without the stress and struggle or confusion or guessing through life. The strength of many in life has been sapped by living a life of trial and error decision making on major life activities when there is divine direction to make things easy. Studying the Bible is all about getting direction. You have to spend time with the Word of God if you want to be instructed in making the right decision in every area of life because God speaks to us through the scriptures. God's direction can also come to us through the gifts of the Spirit of God upon the lives of His servants. This is the reason why attending church and fellowshipping with other believers are expedient for getting divine directions. God also speaks to us through the dreams of the night but the general point today is that spending time with God and waiting upon Him is a must for getting divine direction for the days of our lives. Personally, I plan and schedule my activities for the months and the year, but I still daily wait on God to get direction from Him before I take any step. I don't start my day until I have heard God about where to go and what to do, and this has worked for me. For many civil servants and business people, the day might have been fixed because they have to report at duty by a certain time. That's good but you must still create and set aside a time to wait on God and hear Him for direction for the rest of your day.
Getting direction from the Lord is the secret of a successful and hitch-free ride through life. I pray that as you seek God’s face to hear Him, He will speak and lead you in the path of goodness and success, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God for an ear to hear Him, an eye to see Him and a spirit that is connected with Him.
* Ask God to help you remove every barrier that hinders you from hearing Him.
* Ask God for a permanent life of divine connection to Him.
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Monday, March 31, 2014

Growing in All Areas

Text: Luke 2: 40
More Lessons: Psa.18:32-34
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Philippians 1-4

Jesus grew into the greatness we see in Him today. There is no sin in being small or being a child; the only crime is choosing to remain a child. Some believers are always complaining about people and the church not giving them enough attention and care, so they move from one church congregation to another. Everybody needs attention but there is a degree of attention that a man looks for and you know that he is still a child. If you are a new convert in Christ, there is nothing wrong with always needing people to visit you, buy a Bible, books and devotionals for you. But a time should come for you to grow and start doing those things for somebody else. If you always need to be followed up and encouraged before you attend church services, you need to grow. It is a child that always looks for attention and wants to be carried; an adult gives attention and carries others.

The major defining point in growth is assuming more responsibility and less dependence. When you start taking responsibility, then you become mature. It is a sign that you have refused to grow up when you don't stop complaining of not being taken care of by people. An evidence of growth is that you learn to handle some things for yourself and have a personal vision and target for your life physically, financially and spiritually.

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man: Luke 2:52. Jesus grew and waxed strong in spirit. Growth and advancement must be all round. Any man who grows in one direction and doesn't grow in others is not growing. If you see a human being with one part of his body growing while the others remain the same, such a person is obviously sick. Kwashiorkor is a medical problem in children in whom you could see just the belly growing big while other parts of the body are emaciated. If you concentrate only on making money and doing well in your career but your spiritual life is going down, that is not growth. At the same time, if you are growing spiritually and there is no growth in other physical aspects of your life then something is wrong.

Remember the Bible says” Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth: III John 1:2. So as you prosper in spiritual things, there must be corresponding growth in physical and material things. Advancement is growing physically and spiritually, and may this begin to find expression in your life from today, in Jesus’ Name.

* Ask God to train your hands to battle so that you can break the bow of steel
* T ell God that you surrender to all His will and plans to make you grow.
* Pray that you will grow and increase in all areas like Jesus did.
* Resist every anti-growth agent in and around you.

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

God is not a Failure II

Text: II Kings 7: 1-20
More Lessons: Isa 55: 8-1 1
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Ephesians 4-6

Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the LORD; Thus saith the TLORD, T o morrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria: II Kgs. 7:1. One day Prophet Elisha said that by the next day the famine in the land would end and there would be overflowing provision. But a man looked at the prophet and said it was not possible even if God would open the windows of heaven. The prophet told him that it would happen but the man would not partake of it, and everything happened just as Elijah declared. The unbelieving man was wondering how on earth the supply would come; he didn't know that before God makes a promise He already has excess of the provision needed to meet the promise.

Nothing can compete with the faithfulness of God. He will always make good His Word; as long as you stay with Him you cannot end up a failure. It is only if you turn back from serving and trusting Him that you become a failure. It is the lie of the devil that makes you think that you will fail when you are with God. But I want you to know that no matter how long a lie lives, the truth will catch up with it. The faithfulness of Jesus is the truth. According to Evang. Reinhard Bonke, 'You can't kill the truth; even when you do, it will resurrect on the third day.'' The lie of the devil that says you will be a failure is about to expire in your life. Just keep holding on to Him who is the Truth and you will see that every failure in your life will turn to success.

If you believe that you will not fail, then you should always live in gratitude and thanksgiving to God, regardless of what you are going through. Even when you seem to meet failure face to face, just keep giving God praise, knowing fully well that with God involved something will happen to change the situation. Do you join those who complain? If so, it shows you have accepted failure. Rather, be like the three Hebrews who insisted on the faithfulness of God even in the face of the fiery furnace (Dan 3: 1-30). They were so confident that God would deliver them, but even if He did not, He was still not a failure.

Have a permanent consciousness of thanksgiving whatever happens or does not happen, Do not allow doubt and double mindedness in your heart. If you have not received what you are praying for, stay on with God. God is not a failure

* Ask God to help you trust His faithfulness even when there are no signs.
* T ell God you believe He is the God of miracles.
* T ell God nothing you believe Him for will fail, in the name of Jesus.
* Give God thanks because He cannot fail.

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