READ: Acts 6:1-3
MORE LESSONS: Titus 1:5-9
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Joshua 4-6
Leadership is about guiding, directing, leading and solving problems. Whether in church or out of church, leadership is a key. Where there are no qualified leaders, the evidence is clear because there will be strings of unresolved problems, crises, breakdown, confusion and lack of progress. Clearly, it is possible to have people in positions of authority yet they are no leaders. This is particularly so where people are given appointments without meeting the required qualifications. When leaders were needed in the early Church, it was to solve problems and there were criteria to set a standard. The leaders were to be:
* Men of honest report,
* Men full of the Holy Spirit,
* Men full of wisdom,
* Men full of faith, and
* Men full of the power of God.
Again, when Moses needed help with the work, his father-in-law advised him, Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: Exo.18:21. Jethro suggested the criteria as:
* Able men,
* Men that fear God,
* Men who hate covetousness,
* Men who are teachable, and
* Men who will be able to teach others.
One of the major challenges in the modern Church is lack of men with Biblical qualifications in leadership positions. Until we insist on appointing men using Biblical standard we will continue to have title holders with little or no solutions to problems in the church. Before Elisha could get Elijah’s mantle, he first qualified as a trained servant. It was written concerning him, Here is Elisha ...which poured water on the hands of Elijah 2Kings 3:11. The same was true of Joshua who served under Moses.
The qualifications for leadership are not in-born, they are acquired and everyone who desires to make a full proof of his ministry and assignment can achieve them. Thirst and cry to God for these qualities and you will have them. May you become a leader of influence, a worthy leader and problem solver to your generation.
* Pray that God will help you become a leader worth its salt.
* Pray that God will grant you church leaders that will make things happen and proffer solutions to all the challenges of life.
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