Monday, April 14, 2014

Wisdom for Soul Winning

READ: Acts 1:4-8
MORE LESSONS: John 1:37-40
Bible Reading in One Year: Joshua 7-9

The moment you give your life to Christ and get born again, your main responsibility is that of sharing the Gospel message of Christ with others, beginning from your home, your immediate family and relations to the uttermost part of the world. Sharing the Gospel of Christ is the most important thing a man can ever do in life. The people who believe your message will receive eternal life having crossed from death to life and will spend eternity in joy and bliss. Those who refuse to believe your message shall be damned forever in the lake of fire. So, it is such a serious matter that all diligence must be employed to get the best result. The following tips in addition to the Holy Ghost power upon you will be helpful in sharing the Gospel message.
1. Be natural while you are serious, do not try to sound over righteous, avoid holier-than-thou attitude that condemns people.
2. Be sensitive, listen to the Holy Spirit. Watch the mood of the person you are to share with. Pick a common subject to start your conversation.
3. Be tactical, avoid being dragged into irrelevant absurdity. Be focused on the main subject which is salvation. It takes wisdom to win souls.
4. Be prayerful. Use every opportunity to silently ask God to help you win the soul.
5. Use the Scripture wisely. Do not just quote the Word, explain the Scripture.
6. Share the testimony of your own encounter with Christ, it can be very powerful.
7. Gently, wisely but firmly press for a decision for Christ right away.
8. Pray with the person on receiving Christ, i.e. lead him or her in prayer to Christ.
9. Invite him to your church or a Bible believing church close by.
10. Keep contact with him or her until they can stand firm in Christ. Go ahead and win a soul to Christ today.
Great reward awaits soul winners.

* Pray that God will give you great passion for soul winning.
* Pray that God will lead you to a ripe soul who is ready to receive Christ.
* Pray that God will anoint you to effectively share the Gospel message souls can be saved.
* Pray that your fruits will abide.
* Make sure you speak with someone for Christ today.

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Qualified to Lead

READ: Acts 6:1-3
MORE LESSONS: Titus 1:5-9
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Joshua 4-6

Leadership is about guiding, directing, leading and solving problems. Whether in church or out of church, leadership is a key. Where there are no qualified leaders, the evidence is clear because there will be strings of unresolved problems, crises, breakdown, confusion and lack of progress. Clearly, it is possible to have people in positions of authority yet they are no leaders. This is particularly so where people are given appointments without meeting the required qualifications. When leaders were needed in the early Church, it was to solve problems and there were criteria to set a standard. The leaders were to be:
* Men of honest report,
* Men full of the Holy Spirit,
* Men full of wisdom,
* Men full of faith, and
* Men full of the power of God.
Again, when Moses needed help with the work, his father-in-law advised him, Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: Exo.18:21. Jethro suggested the criteria as:
* Able men,
* Men that fear God,
* Men who hate covetousness,
* Men who are teachable, and
* Men who will be able to teach others.
One of the major challenges in the modern Church is lack of men with Biblical qualifications in leadership positions. Until we insist on appointing men using Biblical standard we will continue to have title holders with little or no solutions to problems in the church. Before Elisha could get Elijah’s mantle, he first qualified as a trained servant. It was written concerning him, Here is Elisha ...which poured water on the hands of Elijah 2Kings 3:11. The same was true of Joshua who served under Moses.
The qualifications for leadership are not in-born, they are acquired and everyone who desires to make a full proof of his ministry and assignment can achieve them. Thirst and cry to God for these qualities and you will have them. May you become a leader of influence, a worthy leader and problem solver to your generation.

* Pray that God will help you become a leader worth its salt.
* Pray that God will grant you church leaders that will make things happen and proffer solutions to all the challenges of life.

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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Good and Faithful Steward

READ: Matt.25:14-30
MORE LESSONS: I Cor .4:1-2
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Joshua 1-3

God wants each of you to be a good steward of the gifts, grace, talent and abilities that He has given to you. He wants you to be a good steward of your:
* Time
* Money
* Gifts and talents
* Relationships
* Opportunities
* Entire life

In our text, people were given money according to their different abilities. The purpose of the money was very clear, they were to invest the money and make profit for their master. The Bible says the servant who received more money immediately began to invest the money and he soon doubled it.

Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents .v16 He did not waste time but acted promptly .He did not take his relationship with his master for granted, so he did what the man told him to do. He was a faithful steward of what he had. God blessed and commended him, v21. What are you doing with what you have-the money, gifts, talents, relationships and even your life? You are not the owner of anything, God owns it all and He can take it or call you any time to give account of them. The rich fool says to himself,...thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? Luke 12:19-20.

The rich fool forgot that all his blessings and himself belong to God. May you be found to be a good and faithful steward of all that God has committed to your care!

* Give God thanks for the privileges bestowed on you.
* Ask God for the gift of excellent wisdom to serve faithfully with the things that have been committed into your hand.
* Ask God to bless you so greatly that your silver and gold may multiply.
* Ask God to take away any devourer from your life.
* Expect an open Heaven today for the outpouring of certain things you have been waiting for .

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Love your Soul

READ: Prov 8:32-36
Bible Reading in One Y ear: Deuteronomy 32-34

One of the greatest secrets of life unknown to many, both poor and rich, is the mystery of godly living. This mystery is that of knowing that whatsoever a man does in God, is first and foremost for the good of that man before any other person or even God, For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD: Prov . 8:35. The result of righteous living is first to the righteous. The good health, prosperity, peace, advancement, defence etc that the righteous enjoys is first a reward of his holy living. God is not the first beneficiary of holy living. It is the righteous. Someone once said that the affliction and shame of immorality is first on the immoral person before other people around him. Every man is a direct beneficiary of the kind of life he lives. Many times I see people give the impression that their wrong doing is doing God harm in Heaven. This is not so; indeed, it is far from the truth. When you defile yourself with drinking, sexual immorality , smoking and other vices, God does not suffer any illness in Heaven for it; it is you who does. The same goes also for righteous living. Our text today says, But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death: Prov . 8:36. T o hate God and the things of God is death but to seek Him is life and favour , …the soul that sinneth, it shall die: Eze. 18:4; For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God: Rom. 3:23; For the wages of sin is death….:Rom. 6:23; Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him….: Isa. 3:11. All these scriptures imply that the consequences of sin are upon the sinner. The same also goes for righteous living, Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings: Isa. 3:10. May this help you to love righteousness, live righteously , and enjoy the reward of righteous living.

* Ask God to help you live a righteous life consistently.
* Ask God to grant you the blessing of a righteous man.
* Declare your life a fertile soil for righteousness. ? Ask God to perfume your life with His favour.

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