Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Developing Strong Family Ties

Text: Gen. 2:15-25 
More Lessons: Matt. 19:4-6
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.25-28

One of the earliest things God did to establish and consolidate all He created at the beginning was instituting marriage, And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him: Gen.2:15-18. Marriage is an institution ordained by God for the blessing of mankind. Let us therefore examine issues about it:

1. Married life may be likened to a marathon race. The fact that you did not start well does not mean you will not end well. Great beginnings are not as important as the end. When you are tired along the line and feel like giving up, all you need is the determination to keep plugging and moving. Only then will you be able to make it to the end.
2. To have strong family ties, we must close up gaps between members in the family by loving them as you love yourself. Forgiveness, dialogue and togetherness enhance good family ties. Unforgiveness is usually one of the main causes of disaffection in the family.
3. One major purpose of marriage is for the man to have an agreement partner. This can be promoted by being open enough to the other person and agree quickly in adversity. Not allowing anger to linger brakes adversity like nothing else. Amos 3:3 encourages us to stay together in unity.
4. Neglecting your marriage for service to God can be a problem. This was part of what Eli did that in one day both Eli and his children died. And if you neglect your service for marriage as it was in the case of Vashti, partying here and there, it is also a big problem. Marriage and service to God must be wisely balanced by creating enough time for the two.

Moreover, for a family to have very strong family tie, there must be altars of personal time with God as well as couples altar where burdens are shared together. Issues about how to raise the children, deflate tension in the family and similar challenges can be prayed upon at the family altar. Having leisure with family members and creating excitement for one another is a great boost. Creating time to listen to each other and keeping the terms of the marriage covenant will keep both the marriage and family in a good state.

* Lord Jesus, help me to develop a stronger sense of commitment towards my family.
* Father, I receive all it takes to build good family ties in my home.
* I rebuke the power of family breaker over my marriage and family, in Jesus’ name.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Some ways to be Joyful in Christ

Text: Psa. 23:1-6
More Lesson: Jn.15:4-7
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.21-24

The Christian life is not that of pain and trouble, it is rather a life of abundant supply of every good thing. Being in Christ Jesus is the only way to have abounding joy in this world of sorrow.

Our main text, Psa. 23 explores the conditions for walking in and enjoying the great supply. To be happy in Christ and live in joy, you should have a day to day experience of being in Christ and develop a simple heart of complete trust in God to take the word of God as it is all the time. You will therefore need to do the following;

1. Vs.1 The Lord is my shepherd...., This means you have to develop the heart of a sheep and keep the shepherd in front of you always. Willingly submit everything you have into His hand. Allowing Him to have the final say in every issue of your life.
2. Vs.2 He maketh me to…. Allow God to make you what He wants you to be. He will lead you if you take every instruction from Him. Let Him be the one to prescribe how your daily live looks like by knowing what He says about you everyday.
3. Vs.3 He restoreth my soul:.... This happens when you turn your difficult times to prayer times. Every true Christian who wants joy without bounds knows that there is no alternative to prayer.
4. Vs.4 ...for thou art with me;.... A true believer must stay connected to God in perfect obedience. Heb.10:25 commands the believer to keep fellowship attendance. In Mal.3:8, the Bible makes tithe and offering essential. Matt.6:15 makes willingness to forgive compulsory for anyone who wants to enjoy God. Pro.3:9 advises us to give our first fruit to God.
5. Jn.15:11 These things have I spoken unto you, that ... your joy might be full. In as much as the believer abides in Christ he/she is bound to bear fruits and more fruits because the word of God daily purges the believer and he is given “whatsoever” vs.7

All these therefore are some of the things the believer needs to do in order to enjoy abundant life that God promised. God bless you as you begin to strive towards it in Jesus’ name.

* I reject poverty of all kinds today because I can see how rich I am in Christ Jesus.
* I receive the heart of a sheep to enjoy the shepherd’s provision to the fullness, in Jesus’ name.

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Following Instructions

Text: Exo.26:15-25
More Lessons: I Sam. 15:22-23
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.17-20

Orders, directives, guidance, facts and figures are some ways by which instructions are passed from one person to another. Instructions are vital to human existence for when all else fail, read the instructions. Where there are no instructions, error, mistakes, and abuses are inevitable. God has given many instructions- to love, to be kind, to obey parents, to respect authority and to go into all the world with His gospel. Are we following His instructions? To the people of Israel for making the tabernacle, he gave instructions in great details so there would be no mistake. What would have happened if one member of the working team said “forget it, I know a short cut?” then all would have ended in vain. I once heard a man of God say “take every instruction as prescription.” If life will not be struggle without harvest, we must obey God's instructions no matter how we feel.

In life there are many instructions to keep and many people to obey;
1. We must obey the Lord in all things Exo. 19:5, Deut 13:4.
2. Children must obey the instructions of their parents Eph. 6:1, Col.3:23.
3. The laws of the land must be obeyed by the citizens Titus 3:1.
4. People in authority must be obeyed Heb.13:17.
5. Wives must obey the instructions of their husbands I Pet.3:1.
6. And when it comes to clashes of instructions between man and God, we must obey the Lord Acts 5:29.
7. The instructions of the servants of the Lord must be obeyed II Thes.3:14

The Bible is a book containing many instructions of life. Each day we open it to read we are taking instructions from God. And it is wisdom if we obey. Isa.1:19-20

* Lord Jesus, give me the heart of flesh to obey you in all things.
* I receive the grace to obey the instructions of the Lord as a command all the days of my life.
* I will follow the commandments of the Lord no matter how difficult it is in Jesus’ name.

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

God Cares

Text: Psa. 34:15-22
More Lessons: Job 36:5-12
Bible Reading in One Year: 1Sam.14-16

Our text today is the answer to one of the greatest questions we are confronted with today. Our God is Jehovah the breasted One; ever ready to help all those who come to Him. If you want to know whether someone cares about you or not check whether he often offers you a listening ear, a helping hand, and encourages you when you are downcast. These are the things the Lord does in the life of His children and much more.

Sometimes you hear people say “no one will ever know how I feel, and no one seems to care” David had a similar experience of abandonment by his friends and alies. However, understanding the God in whom he trusted, David later said God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psa.46:1. How comforting it is when we are in trouble to know that God cares. The Lord is always near but especially tender with us when we are broken-hearted. No situation is too difficult for God to handle and he is ever willing to help His own. I Pet. 5:7 says Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

To receive constant care from the Lord we must learn to call upon Him in prayer and live in His presence daily. Thereafter, He will command people to bring succor and care to you in any situation.

Moreover as a child of God, if you are in any need, feel free to talk to other children of God about it. God can use them to meet your need and He will, in Jesus' name. Many a times children of God languish in their troubles because they listen to the enemy. Satan can say “Don't tell anybody, they will not help you.” All these are Satan's gimmicks to keep you in trouble perpetually. Break the chain today and be free forever. God cares for you and so do other children of His.

* Father, help me to always remember that you care for me.
* I receive the grace to give and receive care from others.

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