Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why We Worship II

Text: John 4:21-24
More Lessons: Psalm92: 1-3
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Sam.16-18

A great and dynamic tool that can connect mere mortals to the supernatural power of the spirit is the medium of worship. All religions on earth no matter their beliefs admit to one thing that there is God and He is to be connected with through prayer and worship. The very fiber of the human soul is designed to desire connection with a supernatural intelligence which is God. True satisfaction streams from a life that is connected to God in continuous worship and praise. Genuine worship is extremely powerful because it takes our focus off the problems, pressures and frustrations of this world and fixes our gaze on Jesus. And as we concentrate on the goodness of Jesus, the burdens and pains we feel are lifted. This is the reason why it is easy to be healed and delivered from the works of Satan under the thick anointing in worship atmospheres or meetings. Satan cannot stand the character of a worshipper. (Psa 22:3)

Worship cleanses us from satanic activities and activates us towards the things of God. It is easier to hear the voice of the sweet Holy Spirit, be inspirited in righteousness and exercise deeper levels of spiritual authority in worship because worship is a tuner; it is a doorway to encounter God. A true worshipper is always renewed and revived, full of joy and peace because there is no better place to be than where God is praised.

When the Bible admonishes all that have breathe to praise the Lord, it actually means that praise should be spontaneous to the believer as breathing is to all living. In all the miraculous signs and wonders that the children of Israel saw and witnessed in their exodus from Egypt to Canaan, they didn't learn to worship God for His wondrous acts enough. Consequently most of them didn't get to the Promised Land; not because God lied on He promise but because they murmured against Him instead of praising Him. When we worship we accelerate the promises of God over our lives.

Worship makes it easy for God to bless us. I tell you, the good life is for the worshipper. I don't care what you are going through now, I dare you to praise God anyways. I dare you to lift those hands even in that struggle and give Him all the glory because He is good and His goodness isn't any less just because you had a bad day. This is what David meant when he said in Psa. 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

* Thank The Lord because no matter what you're going through, he is still faithful.
* Ask the Lion of the tribe of Judah to ride on your praise and destroy the enemy of your destiny fulfillment.
* Pray that the miracles, signs and wonders that follow true worshippers will be your daily experience.
* Declare that every sin, guilt and the spirit of condemnation that dilutes the power of praise and worship is dismantled and dislodged now, by the blood of Jesus.

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Why We Worship I

Text: I Chron.16:29-34
More Lessons: Psalm 150: 1-6
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Sam.13-15

One of the most important questions to answer in the Christian race is why we worship? Do we worship just to feel good at the beginning of the service to prepare our minds for the message? Or do we worship to sing along with the choir who had rehearsed all week so they can be encouraged to 'keep up the good work'? Do we worship to bribe, cajole or compel God to bless and favour us? Could it be that we worship to make people think we are good Christians? So many people in the Christian faith worship God for different reasons. We cannot discern or understand the right and acceptable reason for worshipping God if we do not understand worship and what it means. In simple Christian terms, worship is expressing worth-ship to God. So worship has to be a deliberate effort to appreciate God. It requires a heart that can reflect on the goodness of God (Psa.111:1, Exo.15:1).

Worship is more than just another nice song. It is more than the stage, the smoke machines, the lights and the choir's excellent delivery. We cannot separate worship from fruitfulness and grace because what we appreciate, appreciates in our lives. God is good, so when we appreciate Him, good things increase and appreciate in our daily lives. But if we spend all our days murmuring and complaining about the things we do not yet have or the things that are undone, we will keep moving in circles of low and sluggish circumstances. Worship is a protocol of spiritual exchange because when we praise God He raises us. And when we fulfill our obligation in worshipping God, God is committed to fulfilling His divine pleasure, which is to bless us beyond boundaries.

We worship God because we love God. Worship is not a means to an end or a machine for producing miracles. It is not an opportunity to show the world style and talent. It is the love language of God. We cannot parallel the goodness and faithfulness of God or pay him back. Therefore, in response we live for Him. We might not all be good singers but we can all be good worshippers. Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.: Psa.150:6

* Thank God for the opportunity God has given you to enter his courts with praises and make acceptable sacrifices before Him in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for a deeper revelation of the the purpose and power of worship.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to forge in you a grateful heart and grace to make worship a lifestyle.
* Declare that there will always be something to thank God for in your life.

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Everyday at Mount Zion

Text: Heb. 12:22-24
More Lessons: Psa. 48:11
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Samuel 9-12

Whenever you wait upon the Lord in His presence, you are at Mount Zion-the mountain of the Lord's presence. The mountain of the Lord is the place of help; this is why King David said: I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help. (Psalm 121: 1) At Mount Zion you connect with help- help for success, help for breakthrough and for advancement.

At mount Zion you also connect with rejoicing when you come before the innumerable company of angels in joyful assembly.

Let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad, because of thy judgments: Ps 48:11.
Each morning in God's presence you connect with the spirit of rejoicing for the rest of the day and dispel sorrow, weeping, disappointment, shame, and embarrassment from the day and so good results await you for each day. The spirit of rejoicing is the spirit of getting good results because it is having good results that brings rejoicing. At the Lord's presence where there is help and rejoicing, your good result is sure. The way to get good results is to have faith in the words that God has spoken. For by faith the elders obtained a good report. (Heb 11:2 .I gave God's word to a woman who had been waiting for children about the children that she was going to have and even gave her their names. As things will happen after I gave her the Word from the Lord, her husband died; and it was as if the word was not going to come to pass. After this I spoke to reconfirm the words to her even though naturally it looked as if it was impossible because she was widowed with no children and even financially things were hard for her. But today she is an Associate Professor; with two male children; and now she is not a mean woman by any means. That is getting a good result even when it looks as if it is no longer possible. The word of prophecy to her came to pass.

There is no prophecy from Jehovah that will not come to pass. If Jehovah says that you are going to give birth to a baby in 24 hours, you had better believe it; it is true and correct. There is help and rejoicing at Mount Zion because the Lord gives you good results and celebration follows. This is your portion as you use this time to wait in God's presence today.

* Ask the Lord to teach you how to tarry in His presence
* Ask the Lord to release upon you the benefits of staying in His presence.
* Pray that God will make you walk in faith and receive the manifestation of all that have been written concerning you

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Blossom in your Wilderness

Text: 2Sam.17:27-29
More Lessons: Psa.6:8-9
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Samuel 5-8

In our text, David was going through a wilderness experience. He had been driven out of the palace in Jerusalem by his own son, Absalom; his trusted friend Ahitophel had taken counsel against him. His concubines had been defiled publicly by his son, Absalom. The king had been humiliated and driven into the wilderness together with his royal troop with no food, or provision. All was hot and dry.

Then God sent three men with abundant provision to refresh David in the wilderness. This is the way God works. When you find yourself in the wilderness of life for whatever reason, He sends provision to refresh you, so that even in the wilderness you can blossom. When Israel was crossing the wilderness into their inheritance in Canaan, God gave them abundance of manna, meat and water from the Rock that followed them, to refresh their souls. The Lord will never leave nor forsake His people. What is it that you have been going through? In what wilderness experience have you found yourself? The Lord is there for you even in the wilderness. He will supply all that you need. He will send helpers who will bring provisions that you need. Even in the wilderness God is still a God of provision, He will furnish a table in the wilderness.

The only question today is, Who hath believed our report?....Isa.53:1. Who is ready to believe that God can do all things, including turning a wilderness to a table of provision,

The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly…. Isa.35:1-2.

No matter the dry situation you are going through, call Jehovah to it. Hand over your position, debts, financial crisis to Him and leave them there with Him. If you believe in the power that makes the wilderness to blossom as the rose, you will see the miracle of the Lord.

* Give God thanks for His power to make the wilderness to blossom.
* Pray that the Lord will send you abundance of what you need in your present situation.
* Pray for a divine intervention in the finance of your home, church and nation, and that you will have more than enough no matter the situation.

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