Thursday, May 22, 2014

Applying the Kingdom to your Destiny II

Text: Rom. 14:17-19
More Lessons: Prov. 11: 1-11
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Samuel 22-24

Righteousness is the key to the Kingdom of God and the key to prevailing in destiny. Wherever there is righteousness, peace and joy will follow. When you do things right, you live free of guilt which makes you peaceful and this brings joy. It is impossible for a person who has no peace to be joyful. This is the relationship; right living ensures peace and this brings joy. The Kingdom of God is full of joy because everybody does right, but anywhere you see disorderliness, there can never be joy there. For your destiny to prevail, you must live a righteous life.

God's demand for righteousness is not to terrify us; it is to make things work for us. If you are not living right, you are actually denying yourself of the key to destiny. When you apply the Kingdom principle of righteousness to your life, you make profit. Prevailing is always by doing things right, even in business. Righteousness ensures that you have good products and make a good presentation to your costumers. There are people you do business with and regret; they have no attraction, excitement or sense of humour; they are always frowning at customers and clients; they do not take care of people and items. This is not right! It is not the Kingdom way of doing business.

Righteousness opens the door to wonderful results. There is no where righteousness rules and things don't work. Righteousness is the rule of law; it is ensuring that things are done according to God’s law. If things must work in a nation, there must be adherence to the rule. To prevail in life by applying righteousness, find out the rules of whatever you are doing from the Bible and strictly follow them. No matter how skillful a person is in a game, he can never win if he doesn't even know the rules. Righteousness is about knowing and following the rules. Be it in finances, marriage, relationships, academics and careers, you can't score a victory outside of righteousness.

Righteousness is beyond not committing sin; it is about doing things correctly as commanded by God. There are certain things that are not sins but are not the right ways of doing things if you must get results. Such things become acts of unrighteousness because they are not right; and no man gets good result out of unrighteousness. Always remember that if you do things right, you will get the right result in destiny. Through the accomplished work of Jesus on the cross, righteousness has been purchased for as many as will believe in it and ask for it, and that includes you today.

* Ask God for grace to live a righteous life and always do things right.
* Ask God to pour the spirit of righteousness upon His Church afresh today.
* Pray that you will be an example of righteousness.

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Applying the Kingdom to Your Destiny I

Text: Rom 14: 17
More Lessons: Phil. 4: 4-8
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Samuel 19-21

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost: Rom 14: 17. What makes the Kingdom of God work is also what makes a destiny work. We must understand the principles of God's Kingdom and apply them to our destiny if we must live a prevailing life. The Kingdom of God is not in eating and drinking and so your destiny is not about eating and drinking. There are physical and spiritual dimensions to the Kingdom of God and so your destiny is not just physical but there is also a spiritual perspective to it. What applies to the Kingdom also applies to each individual’s destiny. The point is that you must understand and apply the principles of the Kingdom to your destiny for you to prevail in life.

Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost matter in God's Kingdom and in destiny. Righteousness, simply put, means doing right; it is having the spirit of doing things right. Peace is a state of being at rest while joy is an unconditional expression of happiness.These three things are proofs that God rules over the Kingdom. When God rules in your life and destiny, you love to do things right; you are at rest and have joy. When a person understands this, he won't find it difficult to sing, dance, clap and praise God either in church or outside. Even when facing difficulties and challenges, if you are a true member of the Kingdom of God, you understand that life in the Kingdom of God is about joy and that the church is a sanctuary, not a mortuary. The Kingdom of God inside you swallows the things of the world around you.

When you see people that understand that the Kingdom is about peace and joy, they might have had a loss but you hear true worship flowing from them. A person may not have a child but be the most excited person in church because she understands that the Kingdom of God is not about the number of children you have, but the number of men that you've brought to Christ. There is peace in the Kingdom. You prevail in destiny by maintaining peace even when there is financial hardship and the enemy is striking; somehow you are restful on the inside of you. When you are a member of the Kingdom of God, you know that your tears shall be wiped away. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away: Rev 21:4.

The Kingdom of God is about living in peace and joy; no sorrow is found in it. Receive the joy, peace and righteousness of His Kingdom today and forever.

* Ask God that the Spirit of the Kingdom rest upon you.
* Reject the spirit of sorrow and unrighteousness in all areas of your life.
* Pray that no force will be strong enough to pull you out of God's Kingdom.
* Rededicate yourself into His Kingdom.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why We Worship II

Text: John 4:21-24
More Lessons: Psalm92: 1-3
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Sam.16-18

A great and dynamic tool that can connect mere mortals to the supernatural power of the spirit is the medium of worship. All religions on earth no matter their beliefs admit to one thing that there is God and He is to be connected with through prayer and worship. The very fiber of the human soul is designed to desire connection with a supernatural intelligence which is God. True satisfaction streams from a life that is connected to God in continuous worship and praise. Genuine worship is extremely powerful because it takes our focus off the problems, pressures and frustrations of this world and fixes our gaze on Jesus. And as we concentrate on the goodness of Jesus, the burdens and pains we feel are lifted. This is the reason why it is easy to be healed and delivered from the works of Satan under the thick anointing in worship atmospheres or meetings. Satan cannot stand the character of a worshipper. (Psa 22:3)

Worship cleanses us from satanic activities and activates us towards the things of God. It is easier to hear the voice of the sweet Holy Spirit, be inspirited in righteousness and exercise deeper levels of spiritual authority in worship because worship is a tuner; it is a doorway to encounter God. A true worshipper is always renewed and revived, full of joy and peace because there is no better place to be than where God is praised.

When the Bible admonishes all that have breathe to praise the Lord, it actually means that praise should be spontaneous to the believer as breathing is to all living. In all the miraculous signs and wonders that the children of Israel saw and witnessed in their exodus from Egypt to Canaan, they didn't learn to worship God for His wondrous acts enough. Consequently most of them didn't get to the Promised Land; not because God lied on He promise but because they murmured against Him instead of praising Him. When we worship we accelerate the promises of God over our lives.

Worship makes it easy for God to bless us. I tell you, the good life is for the worshipper. I don't care what you are going through now, I dare you to praise God anyways. I dare you to lift those hands even in that struggle and give Him all the glory because He is good and His goodness isn't any less just because you had a bad day. This is what David meant when he said in Psa. 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

* Thank The Lord because no matter what you're going through, he is still faithful.
* Ask the Lion of the tribe of Judah to ride on your praise and destroy the enemy of your destiny fulfillment.
* Pray that the miracles, signs and wonders that follow true worshippers will be your daily experience.
* Declare that every sin, guilt and the spirit of condemnation that dilutes the power of praise and worship is dismantled and dislodged now, by the blood of Jesus.

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Why We Worship I

Text: I Chron.16:29-34
More Lessons: Psalm 150: 1-6
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Sam.13-15

One of the most important questions to answer in the Christian race is why we worship? Do we worship just to feel good at the beginning of the service to prepare our minds for the message? Or do we worship to sing along with the choir who had rehearsed all week so they can be encouraged to 'keep up the good work'? Do we worship to bribe, cajole or compel God to bless and favour us? Could it be that we worship to make people think we are good Christians? So many people in the Christian faith worship God for different reasons. We cannot discern or understand the right and acceptable reason for worshipping God if we do not understand worship and what it means. In simple Christian terms, worship is expressing worth-ship to God. So worship has to be a deliberate effort to appreciate God. It requires a heart that can reflect on the goodness of God (Psa.111:1, Exo.15:1).

Worship is more than just another nice song. It is more than the stage, the smoke machines, the lights and the choir's excellent delivery. We cannot separate worship from fruitfulness and grace because what we appreciate, appreciates in our lives. God is good, so when we appreciate Him, good things increase and appreciate in our daily lives. But if we spend all our days murmuring and complaining about the things we do not yet have or the things that are undone, we will keep moving in circles of low and sluggish circumstances. Worship is a protocol of spiritual exchange because when we praise God He raises us. And when we fulfill our obligation in worshipping God, God is committed to fulfilling His divine pleasure, which is to bless us beyond boundaries.

We worship God because we love God. Worship is not a means to an end or a machine for producing miracles. It is not an opportunity to show the world style and talent. It is the love language of God. We cannot parallel the goodness and faithfulness of God or pay him back. Therefore, in response we live for Him. We might not all be good singers but we can all be good worshippers. Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.: Psa.150:6

* Thank God for the opportunity God has given you to enter his courts with praises and make acceptable sacrifices before Him in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for a deeper revelation of the the purpose and power of worship.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to forge in you a grateful heart and grace to make worship a lifestyle.
* Declare that there will always be something to thank God for in your life.

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