Monday, June 9, 2014

I see Jesus I

Text: Matt. 14:22-32
More Lessons: John 12:21
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Kings 15-17

We cannot underestimate the power of vision, desire and imagination. The imagination is the picture-producing part of the mind in the human soul. The things we imagine today determine what we will eventually achieve tomorrow. The pictures that are formed in our imagination shape our desires and release the passion required to pursue those things that have been conceived in the mind. For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...: Prov. 23:7 This means that the real measure of a person's worth is not determined by the amount of money and influence he has but it is a function of the nature of his thoughts. Everything we see today started with a thought. When in the beginning God said, let us make man in our image; He was sharing His thoughts with the other two Persons of the Godhead; the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Look at the result of that singular thought today. Creativity and invention are really about what possibilities you create for yourself in your imagination.

Imagination is the seed for manifestation. It is on this principle that faith works. Whatever we want to experience we have to first believe in our heart and mind that it is possible by faith We must create and allow pictures of the desired output to occupy our minds until they control our words and actions so much that they come to pass. This is why the hallmark of Christianity is to see Jesus. Peter learnt this lesson while walking on a turbulent sea at Jesus’ command; he lost his focus on Jesus and began to sink. The Bible confirms to us that the moment he took his eyes off Jesus and saw the winds, he began to sink.

Walking in the supernatural power of God is only possible to those who will see Jesus rather than their pain and difficulty.

(Heb.12:2) As we see Jesus we find strength to overcome all the burdens and shame until we ascend the throne that God has set for us. Whatever miracles Jesus wrought we are empowered to do more if we fix our gaze on His finished work on the cross and never stop believing. It was this mind that was in Peter. He told himself, ‘if my master can, then I can too’ if you fix your eyes on the possibilities that are in Jesus, they become your possibilities too.

* Thank God for giving us a perfect model of victory and breakthrough in Jesus Christ.
* Ask in prayer that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened so that you will see and walk in what the resurrected Christ has done and finished for you.
* Pray that God will grant you power to keep looking at Jesus for everything, everyday of your life.
* Declare that in every area of your life where you have sunk before, you are now walking on the turbulent waters of life.

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Power of Access

Text: Heb. 10:19-23
More Lessons: Matt 27: 50-54

Bible Reading in One Year: 2Kings 11-14
Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, Heb 10:19. When a man has access to the highest seat of authority, there is nothing he cannot get done. When Esther got to the highest seat of authority in the kingdom of Persia and Medes, she could change a decree that was already made and also destroy Haman, the enemy of the Jews and his ten sons in one day (Esth. 9: 13).

There is so much power in having access to God. When the Blood of Jesus was shed at Calvary, something happened in the sanctuary. The Bible records that the veil of the temple was rent into two: And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; Matt 27:51. This signifies the act of God to give us access to the most powerful place in the whole universe by the work of the Blood of Jesus. By this Blood we can enter into the Holies of Holies of God and ascend into the throne room where God sits. The Blood opens the door for you to reach where God is, and when you get there you can press any button and determine the destiny of several people. By access to God through the Blood of Jesus, you have everything that God created at the tip of your fingers. It is my desire that you will stop complaining and start using your power of access to God to start changing situations, determining things about yourself and even so many other people by the Blood. There is so much power in the Blood of Jesus.

The Word of God is another door opener. It is said that wherever the word of a king is, there is power. Applying this, we know that God is more than a King. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. If the word of an earthly king can open doors, what about the Word of the Everlasting King? The sent Word of God into any situation is equivalent to the voice of the Lord (Psa.29:4-5). And when a child of God declares the Word of God over any situation, it becomes the voice of the Lord which is capable of removing any lock. This explains why the Bible says, Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways Job22:28.

* Using Psa. 24:7, ask God break every satanic road block and gates that are against your progress.
* Ask God for favour before everyone from whom you need a help.
* Ask that the doors of help shall not be shut against you.

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Prevailing Destiny

Text: Gen.32:24-28
More Lessons: Hos.12:3-6
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Kings 7-10

A prevailing destiny is one which wins in every area of life, be it spiritual, physical, financial or in the area of career. It is a destiny which conquers on all fronts from birth to the tomb. To prevail in destiny, one must live with the consciousness that when you die physically on earth, you start living somewhere else, and that what you do with your destiny while on earth is eternally important. The Bible says, For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit: Rom 14: 17 (NIV).

Life and destiny are not about drinking and eating; you cannot afford to live only for what you will get, eat, drink, enjoy and other mundane things of life. No! Your destiny is far beyond that. A man who lives just to satisfy himself- his belly and other appetites-cannot be a prevailing Christian. A prevailing destiny has a vision to pursue a career, to actualise, to raise children for God and bless people around him/her. All these are part of your destiny so you have to think about them.

Also, the prevailing destiny is not that which didn't have a fight but that which was able to handle the fight of life. We can't talk about prevailing and expect a smooth life that is devoid of any challenge. As a matter of fact, life becomes dull without challenges. The best of life comes from the moment of victories over battles. If you want an exciting and remarkable life, look for battles in life, and then go ahead and bring out the triumph. A lot of people give up the moment there is a challenge in life but what you need is to put up a fight of faith and lay hold on the victory by bringing out the best of the situation. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, .... 1 Tim 6:12.

Finally, a prevailing destiny has the wisdom to avoid distractions in all areas. Avoid things and relationships that don't take you to the right direction in destiny. Brethren, beware that sometimes the devil brings a fight for the purpose of distracting you in destiny. Your ability to overlook that distraction and concentrate on what you are doing is very important.

You will prevail in destiny, in Jesus’ name. Jacob was a symbol of many battles of life; in fact, from the womb to old age. He battled in life so much that he even had to wrestle with God but he prevailed and out of that the name Israel came forth, … for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.v28.

* Ask God for help to be a winner on the earth and not a loser.
* Ask for the blessing of Israel to prevail with man and with God.
* Ask God for a sound of rejoicing over every battle of your life.

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Friday, June 6, 2014

Maintaining the Glory

Text: Num.20: 1-12
More Lesson: Rev. 3:11
Bible Reading in One Year: 2Kings 4-6

We have been talking about the great glory that Moses experienced in God but do you know that he didn't enter into the Promised Land? The Bible says it came to pass on one occasion that the Israelites were murmuring because they wanted water; they murmured as usual and by then you would think that Moses should have been used to the murmuring of the people. Just this one occasion, the great man of glory struck the rock instead of speaking to it. He was angry with the people so he said and did things he shouldn't have and the Lord told him, 'That's it. You will see the Land but you will not enter into it'. He was to see the glory but not to partake of the glory. Moses, the man that the Bible says was the meekest man was brought down by a bout of anger. The man who said that without God's presence he would not go and God gave him a guarantee of His presence still missed it. If someone like Moses could miss it, then we all have to be careful. Thank God he made heaven.

Brethren, the great challenge I throw to you today is to daily take the responsibility of maintaining and guarding God's glory in your life. Job was another man who had experienced God’s wonderful glory but one day, something happened that made him say: He hath stripped me of my glory, and taken the crown from my head: Job 19:9. This shows us that glory can be withdrawn and removed. So, you don't only need to know how to prepare for glory; you also need to know how to handle and manage glory.

The first thing in sustaining glory is that no matter how great you have become, it is necessary for you to remain with God because it takes only a little thing for glory to be stripped off you. When pride, anger and arrogance begin to come into a man's life, the man's glory is nearing its end. If some men in the world today know that they can be stripped of glory, they will be more careful of how they handle it. Friends, do not allow wealth, titles and position to get into your head because glory can change.

O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? how long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? Selah: Psa. 4:2. The worst thing is that glory can turn into shame; and sin and seeking vanity (idolatry) are what cause this.

If your glory will not depart, cease or change, then you need to ask God to defend your glory. And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: FOR UPON ALL THE GLORY SHALL BE A DEFENCE: Isa 4:5.

* Today, you need to cry to heaven that your glory shall neither be taken nor become a shame.
* Ask that your glory and place another shall not take.
* Pray that you will start and finish well and strong.

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