Friday, June 20, 2014


READ: Lk 16:20-26
MORE LESSONS: Lk. 16:27-31
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 24-26

Eternity refers to not having an end, being endless or infinite. God is eternal, heaven and hell are eternal; I mean forever. Anybody who accepts Christ as his Lord and Saviour and has his name written in the book of life will live with God eternally. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (ESV) Jn. 3:16. Let us examine some things the believer will enjoy with God in eternity:
1. a new name – Rev. 2:17,
2. an immortal body – I Cor. 15:52-53,
3. eternal life – I Pet. 5:10, I Jn. 2:25,
4 . the tree of life – Rev. 2:7,
5. no second death – Rev. 2:11,
6. the morning star – Rev. 2:28,
7. his name shall not be blot out of the book of life – Rev 3:5,
8. Jesus' new name – Rev. 3:12.

On the other side of eternity is the lake of fire, where Satan, his host and those who served him on the earth shall be. This also shall be forever, eternal and unending. Let us consider the activities and characteristics of this side of eternity:
1. weeping and gnashing of teeth forever
– Matt. 13:50,
2. darkness forever – Matt. 25:30,
3. unending wailing and gnashing of teeth,
4 torment of fire – Lk. 16:24, Rev. 20:10,
5. eternal separation from God – Lk. 16:26,
6. regrets and guilt – Lk. 16:27-30,
7. worms that never die – Mk. 9:44.

These are the two places available to spend eternity, but each is by choice. You and I have the great honour of making our choice. The rich man and Lazarus both had a choice between eternity in hell or in Heaven (Lk. 16:25), the prodigal son had a choice between riotous and prudent living (Lk. 15:11-15); Israel under Joshua had a choice between Baal and Jehovah (Josh. 24:15). To spend eternity on the side of God you have to be reconciled to God, accept that you have been a sinner and that you now want Jesus to come into your life, forgive you, wash you with His blood and accept you as His child. It can not be delayed anymore, not even for a second. Remember, eternity is a long! long!! long!!! time. Where will you spend eternity?

Prayer / Action
* Pray that whatsoever takes men to hell will be removed from your life.
* Pray that your name shall not be blotted out of the book of life.
* Pray that the power that kept Jesus on the earth will keep you till you see Jesus face to face.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dare to be Different

READ: Gen. 5:1-25.
MORE LESSONS: Dan. 1:1-9
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 21-23

Life is about choices; you write the report of your life (good or bad) through the choices you make. A man will continue to make the usual and common record for as long as he goes after the popular demand, thought or choice of the people. However, you need to dazzle your generation. The world is too small to contain you, make it impossible for the world to predict you.

Enoch broke the record in his generation by being different. His walk with God was matchless, setting itself up as a paradigm of the perfect walk with God. He refused to be trapped in the mistakes and apathy of his peers and ancestors. Rather, Enoch was driven by a vision and purpose to make a difference in his time. No wonder he made a record no man has ever had. This is particularly outstanding considering the fact that Enoch, like other men, had a wife, children and probably had a job that kept him busy. However, he did not allow all this to hinder his consistent walk with God.

The decision you made to come to Jesus should carry with it a determination to walk with God despite your busy schedule and family demands. You can be the Enoch of your generation if you dare to be different in any way necessary. Remember, human excuses will not change the purpose of God that man should be in His likeness. Purpose in your heart to be like Daniel in Babylon who decided to be different from others by refusing the king's portion and he never regretted it. Choose to be different from the world today. Dare to be different at work, when others are lazy, idling, gossiping, and doing eye service, be committed to your assignment.

When your peers are living in worldly pleasure, fornicating, partying, and being riotous, be godly and different. Dare to be different in the society, in the neighborhood, your compound, e.t.c. Dare to be a Daniel, Paul, John. etc Dare to be a saint in a corrupt, decaying generation. Stand out for God.

Prayer / Action
* Pray for courage and grace to be who God wants you to be in the face of opposition.
* Ask God for strength not to bow to temptation even if others bow.
* Thank God for the power of the Holy Spirit to make you a role model everywhere you go.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Engraved upon Stone II

READ: Matt.16:13-20
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 19-20

The Bible says that whatsoever the Lord doeth abides forever. This is a serious statement because It means that God is no joker. His words are as writings engraved on a stone; that cannot be reversed or erased. If you stick with God you will come back with lasting testimonies because what God intends to do with your life will establish you forever. The process maybe painful and uncomfortable but if it's God dealing with you, you can count it all joy. Even when the enemy means it for evil, God will work it all out for your good. This is why our decisions are powerful because decisions that are taken outside the word and voice of God too may create negative engravings that can testify against us in life and destiny.

When God gave the law to Moses, He wrote it with His hands on tablets of stone; but today, in the New Covenant God shows us the perfection of what He intended when He gave Moses the tablets of stone; as He engraves His word in the tablets of our hearts by His Spirit. That is what the psalmist yearned deeply for and said, thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you. By that, he meant, if only His word can be engraved on the tablets of his heart, the power of sin was broken over him. Satan is powerless over people who have the engraved word of God in their hearts. Until we begin to desire that our lives become as engravings on the eternal stone of God, we might not experience the prosperity, sustenance and supernatural supply that the Bible promises us. And how do we engrave God's word on the tablets of our hearts? It is by meditating and insisting on the report of the Lord irrespective of what the immediate situation dictates.

As we confess and ponder on God's word, it holds firmer with the very fiber of our being. It is when we are one with the word of God, that every work of Satan is dissolved and destroyed. This is the way to victory. It is more than lifting verses of the scriptures to memory; it is making God's word your first response to situations and circumstances that confront you daily.

We need to be firm in professing what we believe. Jesus is our solid rock so we can stand strong. God is building His Kingdom on earth but He needs a rock to engrave it upon just like He found in Peter in our text. When He does, the very gates of hell will not prevail against you.

Prayer / Action
* Thank God because you know that the enemy has lost over your matter because you have been engraved upon the Stone of the Rock of Ages
* Ask the Holy Spirit to engrave the Word of God in your heart on a daily basis.
* Pray that you will receive the grace to contend in meditation and prayer for the word to take roots in your life.
* Declare that the word of God is working in you and bringing eternal rewards for you.

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Engraved upon Stone I

READ: Gen.28:11-22
Bible Reading in One Year: Acts 16-18

Amongst all the great and beautiful things that God created some that stand out for their size, firmness and immovable posture are rocks and mountains. These stony objects form a large part of the topography of the earth amongst many things. But most interestingly, in the 'stone age' the early man used pieces of stone from rocks to craft the basic necessities of life like instruments of war to domestic tools, writing materials, houses, tombs e.t.c. The word of God also shows us that stones have been of great significance in the fellowship of man with his Creator; From the raising of altars unto the LORD 1Sa.7:12. Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the LORD helped us, Exo.28:11 says With the work of an engraver in stone, like the engravings of a signet, shalt thou engrave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel: thou shalt make them to be set in ouches of gold, the delivery of the 10 commandments by the finger of God Exo.31:18 And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God. And even in the conquest of the enemies of God 1Sa.17:50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David.

Even today stones are still the symbol of strength, stability and lasting impact. All these point to the fact that such is what God expects of us. We are to be living stones all the way. God intends that in your local church and place of work your live and conduct should leave lasting impacts in the work environment and lives of the people there. Even in tough circumstances, God expects our faith to be stable and immovable as a rock. Christians are not just heaven bound, we are born for breakthrough on earth. Eph.2:20.And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; This means that our calling in Jesus Christ is actually a calling to permanent impact. This is why a Christian never dies but only sleeps. Sickness or poverty cannot take you out because you are engraved upon the rock of ages. Your safety, protection and security are sure. When others are being cast down, it is then that you will arise and declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living because your life is engraved on the rock of ages.

Prayer / Action
* Thank God that Jesus Christ is the rock of our salvation and so we have a sure foundation and refuge in Him.
* Pray for divine stamina and fortitude in the things of God so that you will be able to stand firm against attacks and satanic opposition.
* Ask the Lord to strengthen you in every weak or broken area of your life so that the enemy will not take advantage of your weaknesses.
* Decree that the strength of Zion goes ahead of you into the day to help you by His mighty hand.

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