Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Godly Family

Text: Acts 27: 14-25
MORE LESSONS: Acts 16: 25-32
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 7-9

God is interested in your family. God personally instituted the family and it has a special place in His agenda. There is the saying that as the family goes, so goes the church, the society, the nation and the world at large. This is the reason why the devil's strongest attack in this end time is against the family. I pray for you that God will secure your family from the attacks of the enemy, in Jesus’ name.

The propagation of divorce, single parenting, extra-marital affairs, pre-marital sex, abortion, live-together couples, contract marriage and same-sex marriage are all the evil wiles of the devil to destroy the sanctity and security of the family.

Every believer should place a high value on the family and continually secure his family in the place of prayer. We should invest a great deal of time and effort in praying for our family, relatives, loved ones, friends, families in the church and families in our nation. God's will is that every believer becomes the access point of the Holy Spirit to his family . For every believer, the salvation of his or her family members and relatives should be a burden and responsibility. This could be achieved by constant, earnest and fervent prayer for them and also showing them God's love.

You can't get them saved by picking on them, condemning them, putting up a 'holier than thou' attitude, scolding them or preaching at them but by showing them love, being an example of a godly character and giving them the Word of God in meekness. In the first text, Paul was in a ship with some men and a tempest arose. Even though the men had disobeyed when they set to sail from the harbour against Paul’s advice, God preserved everyone in the ship because of Paul. The angel of God assured him, . . . and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you: Acts 27:24 (NKJV).It is God's desire to grant to Christians all that sail with them in the ship of their family . God desires that Christian parents sail safely to Heaven with all their children on board.

This is the reason He wants to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and rebellious children to the wisdom of their fathers, And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse: Mal 4:6 (NKJV).

Heaven is glad when a home is complete, intact, fully saved and filled with the love of God; even in eternity God has a place for families. I pray that all in your family will be present at the joyful reunion in Heaven to the glory of God.

* Pray that God will arise for every home under satanic siege.
* Cancel everything satan is doing anywhere on the earth against the institution of marriage.
* Pray for your family today that it will not fail.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Be Committed 2

Text: Ruth 2: 1-12
MORE LESSONS: Ruth 4: 13-17
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 4-6

Yesterday we started the story of Ruth to exemplify commitment to God and to humanity. You need to be committed to God and to people. Be committed in your place of work and profession and also to the God-appointed leaders of the church where God has placed you because when you are committed, your reward will definitely locate you. Man does not need to see you do anything but God will definitely reward your commitment.

Ruth's commitment was known both in Heaven (so much that it earned her a place in the Scripture) and on earth, And Boaz answered and said unto her, It hath fully been shewed me, all that thou hast done unto thy mother in law since the death of thine husband: and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and the land of thy nativity, and art come unto a people which thou knewest not heretofore. The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust: Ruth 2:11-12. And the Lord truly recompensed her because she was not just committed to Naomi but to the God of Naomi. If you are committed in church, your commitment is not to the pastor, it is to God and He will abundantly reward you.

God finally gave Ruth a godly and wealthy man to marry; not only that, she also gave birth to a son. When she gave birth, the women congratulated Naomi, ...Naomi, Blessed be the LORD, which hath not left thee this day without a kinsman, that his name may be famous in Israel. And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age: for thy daughter in law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons, hath born him: Ruth 4:14-15. By commitment a woman was credited to be better than seven men. The son, Obed, that God gave Ruth was not an ordinary son; he was the grandfather of King David. Jesus our Lord is the son of David, so Ruth by commitment was grafted into the lineage of Jesus. A woman from a heathen nation who didn't have any relationship with God became the ancestor of God in the flesh. Where she came from would have disqualified her from any link with Jesus but commitment gave the connection to her . What your background does not give you, commitment will give it to you.

As for Orpah who turned back and we do not hear anything about her again, I have not met any believing woman bearing the name Orpah but Ruth's name is immortalised with several people bearing Ruth today. Commitment will give you a name that will last. Receive the grace to be committed, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to remember your commitment of old like Hezekiah and bless you.
* Pray that in the day of trouble your sacrifices shall be remembered where it matters.
* Ask God to grant you a life and testimony that you are a faithful servant.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Be Committed

Text: Ruth 1: 1-17
MORE LESSONS: I Sam. 18: 1-4
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 1-3

Naomi's husband left Israel because there was famine in the land. He probably didn't ask God, he just heard there was food in Moab and ran there. Don't just run away from a place because there is trouble; listen to God first before you do anything.

Elimelech and his two sons died in the land of Moab leaving Naomi empty and full of sorrow; so she decided to return back to Israel. Naomi's two daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, decided they would follow her to her homeland because they loved her like a mother. After some persuasion, Orpah returned back to her people but Ruth stayed true to her word. Naomi tried all she could to discourage Ruth because naturally it looked like there was no future for her if she followed Naomi but at that critical juncture in her life, the young woman Ruth made a commitment and by faith followed her mother-in-law, ...wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Y our people shall be my people, And your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried...: vs16-17(NKJV). That was commitment!

I wonder how many believers can make such unconditional and resolute commitment to God that even if they do not know where He is taking them they are ready to follow till death. Until you enter such unconditional commitment to God you can't access some levels of His commitment to you. I want you to be committed to God so that things can work for you. The song writer says, I will go with God at any length, no matter the roughness of the road. I will go; let that become your life-song.

Also be committed to your vision and purpose in life. Commitment takes the pain from the sacrifices that you need to make for you to realise your dreams because when you are committed, you don't count the pain. You can pay the price for anything you are committed to even when it is difficult. With commitment you can become whatever you aim for in life. Resolution makes you give anything you have to get what you want. It makes you go all the way. Be committed to your spouse because only commitment can make marriage work. Be committed to your children and other vital and profitable relationships God has given you. It was determination that kept Jesus on the cross.

The cross was not easy for Him; He was forsaken and tormented but He held on. The commitment of Jesus to God and to humanity brought the salvation that we enjoy today . I pray that God will give you the grace to be committed, in Jesus’ name.

* Make a commitment to God that you will live for Him all through your life.
* Ask God for help to stay in Christ without turning back, and to keep your commitment.
Identify three things that are threats to your commitment to God and command their power over you to be broken.

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Monday, June 30, 2014

The Usefulness of Riches

READ: Psa. 105:23-45
MORE LESSONS: Prov.3:9-10
Bible Reading in One Year: Hosea 11-14

Our text today describes the exodus of the Israelites when they left Egypt with all their labour fully rewarded (Exo. 11:2-3; 12:35). They left with silver and gold and clothings, and did not have to purchase anything in the wilderness and the Lord constantly supplied them food (Exo.16:35). Moreover, they did not have to spend their money on their journey because the Bible says there was no feeble person among them. Their shoes and clothes were growing with them, a rare occasion when non-liiving things assume the characteristics of living things, (Deut. 29:5; Neh. 9:21). They were neither cold or hot in the wilderness, contrary to the natural order. All these made serving God in the wilderness easy. All the blessings were ploughed back to serve God in the wilderness, including building a tabernacle for God..

There is God in heaven who cares so much for His people that He will pay all your bills if you fully surrender your life to Him. You will not spend your salary or profit on any waste because Jehovah will take over.

However, as He delivers your harvest from the waster and prevents you from wasting money on sickness, diseases, e.t,c. You too must deliver his work from rot and lack! Note that every good thing God has given you is first an empowerment for service. When you use them to serve Him, they will increase till you have no more room for the blessings of God in your life. Make a commitment towards a need in your church today or better still make a covenant with God that you will use the riches He gives you not only for personal use but also for His Kingdom and people, just as Israelites did in the wilderness and their provisions never ceased in 40 years. Your riches is not only for comfort but for the Kingdom of God’s use.

Prayer / Action
* Make a demand on the heavens to lead you to the store house meant for your prosperity.
* Ask God to open the windows of His treasury to your destiny and make you a Kingdom financier.
* Destroy every root of poverty over your life, family and destiny.
* By the blood of Jesus, rebuke satanic strongholds over your prosperity.
* Don’t stop at praying, start today by giving towards a project of the Kingdom at your local assembly. Don’t watch others do it, give your little.

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God bless you

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