Text: Acts 27: 14-25
MORE LESSONS: Acts 16: 25-32
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 7-9
God is interested in your family. God personally instituted the family and it has a special place in His agenda. There is the saying that as the family goes, so goes the church, the society, the nation and the world at large. This is the reason why the devil's strongest attack in this end time is against the family. I pray for you that God will secure your family from the attacks of the enemy, in Jesus’ name.
The propagation of divorce, single parenting, extra-marital affairs, pre-marital sex, abortion, live-together couples, contract marriage and same-sex marriage are all the evil wiles of the devil to destroy the sanctity and security of the family.
Every believer should place a high value on the family and continually secure his family in the place of prayer. We should invest a great deal of time and effort in praying for our family, relatives, loved ones, friends, families in the church and families in our nation. God's will is that every believer becomes the access point of the Holy Spirit to his family . For every believer, the salvation of his or her family members and relatives should be a burden and responsibility. This could be achieved by constant, earnest and fervent prayer for them and also showing them God's love.
You can't get them saved by picking on them, condemning them, putting up a 'holier than thou' attitude, scolding them or preaching at them but by showing them love, being an example of a godly character and giving them the Word of God in meekness. In the first text, Paul was in a ship with some men and a tempest arose. Even though the men had disobeyed when they set to sail from the harbour against Paul’s advice, God preserved everyone in the ship because of Paul. The angel of God assured him, . . . and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you: Acts 27:24 (NKJV).It is God's desire to grant to Christians all that sail with them in the ship of their family . God desires that Christian parents sail safely to Heaven with all their children on board.
This is the reason He wants to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and rebellious children to the wisdom of their fathers, And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse: Mal 4:6 (NKJV).
Heaven is glad when a home is complete, intact, fully saved and filled with the love of God; even in eternity God has a place for families. I pray that all in your family will be present at the joyful reunion in Heaven to the glory of God.
* Pray that God will arise for every home under satanic siege.
* Cancel everything satan is doing anywhere on the earth against the institution of marriage.
* Pray for your family today that it will not fail.