Text: Rom. 12:2
MORE LESSONS: Prov . 23:7
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Chronicles 23-25
The mind of a man is the seat of his thoughts, reasoning, values, words and actions. The behaviour and life of a man are a product of his mind. Christians put a lot of emphasis on the spirit, spiritual exercise and spiritual growth, and that is right and necessary . However, you should not forget to develop your mind, reasoning and intellect because the spirit of a man can only relate to this physical realm through the soul, which contains the mind. So no matter how much a man has grown spiritually, he is still limited if there’s no corresponding change in his mind.
Personal development, education, study, attending conferences and seminars are ways of improving your mind, Be renewed in the spirit of your mind: Eph 4:23. The biblical account of the growth of Jesus is revealing, Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man: Luke 2:52. That is mental, physical and spiritual development in that order. Many strongholds that people battle with are in their minds.
It is not every poverty, sickness or failure that is a spiritual attack; most are as a result of poverty and failure mindset that has been so ingrained in a person by the reason of his background, environment and experience; thus the person always thinks, talks and believes poverty and lack. So many people do not sincerely think it is possible to live a sickness-free life, some can't imagine themselves wealthy and great.
Your mind needs to be renewed by God's Word till you see yourself in agreement with what God says about you.
Many times people struggle with sin and lust and they want laying on of hands, binding and casting to be delivered from sin. Of course there are several cases of people who need deliverance from the hold of sin but more often than not, freedom from the hold of sin will be by the renewal of the mind of the person, by the washing of the water of the Word of God because the mind is the battle ground of temptation and sin. When a man gets born again, his spirit becomes brand new and perfect but the mind is the same with the same memories, feelings and thought patterns.
Therefore, the Word of God needs to reprogramme the mind for total liberty and maturity in the faith. You need to expose your mind much to the Word of God so that it can think in agreement with the mind of Christ.
Today I want you to take the responsibility of realigning your thinking with the Word and reprogramme yourself for success in God.
* Ask God to purge, deliver and renew your mind for a greater life.
* Ask God to help you reprogramme your mind by removing all negativity.
* Pray that your mind will always align with the Holy Spirit.