Saturday, August 2, 2014

Your Tongue is a Weapon

Text: Num 14: 21-38
MORE LESSONS: Prov. 18:20-21
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 4-6

When Moses sent twelve men to spy the land which God had promised, ten of them came back with bad reports of how they could not take the land and how they would die in the hands of the giants. They all, except Joshua and Caleb, used their tongues to seal their own doom. The words of your mouth determine your destiny. The words you speak are seeds which will bring forth fruits after their kind. When you use your tongue to talk wealth, success, goodness and greatness these things will follow you. Also, when you talk poverty, failure, how bad the economy is and how there is no job and money, these things will also pursue you.

A man will be satisfied with good by the fruits of his words, and the deeds of a man's hand will return to him: Prov. 14: 14. Whether a man will live long or die young can be deduced from the kind of words that he speaks, Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it will eat the fruit thereof: Prov. 18: 20-21. Do not use your tongue to kill but use it to speak life to your destiny and everything around you.

Every word you speak has an effect in the realm of the spirit, so you must be careful to speak only what you want to see in your life, Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel that it was an error: where fore should God be angry at thy voice and destroy the works of thine hands: Eccl. 5: 6. Don't speak loose and careless words over your destiny and other people's lives and later claim that it was a joke which you didn't mean. Say what you mean and mean what you say; say only words that are positive, edifying and seasoned with grace because shall have whatsoever you say: Mark 11: 23.

The way to make the right use of your tongue is to first stuff your heart with the right thoughts and ideas because . . . out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh: Matt 12: 34. Make sure that it is the Word of God that fills your heart and not the situations, news and crises in the world. When the Word of God fills your heart, it will flow out in form of right and powerful words which will cause a change in your situation for the better, Therefore let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord: Col 3: 16 (NKJV). As you engage your tongue for lifting and prosperity , God is committed to that which you say. .

*Ask that the Spirit of God will rule over your tongue from now on.
*Ask that no evil will ever again proceed from your tongue.
* Ask that any negative act happening anywhere as a result of a misuse of your tongue be reversed now, in Jesus’ name.

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Friday, August 1, 2014

Times and Seasons

Text: Gen. 1:14
MORE LESSONS: Eccl. 3:1-10
Bible Reading in one Year: Isaiah 1-3

God created day and night; He put the sun, moon and stars in place. The reason the law of the day and night has not been broken is because of God's consistent decree. God made a proclamation in the beginning that day and night must always be and whatever He says stands. God also created times and seasons and so there has always been changing seasons. Some places have rainy and dry seasons while some have winter, spring, summer, autumn. God made different times and seasons. However, we ought to know that God made times and seasons for particular reasons. God doesn't just give seasons; there are reasons for each season, T o everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Eccl 3:1.

Every season is linked to a purpose. For example, God doesn't just give a rainy season for the fun of it. He sends rain to water the earth so that seeds can germinate and give food to the eater and seed to the sower. The reason for the rainy season is for the fruitfulness of the earth. God has said the earth must be fruitful and one ingredient the earth needs in order to be fruitful is water, so God sends rain, For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither , but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: Isa 55:10.

When you are going through a season, you must look beyond the season to the purpose for the season. Many people want a season of blessing from God, but for what purpose? If your purpose is not to glorify God, impact lives and expand the Kingdom, then God may not be obliged to give you that season you are asking for. This is because God ordains times and seasons for particular purposes. In your season of fruitfulness, plenty and glory, remember that God has a reason for that season. It is not for you to just feel good but for you to achieve His purpose.

In the same way, you may be going through a trying time and season today and are complaining. There is a purpose for every season; ask God for the purpose of the season you are going through instead of complaining. If the purpose of the season is to develop your character and prepare you for greater things ahead, then patiently allow the season to do a complete work in your life. It is just a matter of time; it will soon be over and you will be tested and proved, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing: James 1:3-4.
Today, I pray that the times and seasons of God will not be a waste in your life, in Jesus’ name.

*Ask God for a blessed season from now on.
*Prophesy a good season for the rest of the year.
*Command Satan to take his hands off your times and seasons.
*Give God thanks for a great season ahead.

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Thursday, July 31, 2014

You are God's Best

Text: Psa. 139:13-18
MORE LESSONS: Eccl. 3:14
Bible Reading in one Year: Galatians 4-6

Every man is created in God's image and therefore special to Him. God has a purpose in mind for every single person He creates. Parents may think they make a mistake in giving birth to a particular child but the Almighty God doesn't make mistakes. You are God's masterpiece and are beautifully, wonderfully and purposefully made.

This fact should make everyone to appreciate himself/herself and be confident. Inferiority complex is a psychological condition whereby a person always belittles himself and feels inadequate in comparison to others. The person does not feel good enough and thus is over sensitive to other people's words, actions and gestures. It mostly has its roots in the hurts, negative words and abuses a child suffers in childhood and manifests into adulthood if not addressed on time. This is the reason no child should be put down, insulted or abused.

Inferiority complex could also be due to limitations in the form of physical appearance, social and financial status, non achievement, cultural differences, emotional responses, lack of certain skills and ability .. . . Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him: Acts 10:34-35. All the things that men look at to judge one as superior to another don't count with God. All that fear God and work righteousness are acceptable to Him. You are acceptable to God as long as you have given your life to Jesus Christ; He is your Father and He loves you so dearly. Your basis of self-worth is the fact that God accepts you as you are.

Do not try to be like someone else for then you neglect your purpose thinking that you are inferior to another man. A child of God who is a carpenter is not inferior to another who is a medical doctor.

The carpenter should trust God to be the best and most successful in his work as the medical doctor also presses on to be the best in his field so that Jesus is glorified in both. The man on the pulpit is not superior to the usher standing and maintaining order in the service; each should give God his best, For I say, ... to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another: Rom 12:3-5. Whatever is your status or work; I want you to know that you are God's best and are specially made for your unique purpose by Him.

* Take a worship position and say to God, “Thank You for me”.
* Thank God for His purpose in you and for you.
* Ask Him to help you fulfil His purpose for your life from now on.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Word of Knowledge

Text: I Cor . 12:8
MORE LESSONS:1Cor 13: 8-13
Bible Reading in one Year: Galatians 1-3

I was preaching to a young man one day unknown to me that he was a very difficult person to preach to. Several people had preached to him and he always gave them a hard time. That day he sat, waiting for me to finish so that he could start on me as he always did to people who preached to him. Unfortunately for him, as I began to preach it was like I was reading a script of his past life to him. When I finished, he said, Who sent you to me? He actually thought that somebody reported him to me and that was why I came to preach to him. The word of knowledge is a supernatural revelation of a particular knowledge to you that you could not have known by yourself. This gift should be desired by believers as the Scripture makes us know that we can desire spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12: 31).

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifestations given to a man as God wills and not as man chooses (1 Cor. 12: 11). This gift can be manifested through you by the Holy Spirit even in everyday life. The same Lord who gives a word to a minister about someone in the congregation that He wants to touch can give a word to parents about their children so that they can know some things that He wants them to know. The same Lord who speaks words of knowledge through you as you go out to witness Christ to people can also give a word to you about a business decision or business partner. As you stay closer to God in prayer, He will endow you with this gift and He will give you privilege information supernaturally about your spiritual life, family, business, academics and profession.

This is your portion in Jesus. When God gives you a word of knowledge, it must be handled in wisdom and maturity. It is not given so that you go and confront people or start exposing things about people. The gifts of the Spirit are given for you to edify, comfort and help others and not to destroy, pull down, embarrass or intimidate them. For this to be achieved, the gift must be operated in love and maturity. If you receive a word and you do not know how to go about it you should discuss the message you receive with your pastor first. I pray that God will impart you with the gift of the word of knowledge, in Jesus’ name.

* Give thanks to God for the provision of such a gift as the Word of knowledge and for the great things He has accomplished among His people by such grace.
* Ask God to endow you with this gift for life and service.
* Ask God to send you a Word today for a total turn around in your life and destiny.