Text: 1Sam. 2:11- 12
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 7-9
I always refer to 1Samuel chapter two as the “sunrise and sunset” chapter because Samuel's destiny experienced sunrise and Eli's destiny, sunset. The sunrise and sunset story here shows how two destinies were exchanged; one replaced the other. You don't know what you do to yourself when you do not give attention to things that God has committed into your hands. It is quite challenging that a man who is a priest, a minister of the Lord, will have children who do not know the Lord. It is not that Eli’s children were not involved in activities in the temple, supervising the sacrifices and offerings that went on there but that they did not know the Lord. God's perspective firs to fall is that they didn't know Him and as such were classed as sons of Belial. Every evil thing they did was a by- product of this very issue of not knowing God.
It was at this time that God began preparing a new destiny to replace that of Eli. God gave Eli several warnings but he would not respond. Be careful about the matters that God often brings to your notice. God does not joke, He means whatever He says and you must know that before Him no one is indispensable. He can afford to wait until the man that will do His will shows up. God permitted Eli to continue as priest until Samuel matured enough to replace him. Note that Eli's offence was not that he failed in his ministry. Infact, it was through his faithfulness to his ministry that this new destiny, Samuel, was birthed. Bu the failed in raising children for the Lord.
Today satan pays more attention to the families of God’s children more than any other sector because he knows that will serve his purpose. He knows that the root of everything God is doing on the earth is the family. When the family is bad the nation and the church cannot be good. When he could not get to derail Eli, satan gave attention to his children and he succeeded, and got Heaven to knock out Eli and his children in one day.
Even the glory of the family, which is the priesthood, was given to another who grew up in the same place. If you desire to keep your family glory as parents, begin to have a family devotional (family altar) regularly, start taking your children with you when going to church, replicate the attention you give to their academics in the spiritual, i.e get them Bible lesson teacher, ask what they learning Sunday school, do memory verse with the man don't hold back the stick when necessary . May your glory not be replaced!
* Ask God to reveal Himself to all your children/relations that are yet to know Him.
* Surrender all that you possess to the Lord afresh today.
* Pray that He will continue to speak to you and that you will continue to listen to Him.
* Ask God to help you walk in His purpose, and give attention to His warnings in order not to be replaced in destiny.