MORE LESSONS: Psa. 51:12
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 40-42
One easy way to identify a situation of spiritual exile in the Christian walk is the loss of joy and gladness. Do you know the joy of salvation? It is the satisfaction, comfort and peace that flow in your heart with the assurance that you are a child of God. I remember sometime ago my father, mother and elder ones gathered on the night before I was to go back to school and said to me, from today when you get to school, you must not go to school fellowship anymore. If we catch you there you get nothing from us, no school fees, no provision.
I went back to my room and knelt down to pray and tears rolled down my face. How would I not go to fellowship anymore, as the leader of the fellowship, because of school fees? I didn't want to disobey my parents and I didn't want to disobey God. If I obeyed them, I would have money for school fees, but I would lose eternity. I was scared with tears running down my face but I had joy inside me. So I noticed that I had crisis physically but it did not affect me inside. My joy was still there. The moment you break from God, you are on exile from the throne of God, from the presence of God.
The first thing that proves it to you is that your peace and joy disappear.
Secondly, you can always expect a silent loss of power. Things that you can easily do and get results become difficult because there is no more power. Y our effect upon situations disappears, you cannot make impact anymore the way you used to because your link with the power source has been broken and you are empty. You don't carry what to transmit anymore for the moment you break from that connection, the power disappears.
Thirdly, when one goes into spiritual exile one notices that gradually there is a loss of confidence. The things that you could easily handle--demons that will oppress you in your dream and you wake up and command them to go to hell even without preparation--can’t be done without struggle because that confidence has disappeared. Things happen around you and you can't boldly confront them. I beseech you, whatever your title or place in the faith, if you are convicted of any of the evidence today, cry to the Lord, like Peter the sinking disciple, and say to the Lord of life, Save Lord.
* Confess every known sin to God now and ask for His mercy, cleansing and forgiveness.
* Ask God to restore your joy of salvation.
* Ask for grace to go and sin no more.
* Give God thanks for His mercy and restoration
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