Text: John 10:7
MORE LESSONS: Revelation 3:7-8
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 76-78
To really tap into the powers of the Kingdom, we must learn the principles and protocols of it's legislation. There is a kingdom law in the spirit that permits only he that wields the keys to access the treasures therein. It was on the account of the validity of this principle that Jesus while commissioning Simon Peter as the apostolic spear head of the early church, And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven: It is obvious and apparent that Jesus could only have given keys because there are doors; kingdom doors.
Doors that can only be opened and accessed by the Key bearing kings. So He was revealing something unmistakable about walking in dominion in heaven and on the earth. He wanted Peter and everyone of us to pay attention to the significance of spiritual keys. Keys stand for revelation, access and authority. The power of a key is not in it's size, but in it's ability to snap open the mechanism behind giant doors. Most and generally, keys to large doors and gates are not big themselves. They may be small, way smaller than hammers chisels or hack saws; but I will choose a key over Matthew 16:19.
A hammer, a chisel or a saw because though it is smaller, it commands doors and gates of any size noiselessly, stresslessly and sweatlessly to open. Little wonder Jesus introduced Himself as the key wielder while speaking to the church in Philadelphia. Jesus wields the key of David. Glory! We know that David is the Old Testament type of a priest and prophet and king, therefore the key of David is that Key that can unlock any dimension and capacity of doors, including double doors. With Jesus there is unprecedented access to all doors.
* Pray that God will always lead you to the doors you will open into your breakthrough.
Practically apply the key that unlocks all doors today.
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