Sunday, October 12, 2014

The 'Let there be' Dimension I

Text: Prov.18:21
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 85-87

I noticed that a whole lot of people while trying to quote this anchor text say "...the power of life and death is in the tongue..." but there is an eternal golf of difference between that and what the word of God actually says. It is important to realize that it really doesn't say that, because if it does then it will mean something else. What it actually says is, death and life are in the power of the tongue.

This means that the power to impart the power of life or the power of death is in the tongue. It is not really the tongue as an organ in the body that is the big deal but the tongue as an instrument of the word. It is with words that there is power. Ecclesiastes 8:4a Where the word of a king is, there is power ....This is the reason why the words we speak are more powerful than we can ever know.
The power of a kind word is unfathomable in the way it imparts life and the power of a curse word is immeasurable in the way it releases the power of death.

The gate way into the spirit are words because it was by words that the worlds were framed. Contrary to science and commerce, diamonds are not the most expensive substances around, Words are. This is because the very raw materials with which diamonds and all of the worlds were made were words; God's words. This is why we must learn God's prescribed way to use the tongue because through it we make or mere ourselves and creation as a whole. It is no coincidence that the first things God teaches us in the Bible is how to use the tongue. Ten times he spoke, saying, let there be... Genesis 1:3, And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And all of creation was in shape within 6 days. The root word, "let there be light" is best translated to mean “light be".

That is what I call the 'let there be' dimension. It is a God-culture. It means whatever you desire to see or become, halt the complaining and anxiety, step up to the image of God that you are, command and say, "let there be joy in my heart", "let there be success in my career", "let there be money in my account", "let there be a supply of wisdom for me today" - That's the first lesson for those who want to be like God.

*Pray for grace to use your tongue wisely
*Pray against every negative consequence of spoken words in your life
*Pray that your tongue will yield you good fruits
*Declare that from now on, your tongue will impact God's Life on people you meet
Let your words edify someone today
Use your words to create your world

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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Honouring Fathers II

Text: Ephesians 6:2-3
More lessons: Matt 15:1-9
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 82-84

What you honour, you will attract. You cannot dishonour God and receive the blessings of God, it just will not flow to you. In the same manner, you cannot dishonour fathers and expect to become a father deserving honour. It is not another good saying, it's a reality worth trying. When next you need somebody who has got something you admire and desire, honour him because what you hate will never come to you. At the birth of Jesus, Arabian astrologists saw His star and came to worship Him. They came to honour Him and gave Him gifts. This is why the Bible calls them wise men because irrespective of the fact that they were older men and the object of honour was only a day old baby, they didn't raise their shoulders high nor were ashamed to bow down in honour. 

However, a king in the city of God who should understand these things was jealous of the born King and his pride and hatred destroyed him. The law of honour has nothing to do with denomination or religion; it is a law of life. Honour attracts counsel and counsel will produce wisdom in your life. The anchor text unveils an incredible insight about the connection between honour and long life. The major difference between father, mother and child is age and longevity of life, so the word of God is showing younger ones that the key to enjoying long life as fathers and mothers. 
What a revelation! This means that every time you dishonour someone God has placed over and around you, right or wrong, you waste your days on earth and shorten your life span. Honour is the first command with a promise. We must be deliberate about honouring people because it helps channel our energies towards positivity and strength as well as checks the spirit of pride and fear away from us. Fear has powerful torment because it makes us honour the enemy's counsel instead of God’s. 

Honour is a proof of security and strength not weakness and fear. Only the wise know the value of honour. The reason why some people do not seem to make progress in life despite many prayers and fasting is because they have refused to honour the people that have been a blessing to them or contributed to them in one way or the other so they cannot enter the next level of honour. Those who choose honour, choose well and shall enjoy long-life!

*Ask the father for mercy in any area you sowed seeds of dishonour.
*Pray for grace to obey God's Word and all godly instructions/reproof.
*Ask for grace to be humble no matter the height you attain in life.
Be deliberate about honouring people.
Be Wise!!!

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Friday, October 10, 2014

Honouring Fathers I

Text: Proverbs 24:6
More lessons: Proverbs 4:7-9
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 79-81

Instruction is key to wisdom. Where ever people honour counsel, mistakes are minimized and impact, maximized. And this is the purpose of a father; because of his wealth of experiences and longevity on the paths of life, he can provide value instruction. It is not who you listen to that determines your safety and success, it is whose counsel you honour. If we will be better than those who have gone ahead of us, we cannot afford to make the same mistakes that they made. 

We must glean from their failures and successes together and find useful truths about the journey so that we can fly faster and further. This is so not just for spiritual things but in every sphere of influence and work of life. Isaac newton always accrued his record breaking success to 'standing on the shoulders of giants'. No wonder he was such an enigma in his field. God is our heavenly Father; but how can we say we honour our Father in heaven if we do not honour our earthly fathers? Not just biological but all those who God has arranged to be ahead of you for the purpose of instruction and wise counsel.

This is the reason why the enemy is vehemently attacking our church and homes today, in divorce and breaking of spiritual authority. As long as he can keep the coming generation from parental and spiritual counsel and guidance, he can easily perpetrate his evil in their minds, lives and communities at large. This is why the Bible is given to us so that we can learn from other peoples’ mistakes, successes, pains and joys to create out a safe map for the journey ahead because the sincerity of a traveller is in vain if his maps are wrong. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works: 2 Tim. 3:16-17.

Needful it is to say that one of the most profound ways to tap into the wisdom and counsel of fathers is to ask questions. You cannot afford to have more answers than questions; really, you shouldn't because it is only those who ask who know. Knowledge will not come by osmosis, we must ask to know, seek to find and knock to enjoy open doors. It is no coincidence that we are all created with two ears but one mouth so that we can listen more than talk because those who listen for wisdom will have something to say but those who don't will talk because they have to say something. Wisdom is not an option for high-flyers. Choose wise counsel today by honouring fathers.

* Ask for God’s guidance in submitting yourself to fatherly counsel. 
Apologize to your parents for any wrong doing in the past today.
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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Double Doors II

Text: John 10:7
MORE LESSONS: Revelation 3:7-8
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 76-78

To really tap into the powers of the Kingdom, we must learn the principles and protocols of it's legislation. There is a kingdom law in the spirit that permits only he that wields the keys to access the treasures therein. It was on the account of the validity of this principle that Jesus while commissioning Simon Peter as the apostolic spear head of the early church, And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven: It is obvious and apparent that Jesus could only have given keys because there are doors; kingdom doors. 

Doors that can only be opened and accessed by the Key bearing kings. So He was revealing something unmistakable about walking in dominion in heaven and on the earth. He wanted Peter and everyone of us to pay attention to the significance of spiritual keys. Keys stand for revelation, access and authority. The power of a key is not in it's size, but in it's ability to snap open the mechanism behind giant doors. Most and generally, keys to large doors and gates are not big themselves. They may be small, way smaller than hammers chisels or hack saws; but I will choose a key over Matthew 16:19. 

A hammer, a chisel or a saw because though it is smaller, it commands doors and gates of any size noiselessly, stresslessly and sweatlessly to open. Little wonder Jesus introduced Himself as the key wielder while speaking to the church in Philadelphia. Jesus wields the key of David. Glory! We know that David is the Old Testament type of a priest and prophet and king, therefore the key of David is that Key that can unlock any dimension and capacity of doors, including double doors. With Jesus there is unprecedented access to all doors. 

* Pray that God will always lead you to the doors you will open into your breakthrough.
Practically apply the key that unlocks all doors today.
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