Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Intimacy and Communion I

Text: Psalms 119:2
More lessons: Deut. 4:29
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 91-93

Whatever we regularly commune with, we attach intimately to. The purpose of prayer, worship, study , congregational meetings, and every other exercise, activity and act of service we do in Christ is that as we commune with the Father in the name of Jesus and by the leading of the Holy Spirit, we may intimately know him for ourselves. Communion is powerful. Friendship without communion is a mirage on the highway. You cannot be intimate with a person you have refused to relate with.

This is why faith in Jesus is more than just another religion, it is a relationship. It is not man trying to reach God, it is God stretching his mighty hand and loving heart towards frail and dying humans all over the world filling us with His love and touching us in ways no one else can.

It is about sons and daughters of Zion getting lost in The Father's embrace. It's more relational than functional. It’s not just about principles, it's more about the divine presence that empowers the principles. We must press into the divine presence to enjoy intimacy with God. Moses saw the burning bush for a start, he saw the Red Sea split like walls on either sides, he saw ten plaques from God descending on the most power nation at the time, he saw food dropping from the skies for the children of God, amongst other things and in my opinion he witnessed more manifestations of the literal presence of God than any singular leader in history.

Nevertheless something kept burning inside of him with flames so hot and wild until he couldn’t hold it anymore one day in prayer and he cried out and said 'shew me your glory'... And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory. Exodus 33:18. That is not the cry of a church goer, nor a give me-give me get rich fast Christian. It is the voice of one that is overwhelmed by deep hunger and strong desire to dive into depths of intimacy with the Father. Technology today has surrounded us with fast food, fast cars, fast communication, fast therapy e.t.c. So the 21st century Christian is tempted to import the idea that we don't have to wait for even God. We can just fast track our morning prayer over a cup of coffee and there is no harm done. But the Word of God insists that we cannot find God except we seek him with all our heart. When it comes to the pursuit of the presence of God, until everything goes into it, nothing comes out of it. No price is too high to pay for the presence of God. For he is more real than everybody in the world put together.

*Thank the father for continuous access into his presence.
*Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with deep hunger and thirst for consistent communion with him.
*Pray for discipline to seek God diligently.
Seek God diligently and consistently.

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Monday, October 13, 2014

The 'Let there be' Dimension II

Text: Mark 11:23
More lessons: Ezekiel 37:1-10
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 88-90

When in the beginning there was chaos, God didn't say darkness leave, He said Light be! Understanding that phrase is very important for anyone who will walk in authority in this season and reign in this present darkness. God didn't focus on what was going wrong, he spoke only the things he wanted to see. When we focus on what the devil is doing instead of what God can do, we unconsciously empower evil over our lives. But if we will stand and declare the power and faithfulness of God irrespective of what the enemy has done, the light of life will flood our lives and darkness will vanish in the presence of God. 

The secret to power in this life is in the spoken word. The enemy can take anything away from you and it will not matter as long as he doesn't take God's word from your heart and lips. The root word, believe, means much more than just to agree with the heart. It also has to do with zealously confessing and professing what your heart believes and is totally convinced about. You're not a believer in the light unless you confess the light everywhere you go. Jesus never worked any miracle in silence. He always spoke to the situation.

He always issued a word of command and demons had to flee, withered body parts were restored and even the dead came back to life. We cannot separate supernatural living from supernatural speaking. This is why we must fill our hearts with the pure Word of God until the Word becomes our first response to negative pulses of life because there will be difficulties in this life. Jesus didn't promise us smooth sailing but he promised us safe landing. He didn't promise that we will not have trouble but he did promise that our troubles will not have us because he has overcome the world.

May be the reason why that circumstance in your life has lingered is because you have done everything but speak a 'let there be' word over it. As you release the 'let there be' words, the very elements of creation must comply because you have spoken the word of God. It might not be the very same minute but you can always count on the fact that words you speak or allow others speak over you have impact on the quality of life you live. Don't speak the Word of God one minute and walk away the next; stay with it, hang in there, and keep speaking ‘let there be’ words. Don't stop speaking; keep talking, insist on it, decree the promises of God and watch miracles happen. The secret to a life of miracles is in speaking faith filled words everyday and everywhere. 

*Pray that your words will carry God's life in them
*Declare that from now on, you speak no mere/lifeless words and your words will carry power and will be irresistible
*Ask for grace to work in your God given dominion/authority
Engage in the power of Positive confessions.
Speak Life to every dead situation.

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

The 'Let there be' Dimension I

Text: Prov.18:21
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 85-87

I noticed that a whole lot of people while trying to quote this anchor text say "...the power of life and death is in the tongue..." but there is an eternal golf of difference between that and what the word of God actually says. It is important to realize that it really doesn't say that, because if it does then it will mean something else. What it actually says is, death and life are in the power of the tongue.

This means that the power to impart the power of life or the power of death is in the tongue. It is not really the tongue as an organ in the body that is the big deal but the tongue as an instrument of the word. It is with words that there is power. Ecclesiastes 8:4a Where the word of a king is, there is power ....This is the reason why the words we speak are more powerful than we can ever know.
The power of a kind word is unfathomable in the way it imparts life and the power of a curse word is immeasurable in the way it releases the power of death.

The gate way into the spirit are words because it was by words that the worlds were framed. Contrary to science and commerce, diamonds are not the most expensive substances around, Words are. This is because the very raw materials with which diamonds and all of the worlds were made were words; God's words. This is why we must learn God's prescribed way to use the tongue because through it we make or mere ourselves and creation as a whole. It is no coincidence that the first things God teaches us in the Bible is how to use the tongue. Ten times he spoke, saying, let there be... Genesis 1:3, And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And all of creation was in shape within 6 days. The root word, "let there be light" is best translated to mean “light be".

That is what I call the 'let there be' dimension. It is a God-culture. It means whatever you desire to see or become, halt the complaining and anxiety, step up to the image of God that you are, command and say, "let there be joy in my heart", "let there be success in my career", "let there be money in my account", "let there be a supply of wisdom for me today" - That's the first lesson for those who want to be like God.

*Pray for grace to use your tongue wisely
*Pray against every negative consequence of spoken words in your life
*Pray that your tongue will yield you good fruits
*Declare that from now on, your tongue will impact God's Life on people you meet
Let your words edify someone today
Use your words to create your world

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The 'Let there be' Dimension I

Text: Prov.18:21
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 85-87

I noticed that a whole lot of people while trying to quote this anchor text say "...the power of life and death is in the tongue..." but there is an eternal golf of difference between that and what the word of God actually says. It is important to realize that it really doesn't say that, because if it does then it will mean something else. What it actually says is, death and life are in the power of the tongue.

This means that the power to impart the power of life or the power of death is in the tongue. It is not really the tongue as an organ in the body that is the big deal but the tongue as an instrument of the word. It is with words that there is power. Ecclesiastes 8:4a Where the word of a king is, there is power ....This is the reason why the words we speak are more powerful than we can ever know.
The power of a kind word is unfathomable in the way it imparts life and the power of a curse word is immeasurable in the way it releases the power of death.

The gate way into the spirit are words because it was by words that the worlds were framed. Contrary to science and commerce, diamonds are not the most expensive substances around, Words are. This is because the very raw materials with which diamonds and all of the worlds were made were words; God's words. This is why we must learn God's prescribed way to use the tongue because through it we make or mere ourselves and creation as a whole. It is no coincidence that the first things God teaches us in the Bible is how to use the tongue. Ten times he spoke, saying, let there be... Genesis 1:3, And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And all of creation was in shape within 6 days. The root word, "let there be light" is best translated to mean “light be".

That is what I call the 'let there be' dimension. It is a God-culture. It means whatever you desire to see or become, halt the complaining and anxiety, step up to the image of God that you are, command and say, "let there be joy in my heart", "let there be success in my career", "let there be money in my account", "let there be a supply of wisdom for me today" - That's the first lesson for those who want to be like God.

*Pray for grace to use your tongue wisely
*Pray against every negative consequence of spoken words in your life
*Pray that your tongue will yield you good fruits
*Declare that from now on, your tongue will impact God's Life on people you meet
Let your words edify someone today
Use your words to create your world

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