Thursday, October 23, 2014

Get Desperate for a Change

Text: Matt. 8: 1- 4
More lessons: Luke 19: 1- 10
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 120-126

In this passage, the Bible said that a young man walked up to Jesus and said I know you can heal me if you want. There are two issues in that place, one is what the man knows about the Lord Jesus and secondly, he was desperate for a change. I am sure you know that leprosy was a terrible disease in Israel. If you have leprosy in those days, you were set aside somewhere away from the city. No matter who you were, immediately leprosy was noticed in you, you are taken out of the camp. When even Miriam became leprous, as the sister of the President and the Commander- in- Chief, she was taken out of the camp. If a leper had to come to town in Israel, he must tie a bell on his leg and as he carries each leg, he must shout ‘‘unclean’’. So when you hear a leper is coming, you jump into the bush and allow him to have the way, and after he had passed, you will allow the atmosphere to clear before you come out to continue your journey. But this man struggled to get into the temple in town, I am sure he hid behind the door because nobody would have allowed him by the rule in Israel to sit in the congregation with other people. He must have hidden himself somewhere.

And as soon as Jesus showed up, he pounced on him and said, “Look, just one word, if you choose to, you can heal me”. That was the beginning of the change of his situation, he was leprous, and he desired to prevail over this terrible sickness. His dream and his longing was to see a change and restoration of his destiny .The first step he took was to meet the Master. He did everything he could like Zacchaeus, the bible says Zacchaeus was a short man, and if he was going to stay in the midst of the people, there was no way he would be able to see Jesus because he was too short to be identified in a crowd. But with all his wealth, and because he was determined to experience a change in his life, he went and climbed on a tree.

When you are desperate with your situation, solution will come. The reason we fail over obstacles of life is because we are not desperate for results. Get desperate, and don't mind what people will say. Express your confidence in God by the steps you take based on the conviction you have about Him and watch Him step into your situation for a change. A desperate man does not complain about the price of result, he simply determines to go the whole length at all cost scripturally possible.

* Ask God for the wisdom, direction and strength to do all that is needful for a change.
* Ask God for speedy result in the place of prayer.
* Ask God to help you never to quit in the race of destiny.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

You can conquer that Mountain

Text: Zech. 4: 7 (GNB) 
More lessons: Isa. 45:1-2
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 119

Do you know what a mountain is? I am sure you know mountains have spiritual connotations. Mountains are issues of life that are high and difficult, far above what men can handle. They are also things that stand as obstacles on the pathway of glory. And looking at it from the physical point of view, mountains are tall huge things, and only very few of them have been conquered by man. Some years ago, we were told that a young American at the age of 13, became the youngest person ever to climb a mountain, and the first thing he did when he got to the top of the mountain was to call his mother, and guess what he was saying to the mother, he said, “I made it, I conquered this mountain”. I also heard CNN (Cable Network News) saying he conquered, so I started wondering, what does it mean to conquer a mountain for a 13 year old boy? 
Did he break it to pieces? Did he bore hole inside it? Did he fight against it? For me, I have always known that to conquer is to go to war, fight a battle and win. So I asked myself, "What fighting did the young man do?" Then it dawned on me that he actually did conquer because the mountain stood like something that nobody could ever climb. So when you do what is unexpected, you have conquered your mountain. Hence, in life and destiny when you deal with your situation with evidence that you have defeated what it stands for, you have conquered. You conquer a mountain when you stand right on top of it, and tell it, “I conquered you”. If the boy said he conquered that mountain because he stood top of it, conquering a mountain then has to mean standing on top of it, that is, standing on top of what is taller and bigger than you in destiny. Remember Jesus said that the kingdom of God suffers violence, and only men of force can take it. 

You must understand He was not saying that the road to the kingdom is impossible, rather he meant that there will be challenges and difficulties on the path of the kingdom, things will confront us and give us an impression that the kingdom of God is impossible for man but He said, “be of good cheer, I have overcome”, which means he has become a testifier against an impossibility. It then means that since He has done it ahead of us, a precedence of a victory has been created. I want to let you know today that there is no mountain on the face of the earth that has not got a precedence of defeat. Cancer has been defeated by prayer; HIV -AIDS has been healed before. I do not know a sickness on earth that has defied the name of Jesus. It could defy medical science, but it cannot defy the God that made the heavens and the earth. I have not seen a problem that is bigger than God. None! Indeed obstacles as great as mountains will disappear before you today, in Jesus name. 

* Ask God to make every crooked place straight in your life (Isa. 45:2) according to His promises.
* Tell every known mountain of your life that you will sincerely conquer them.
* Speak to every mountain that they become low ground, in Jesus mighty name.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Unmasking the Spirit of Esau II

Text: Gen 32:6-12
More lessons: Malachi 1:2-3
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 114-118

In unmasking the spirit of Esau, there are realities of the character of Esau we must uncover to walk in victory over its deception and fire quenching weaponry. Esau was an opposition leader. He was an opposition image. He learnt that his brother was coming home and what he did was to gang up an army and he was there leader. So as to confront the man that God has chosen. Genesis 32:6 …We came to thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him. Everywhere you see images of opposition that's an Esau. Turn them to grass for easy dealing. The easiest way to deal with your enemy is to turn them to grass.
Turn him to grass and acquire fire.

Secondly, an Esau is an unrelenting adversary. That is somebody who takes offence against you again and again and refuses to be appeased. A believer doesn't do fight to finish, but there are enemies in destiny that make up their mind that whatever it will take them, they are ready to terminate you. I turn them to grass over you in the name of Jesus. Act 23:14; And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, we have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul. There are enemies that have sworn like the ones who had sworn against Paul. They said we bind ourselves to a fast, none shall eat until we have seen the end of Paul- those are sworn enemies. They are Esau's friends.

Thirdly, Esau was a stubborn pursuer. Those are people who pursue a man's destiny even when he is pleaded for. They don't accept apology, they insist on pursuing a man. There are spirits like that; who take delight in taunting men and women with the flashes of guilt from their past and thereby restricting their ability to press in to destiny fulfilment. Sometimes, this spirit manifests as familiar or transgenerational spirits that work in the life of all members of a particular family or ethnic group. Gen 32:11 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come and smite me, and the mother with the children. This spirit demands to be avenged over the fathers’ wrongs from the children which they know nothing about. It seeks to wipe out entire generations. Just as Esau attempted over Jacob and his entire family. That is why you sometimes see a repeated evil or disaster over a family to the extend of gradual generational extinction. I forbid such spirits and forces over you and your entire family. Prayers, fastings, scriptural confessions, corporate anointing, and deliverance services are keys to overcoming these types of enemies.

* Ask God to expose every unrelenting enemy of your destiny and terminate them.
* Ask that the blood of Jesus will speak for your destiny over any generational evil.
With a fast, declare every re-occurring disaster ended in your family.

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Monday, October 20, 2014

Unmasking the Spirit of Esau I

Text: Obad. 1:17-18
More lessons: Hab. 12:16-17
Bible Reading in one Year: Psalms 109-113

There are dozens of lessons to learn about what not to do and how not to conduct oneself as a fire bearing Christian from the character of Esau the son of Isaac. Esau was a man who had no control over his emotion. Hunger finished him and he sold his birthright simply because he was hungry and could not persist enough. That is why God refers to him as stubble. Any time you trade your Christianity for anything else, you become a grass; fire will finish you one day. It doesn't matter what that thing is, people around you may not see anything wrong with it. People around you may even encourage you, but God knows in heaven that you have become grass like Esau. Fire will finish you, because at the end of age all sinners will go to hell. For this lack of control over your emotion, your tongue, the environment, falling into temptation frequently- check your fire!

Esau was the brother of Jacob but he was an arch enemy of Jacob. That was why God desired that Jacob should be fire while Esau should be grass. Because Esau is an enemy of God. It does matter the story the moment God chose a man, you better follow that man. It pleases God that Jacob should become the owner of the heritage of Abraham, whatever story you and I heard about Jacob not regarding that is God's choice and it stands. Don't ever put yourself to what God has chosen. The choice of God is Jacob and everybody who works against Jacob is an enemy of God, not enemy of Jacob alone but the enemy of God who made Jacob what he is. He chose Jacob; he is His choice, so anyone who works against Jacob works against Jehovah. I say to you, whoever works against your destiny works against Jehovah and will be turned to grass in Jesus' mighty name. I turn every work of the enemy against you to grass in the name of Jesus. I have never heard God say He hates someone until it came to Esau why- he confronted what God has chosen.

When God says He hates you even dying will not help the matter, it will make the matter worst. The spirit of Esau represents every negative power, thought and lust that is designed to stop the flames of God's fire in your life. Embrace the principles of the God of Jacob and stop the tantrums of the spirit of Esau in your life today.

* Pray against every home born enemies at home or at work.
* Declare every enemy position against you ordinary grass and command them to be consumed by fire.
* Pray that the fire of God upon your life will not go down.

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