Thursday, November 20, 2014

Solid Foundation

Text: Matt. 7: 24-27
MORE LESSONS: Mark 1: 2-8
Bible Reading in One Year: 2 Thessalonians 1-3

Anybody can build a house, but houses are in grades and categories. When you look at some houses, you can tell how long they will last. There is a mud house I know of that has been standing for over ninety years. There is another structure in Zaria, Nigeria; the first church built by the Europeans in the entire Northern Nigeria, with mud many years ago and it is still standing. What makes a house last and stand when others are crumbling? The answer is in the foundation. How good the foundation of a house is determines how long it will last. Though good foundations are very expensive to build, the wise always pays the price to put a solid foundation in place. The unwise person thinks that since the foundation will be hidden, he can do a shabby work of it and continue with the part of the building that is open to all to see. He forgets that no matter what is built on top; if the foundation is faulty, the whole structure will collapse.

Foundation is the secret of advancement in destiny. Whether your life is going to become a bungalow, a story-building or a skyscraper is determined by the foundation. By foundation we mean the preparations you are putting in place and the silent prices that you are paying for where you are going in destiny. Y our Christian foundation includes things as quiet time; studying the Bible and other Christian literature, learning memory verses, fellowship with other believers, fasting and prayer. These are foundations for tomorrow. Giving, paying tithes and offerings and contributing to kingdom projects are financial foundations for your tomorrow. Everything in destiny needs adequate preparation. Y our preparation determines your strength which in turn determines your speed; which then determines your advancement. So in destiny, preparation determines strength; strength determines speed and speed determines advancement.

In Mark 1:2-8, the Bible tells us how John the Baptist was sent in preparation for the birth of Jesus. Even God makes preparations before He does things. It is easy to confess and claim wealth; marital, academic or career success but until we see your preparations before we can tell whether your confession is valid. Everything in life answers to preparation and laying the right foundation. May God give you the grace to start paying the price for building a solid foundation for your destiny in Jesus’ name.

* I declare that my foundation is firm and solid in Jesus’ name
* O God, wherever the foundation of my life and destiny cracked, fix it for me in Jesus’ name.
* Commit all preparations for your destiny afresh into God’s hands.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

No Longer Gentiles

Text: Eph.4:17-24
More Lessons: Col.3:3-6
Lamentations 3-5 Bible Reading in One Year:

The day you truly gave your life to Jesus, your citizenship changed. In the spiritual realm, you were moved from the clan of the Gentiles into the family of God, Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: Col.1:13. Gentiles are people who have no portion in God. They are outside of Christ, therefore they have no hope of enjoying the promises of God (Eph.2:12).

They are like dogs who can only stay outside and not permitted to enter the house. When Rev. 22:15 says, But outside are dogs..., it refers to Gentiles who do not deserve mercy (1Pet.2:10), but are objects of the wrath of God. In the realm of the spirit, Gentiles don't count; anything can happen to them and nobody will be held responsible. They are slaves of the gods they serve; and just as the slave master is free to do whatever he likes with his property , so is satan, the head of the clan, free to do whatever he likes with his subjects.

Gentiles live for the pleasures of their flesh which their master imposes on them. They become so consumed by the passion of their flesh that their understanding become darkened and alienated from the life of God. They are spiritually blind, lost every sense of feeling, given over to all works of uncleanness, and filled with greed (Eph.4:18-19). But the good news is that you have been brought into the fold of God, But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ: Eph.2:13. It is a privilege to be in Christ Jesus.

So much has been invested in the making of the believer that it will be a great abuse of rights and privileges and a disservice to oneself to contemplate the way of the Gentiles. The Scripture reading today admonishes the believer not to follow the way of the Gentiles, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness: Eph.4:21-24. Since you no longer belong to the gentile family, you are to live a separated life from them in every way. Although they may think it strange that you do not flow with them and may persecute you, the Scripture says they shall give account to God who will judge the quick and the dead (1Pet.4:5). God encourages you to purge yourself of gentile character s and attributes, come out from among them and separate yourself. Nothing about the unbeliever should give you reason to envy him, rather seek to open their eyes of understanding so that they may come out of the flood that is carrying them to damnation. You are light and must continue to walk in the light. Only those whose Gentile root has not been properly cut off, being dogs, go back to their vomit.

* Lord, purge me of the character of the Gentile.
* Denounce the old nature and confess your new citizenship.
* Ask for grace to always do what is right even if you are being persecuted.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Purity is Power

Text: Psa. 15:1-5
More Lessons: II Tim. 2:19-21
Bible Reading in one Year: Lamentations 1-2

Purity is the standard of God for everything we do because it is His nature. God wants us to live a life that is free of pollutants Eph. 1:3-4 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:. When we do, then we become His likeness and whenever He finds His likeness He bestows His all. An impure heart is a waste basket and the devil's workshop, Psa. 60:8, Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe: Philistia, triumph thou because of me. God detests impurity of heart and life. For humans to become pure, he needs to be grafted on Jesus the main branch. As it is recorded in II Pet.1:3-4, divine nature is through the Lord Jesus Christ. Human effort cannot do it. The Bible says all human efforts to be pure and truthful is like a filthy rag, Isa. 64:6.

When we believe God's provision for our purity, we will be able to live a pure life. Whenever a branch is properly grafted on the main stem, it will begin to bear the fruit of the stem. At the beginning it may not be total but as long as the branch remains and abides, the nature of the stem is transferred into it. Purity of life starts from the heart.

When the heart is pure and aligned with God's word and purpose through the Spirit, then purity of life is possible. Your experience, your relationship and the fruit you bear are indicators of the state of your heart. When you are defeated every single time you are confronted by satan and unable to live a consistent Christian life, then your life purity is low. Inability to live up to the standard of the word of God is another indication that the heart is not in a good state. Whereas, when your heart is pure, you become a hot coal and a no parking zone for the enemy. Understanding God and his word becomes easy because the heart is clear and free of filth. Such a believer becomes demon-proof. Purity brings boldness and courage. It makes one to be at peace with God and man. Unusual favour of God begins to manifest towards such people. Such a one can easily become a tool in the hand of God to dislodge darkness. II Tim.2:20. Apure man will always have God's approval all the time as it was with Jesus, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. May this be God's testimony for you also, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God for children that heaven and the earth will be proud of.
* Pray against any child’s wrong doing that could wipe away God’s favour from the entire family.
* Ask God to send more godly children to the earth through all waiting mothers in the church.

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Monday, November 17, 2014

Where are you?

Text: Psa.115:9-16
More Lessons: Isa.45:18
Bible Reading in one Year: Malachi 3-4

In Gen.3:9, God did not call Adam because he did not know where he was, he called him the way he did to know whether Adam knew where he was. Knowing where we are and who we are are two great issues of life that must not be played with because these determine so much about the believer. Each time God asks you about your where about, it is because He wants to be sure you know where you are. There are other questions you need to proffer answers to, in order to live a victorious jubilant Christian life. Such questions are:

1. Why is God always restoring the earth each time He destroys it? Gen.1:1; 6:7; Rev.21:1
2. Why will there be a new heaven and a new earth again? Rev. 21:1
3. Why will God not agree that you commit suicide or arrange one for you whenever you are tired of living?
4. Why will saints come back for a millennial reign on earth.
5. Why will God not keep us in heaven?
6. Why will the devil always want to kill even a believer.

We are not on the earth because God does not want us in heaven, we are here because earth is the place where believers do two things:

1. The earth is our Domain, Gen.1:26-29. It is only on the earth that we can exercise dominion. We rule as priests and kings on the earth Rev. 5:10. God does everything He pleases in heaven, on earth and below the earth. And the believer is as God on earth, Heb. 2:8
2. To deal with the devil. It is only beings with human bodies that can exercise authority on earth. Demons and devils need to be brought under subjection. They have no right on earth.

The earth is the place of the believers authority, so nothing should lord it over us here: like sickness or death. Demons are not supposed to live inside you because you are superior. That is why demons will have to possess humans to exercise authority and dominion. I am sure you wonder whenever the believer gives demons the matching order and they obey. It is because they are misfits on the earth.
They are not created to live here. Don't also wonder why God will send Lucifer and his angels to the earth after his defeat in heaven despite that God knows that you are there? It is for a show. God knows that the authority He has in heaven that sent the devil packing is also available in you on earth. God knows we can handle satan. God sent the devil to the earth, so that you can send him to the abys. Send the devil, sickness and trouble out of your life and environs today, in Jesus' mighty name. Send him to hell, right now and there will be compliance because you have been wired to do so. Put the devil in his natural habitat (hell) today.

* Send the devil and all his works parking from your life and back to the abbys now in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that you are walking in kingdom dominion and authority over dis-embodied evil spirits.

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