Sunday, January 18, 2015

Arrows in your Quiver

Text: Psa.127:1-5
MORE LESSON: Psa.144:11-15

Evidently, from today’s reading, God loves children and wants people to have and nurture children. Children are not “little terrors' as some erroneously put it; rather, they are agents of happiness to the man who has his quiver full of them. Careful meditation on this Psalm shows that children are a blessing; not a single negative word was used to describe them here. They are called “heritage of the Lord”, “reward from the lord” and “arrows in the hand of the mighty man”.

Why then does the latter part of the scripture today remain unfulfilled in several homes? ...happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies at the gate: Psa. 127:5. Rather, what happens in several homes is that children bring shame and reproach to parents and families through wayward living, reckless and immoral lives.

The Psalm also gives the reasons: Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain: Psa.127:1. Several parents raise children their own way not the Lord's. They use traditions and mere principles of men. Some use the rod heavily and verbal abuses constantly thinking that will transform children into arrows in their quivers but instead the children have become rebellious, thorns in their flesh.

What is the way of the Lord to get children to become arrows in the quiver to deal with the enemies at the gate?
- First, pray before children are conceived, pray after they are birthed and never cease to pray as they grow up to become youths and adults.

- Second, dedicate children to the one who gave them; commit them to their maker who is able to keep them. Several people think baby dedication is just a religious ritual in church. No! When it is done consciously, it's a way of committing children to Him that is able to keep.

- Third, teach them the word of God consistently. Ps.119:9. The word will constantly cleanse them and guide them.

- Fourth, love them. Treat them as humans with a complete system as you; spirit, soul and body. Take time out to listen to their questions, give polite and clear answers. Don't shout them down, rather be their friends.

Children who have loving, though, firm parents cope better with issues of life than children with strict, unloving and unreasonable parents. May your children be sharpened instruments in God's power to take away shame from your life and family, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

* The children in my home will bring me honour and glory, not shame and reproach.
* My happiness and joy will increase because of the children the Lord has given me.
* I receive the help of God to train my children in the way of the Lord.

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Safety Alone

Text: Exo.23:25-28
MORE LESSON: Exo.9:22-26

The promises of God for His people are sure when it comes to the issue of safety in their land of sojourn. When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people; He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes; saying touch not mine anointed and do my prophet no harm: Ps.105:13-15.

True! Scary events are happening all over the nations of the world that tend to make the hearts of many to fail them: insurgencies here and there, terrorism and persecution of the church, incurable diseases and plagues and such like these. Y et the assurance of God is still very definite and strong to His own.
Who are the people who will enjoy safety in the year? Blessesd is everyone that feareth the Lord, that walks in His ways. For thou shall eat the labor of thine hands: happy shall thou be, and it shall be well with thee: Psa.128:1-2. I am sure that from these verses you can answer the question of who will enjoy safety in the year. First, the man who fears the Lord; to fear God means to depart from all evil acts no matter how much others portray evil as good. Second, the man who will walk in the ways of God:-
I) His ways are righteous (Ps.145:17). Do what is right in God's sight and walk in His ways.

ii) His way is holy (Ps.145:17). Be holy in all your works and shun all acts of ungodliness and uncleanliness.
iii) His way is that of humility (Dan.4:37). Hate all acts of pride and you will be accepted and lifted by the Lord.
As long as the Israelites walked with God in obedience and godliness, they enjoyed amazing and miraculous safety so much so that even enemy nations fled before them.
The promises of God for safety for His people are as sure as God is. He cannot lie and His Word cannot fail. Do you want to enjoy safety this year? Then ensure that you and your household fear the Lord and keep His commands.

* I will dwell in the secret place of the Almighty and I will enjoy safety all through the year.
* The Lord will give the wicked as a ransom for me and my household. This year, it shall be safety alone.

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Friday, January 16, 2015

A People of Strength

Text: Psa. 28:7- 8
MORE LESSON: Eph. 6:10-18

It is always good for every believer to appreciate God for His love for us and for paying the price for our redemption through Jesus Christ our saviour. We that were lifeless, nothing, deserving death and completely alienated from the common wealth of Israel, But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV).
God didn't leave His children hopeless and helpless but enjoin them to daily wait on Him in study of the word for in it, we shall find strength for each day of our lives.

God is our strength and source of our strength. So we can say that strength is God's divine enablement, divinely given, imputed, impacted and released to the believer. The ability is given by the Holy Spirit to a sincere and ardent seeker of God (Heb. 11: 6). Since God is the source of strength, we must daily take time, create time to commune with Him. For a believer to face each day in his/her life, prayer must not be taken for granted. Prayer is like the oxygen we take in for life to go on. A prayerless person is always susceptible and vulnerable to attacks. To avoid that, find time to pray and live in the strength of the Lord.

Fellowship with people of like-mind. Heb. 10:24 – 25, Prov. 27:17, Eccl 4: 9 – 12. Don't allow the enemy to cheat you by isolating you to be killed and destroyed. Keep a good company of believers as friends, don't associate yourself with the world. The measure of grace and strength can be sapped and siphoned by the lifestyle of evil companion. So avoid evil company, as you would a plague (2 Cor. 6:14).Buy the truth and sell it not. Buy different versions of the scriptures, good Christian literature by reputable authors, listen to tapes of seasoned men approved of God etc. As you do all these daily, God's strength will be so much upon you, in Jesus’ name.

Find time to fast and pray and be involved in other Church activities. If you faint in the day of adversity, Your strength is small: Prov. 24:10 (NKJV). Determine to stand firm with God. Circumstances should never determine your attitude to God. Come what may, we must remain glued to God. Job's devastating experience would have made him turn his back on God, but he remained firm. He is a man of integrity and strength even amidst tragedy. What are you passing through brother/sister? Don't allow the enemy to sap your strength, remain strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. God has enough dose to give to you when you appear before Him anytime. The joy of the Lord is our strength.

* Pray that our men will be committed and dedicated to knowing God, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that our men will know their responsibility as the head of the home and be true/ honest, responsible fathers indeed.

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Breakthrough with Ease

Text: Psalm 126:1-2
MORE LESSON: Psalm 37:7-15

Breakthrough is an important development that may lead to an achievement. A believer's life is full of so many challenges. These challenges can come from the enemy of our souls, people around or they can be self inflicted: Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all: Ps 34:19. The devil (thief) cometh not, but for to steal and to kill and to destroy...: John 10:10a. Jesus our redeemer, the lover of our soul, our intercessor and mediator said, . . . I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly: John 10:10b.

As a child of God, we must be aware and conscious of the fact that God always means what He says in His Word. Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the thought that I have towards you saith the Lord, thought of good and not of evil, to give you an expected end; 3 John 2:3 also says, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

On this pilgrim journey, Jesus didn't promise us smooth sailing but that in all and every face of challenge, He will be with us and see us through. (Mark 4: 35 –41). With all God's promises and provisions upon us as His own, we must have to come to terms with His truth and reality that sometimes Heaven may appear to be closed or sealed over us with all the fasting and prayers etc. over issues we are trusting Him for . God will grant grace unto us to keep moving until our breakthrough is actualized, in Jesus’ name. It takes God and our total cooperation to have a breakthrough in life. Our cooperation should not be compromised at all. It takes our persistence because, it does not come arbitrarily. It has a price tag which includes patience, persistence, obedience and holy living, among others.

A believer who keeps himself/herself holy and sanctified for the Master's use and who is heavenly minded daily should never be discouraged but persevere with God until God manifests Himself with a breakthrough in such a life. I know when God appears, it will be like a dream and the pains will melt away as if they never were. The ease, joy, excitement that comes along will be unbelievable. When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter . . .: Psa. 126:1-2. Let us keep our daily communion with Him and be rest assured that our breakthrough is His desire. Keep faith with the Master.

* Pray that much grace be given to as many as are trusting God for husband, wife, children, admission, promotion etc.
* Pray that waiters will not compromise their faith come what may.
* Pray that God will use the waiting period to further equip, empower and train our character in Jesus’ name.
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My labour of old in God’s vineyard shall not be forgotten in 2015, it shall be a season of harvests, in Jesus’ name.