Text: Col. 4:7 (NLT)
MORE LESSON: 1 Chron. 12:22, 38
In life, everyone needs a helper. That helper is somebody who recognizes what God has called him to do, who believes in your calling and is willing to support you. Leaders today, spiritual, business, secular and political, need people to work with. They need people that can be trusted with responsibilities, individuals or groups that can work together with the leader for a common goal. Such must be people that are called to support the leader and not to contest for right of authority, self actualization but the leader's interest. In the home front, the husband needs a faithful helper as a wife, and the wife needs faithful children. May God give you faithful helpers, in Jesus’ name.
The whole of 1 Chronicle 12 talks about helpers who came to David to help turn the Kingdom of Saul to him according to the Word of the Lord: people with sincere and perfect hearts (1 Chro. 12:38); men and women of proven integrity , brethren of honest report, full of faith (Acts 6:3-8) that can be entrusted with responsibilities. They should be those that are ready to put their life on the line, risk it to make sure that the Word of the God does not fail (1 Chro.12:23).
Destiny helpers that can go all the way to work and not people like Judas Iscariot who know your secret and give you out to the enemy for selfish gains are cherished by leaders (Matt. 26:47-48). Helpers that can stand with you as pillars to support you, pray with you and not to pull you down.
Faithful helpers are people that will wait and travail with you and not sleep at the peak of the fight of destiny (Matt. 26:36-40). They are people the leader can trust and who will go along with him even when the going gets tough. When others are falling by the wayside, faithful helpers will stand until victory is guaranteed. They are not people who want applause and praise for what they have done or are doing. Also, such are not people who are slothful in the Lord's business but fervent men and women rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulations, trials and persecution and people who are strong in the spirit (Rom 12:11-12).
Helpers that are faithful are those that cannot be discouraged by what they see, hear, but are inspired by what the Spirit of God says. Helpers that will stand for the truth and can defend it in spite of opposition are the one the church needs (Num. 13:30). Paul mentioned people like Tychicus ...a faithful helper (Col. 4:7), Onesimus ...faithful and beloved brother...(Col.4:9), a profitable son (Philemon verse 11) Epaphras ...a servant of Christ (Col.4:12) Titus - a son and co labourer (Titus 1:4), as faithful helpers who supported Paul's ministry. May God send faithful helpers to you today, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, send faithful helpers to the church.
* Lord, today, I pledge to be a faithful co-labourer in the Vineyard.
* I make myself and time available for the Kingdom assignment.
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