Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Vain is the Help of Man

Text: Psa. 60:9-12
MORE LESSON: Psa. 146:1-5

Nobody can go through challenges of life alone (Eccl. 4:9-12). You need help to achieve your aspirations and heart desires for 2015. People that get things done in life succeed because of the help, favour and assistance they receive from other people. In seeking solution to the problems or challenges of life, people try so many things. Some run to other people for help, others turn to institutions and establishments, or to demonic and diabolic devices for help and solutions.

However, the Bible is very clear that true help comes only from God Almighty. The help of man is not only limited (2 Kings 6:26-27), but also vain outside God (Psalm 60:4). The Bible says, for by strength shall no man prevail (1 Sam. 2:9). Regardless of your physical, academic, financial, political, spiritual strength, you still need help from above.

The good news is that, it is not a big deal for God to help, increase, prosper, enlarge your coast, make you great, end that crisis in your life and create supernatural open doors (Acts 12:10). I don't know what your challenges are right now: an examination, an impending operation, a court case, an admission case, a new and better job, a burden for the ministry work, crises in your marriage, health challenge, a need for the fruit of the womb, or for a life partner? In 2015, the Lord is out to give you help so that you are not disgraced and ashamed (Isaiah 50:7).

To enjoy the help of the Most High however, there are certain basic things you have to do. (1) You must have a relationship with Him by accepting Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. (2) Do not go down to Egypt (Satanic altars, demonic prayer houses, occults etc) to seek for help (Isaiah 31:1-3). (3) Acknowledge the fact that by strength (certificate, wisdom, skill, bank account etc) shall no man prevail (1 Samuel 2:9). (4) Acknowledge your need for help and ask God for it (Math. 15:25). (5) Keep your eyes and trust absolutely on God. Your help only comes from above (Psalm 121:1-2). (6)

Determine to be a channel of blessing or help to someone else, as you receive God's help in 2015. (7) Be appreciative of every help received from men and God. (8) Ask Him on daily basis to link you up with destiny helpers. Saul’s blindness ended when God linked him with Ananias (Acts 9:9 – 27). (9) Do not neglect church services and or fellowship with the brethren. Y our help is in the sanctuary (Psalm 20:1 – 2). In 2015 and beyond, may the Lord defend you, protect you, send you all round help from His sanctuary, be an enemy to your enemies and bless you early.

* Thank God for all the help received in 2014.
* Ask for specific help of the Lord in the situation you are in right now.
* Pray that the Lord will help and give victory to somebody that you know is going through a critical time right now.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Winning over Pain

Text: Psa. 147:2-7
MORE LESSON: Isa. 38:4-6

It is possible that you have been wounded in your heart and mind. Those you trusted with all your heart may have let you down. Has your dignity been shattered and you feel cheated? You endured the pains, but the memory lingers on you, and many times you have asked the question, “But why me?” Y our past frightens you, and the future looks dreadful. Yes, you have sobbed, you have cried, you have bitten your finger and sucked your thumb as pain wrenched your soul. Oh, the loss, the abuse, the failure, the disappointment, the unexpected, the divorce, the molestation and frustration! In spite of all these, there is hope for you; God is working on your night season. He can turn your break down into break through He can turn your mourning into dancing and you can win over that pain.
Are you going through a painful experience right now?

These are the things you should pay careful attention to: (1) Refuse to live like a victim. Make up your mind to stop looking for sympathy and start looking for solution. Worry, weeping, and depression concede victory to the enemy. Blaming others will only make you bitter and wallowing in self pity can only paralyze you and alienate others. (2) No matter what happens, always rejoice (1 Thess. 5:18). Paul was in one of Europe's worst prisons when he wrote Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again rejoice: Phil. 4:4.
No matter what you are passing through in your life, show God that you trust Him by cheering up. It worked for Hannah (1 Samuel 1:18) and David (2 Samuel 12:16-23). (3) Cultivate the heart of praise worship. Don't ever hang up your harps (Psalm 137:1-4).

Engage in praising God. Praise gets your eyes off the pain and unto the problem solver. The strength you need to win over your pain and keep moving forward can only be cultivated in a climate of continual praise worship and thanksgiving to God. Paul and Silas prevailed over their painful season through praise worship (Acts 16:25-26). (4) Stand firm in faith and on the word of God. Standing on your feelings, circumstances and the opinion of others will only prolong your painful season. Listen to and repeat to yourself what God says about you and the pains you are passing through; instead of rehearsing past experiences, speak faith. (5) Pray through. In a painful, hopeless situation where everything seems to be failing, turn your face towards heaven in prayers like Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:4-5). (6) Learn to encourage yourself in the Lord. After David and his men wept and they had no more strength to weep, the Bible says, David encouraged himself in the Lord his God (1 Samuel 30:1-6).

Beloved, I see your night of weeping turned to morning of celebrations. I see God giving you beauty for ashes.

1. Give thanks to God for all the pains and testimonies you have ever experience in life.
2. Ask the Lord to heal you and other people you know that are passing through one pain or the other.
3. Pray that the Lord will heal the wounds of people who are victims of insurgency like  Boko Haram in  Nigeria and other part of world.

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Thy Will be Done

Text: Rom.12:2
MORE LESSON: Matt 6:9- 10

The written will of a man is his final decision concerning a particular issue. Men write their wills and God also relates to men based on His written will. The written will of God is divided into the Old Will (testament) and the New Will (Testament). These two wills cut across the scriptures from Genesis to Malachi and from Matthew to Revelation. God has also written a warning concerning His will: Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and those things which are written there in: Rev. 1:3. The will of God must be read, heard, known and kept by all of God's children so that they can be blessed.

According to Rom. 12:1-2 and 1 Tim 2:3, there are some of God’s wills that are worth knowing and doing:

(a) Presenting your bodies as a living sacrifice to God (1 Cor. 3: 16 – 17, 6: 20);
(b) Making the body holy (2 Cor. 7:1);
(c) Making ourselves acceptable to God (Rom. 12:1);
(d) Rendering reasonable sacrifices to God (Rom.12:2);
(e) Not conforming to the world (Rom.12:2);
(f) Being transformed by Word (Rom 12:2);
(g) That all may be saved by evangelism (Mark 16:15, John 3: 16, Rev. 22:17);
(h) That all come to the knowledge of the truth (Heb. 4: 12, 2 Tim. 3:16).

Dearly beloved, the law of the Lord is not difficult and not without a reward. As we do His perfect will, He has abundant blessings for us; by accepting God and doing His will, you will gain entrance into His kingdom and be kept from falling. You will be established, live righteously and your sonship shall be confirmed. The good, acceptable and perfect will of God is what every child of God must pursue so that His intended blessing for us might come to bear in our lives.

In conclusion, there are some ways the will of God can be done on earth. Today, pray that God’s will be done in your life and that of others in your family and church. Doing the Word should be your delight in addition to seeking and understanding it. As you do the Word and daily live it, God will surely release His blessings on you. God bless you as you begin to do and teach God's will, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask that God’s will be done in your life and family this year.
* Pray that you will not find God’s will difficult.
* Pray that no unmarried brother or sister will miss God’s will in marital destiny.

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Looking unto Jesus

Text: Matt. 14:22–32
MORE LESSON: Heb. 12:1-4

And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught him and said to him, 'O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? Matt. 14:31. Doubt, fear and sinking in the midst of the storms of life are events of events usually experienced by a man who is no longer focussed on Jesus. But when a man has set himself before the Most High everyday and in all things, he can be sure of strength to withstand whatsoever may come his way. The scripture says, And the rain descended, and the floods came and the winds blew, and beat upon that house and it fell not; for it was founded upon the rock: Matt. 7:25. When a believer exhibits undivided attention on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of eternal salvation, he can be sure he will not sink in any storm of life.

There are countless negative effects of not looking unto Jesus: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled Heb. 12:15. Roots of bitterness and defilements are examples of what can spring up when a believer is no longer focussed on the Lord. And on the other hand, if a man can see the Lord clearly and follow Him all the time, he is sure to get to the highest height in life. And He said unto them follow me and I will make you ....Matt. 4:19. Prov. 8:32–36 gives a long list of other things the believer should do to have his gaze fixed on Jesus.

Some of which are:
(i) Keeping the ways of the Lord (verse 32). God's ordinances, statutes, doctrines, laws and commandments as expressed in His Word should be kept.

(ii) Hearing and not refusing God's instructions daily (verse 33). That means, going to where we can hear God's Word.

(iii) Hearing the Lord Himself and developing an intimate relationship with God, (verse 34).

(iv) Watching daily at His gates, i.e. through quiet time, fellowshipping.

(v) Waiting at the posts of His doors, i.e. steadfast ness, consistency and diligence in seeking Him (verse 34).

(vi) Finding the Lord and just seeking Him. It is only those that find the Lord that can be said to have sought Him, the aftermath of which is divine favour.

(vii) Not sinning against the Lord because it will amount to deliberately doing wrong to oneself (verse 36).

(viii) Loving Him (the Lord) so that the believer can have abundant life. (Verse 36).

Beloved, anyone who does these things will never be distracted but will find enthusiasm to constantly seek the Lord and obey Him in all things.

* Jesus I fix my eyes on You; let my foundation be established upon the Rock that will not be moved.
* Father, help me to follow Y our instructions daily and grant me an intimate walk with Your Spirit.

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