Sunday 1 February
Text: Psa. 124:1-8
MORE LESSON: Lam.3:22-23
I want you to learn to be grateful to God in all situations. The only thing that cannot be wrongly said in any situation is 'thank you'. There is no condition where you say 'thank you' to God and you would have said a wrong thing. One revelation you need to have that will enable you give God thanks in every situation is that; It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not. Lam 3:22 (AMP).
The enemy doesn't want any good thing to happen to you. So whenever something happens to make you glad –whether achievements, promotions, blessings or favours - remember they only happen because the Lord is on your side. And even when some things happen and it looks like they are not good, I want to categorically state to you that the intention of the enemy was for it to be worse than that; the enemy wanted to destroy you totally but God didn't hand you over to the intentions of evil men, If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us: Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us .Psa. 124:2-3. we should always thank God for not giving us over to the intentions of the enemies to be a prey in their hands. Y our being alive today is an indication that the enemy could not perform the evil plot that they conceived against you (Psa. 21:11).
The Lord is on your side so you should have joy no matter what happens today because there is hope and assurance for tomorrow. I want you to be deliberate about celebrating the fact that the Lord is on your side; when you proclaim and magnify the fact that the Lord is on your side, your faith will rise and your enemies and contrary situations will become weak. Then the snares of the fowler will be broken and you will escape (verse 7). When you realise and give thanks to God for been on your side despite the situation, even whatever little the enemy was able to do would be destroyed and you will totally escape and be free. The enemy could not perform their whole intentions because the Lord has been on our side. But as you give God thanks for being on your side, whatever work the enemy has done in the past will be destroyed and you would be totally free.
Finally because the Lord is on your side, I want you to know that there is help for you in all situations. (Verse 8).
* Lift your hands and give thanks to God for His mercy, favour, kindness and faithfulness.
* Thank Him for being a great God, greater than your pains and errors.
* Say with me “father, I appreciate your fatherhood over me and I will praise you all my life”
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Oh thou month of February, February, February, hear the voice of the Lord; work for my joy from the beginning to the end, in Jesus’ mighty name.