Saturday 7 February
READ: Hab. 3:17-19
MORE LESSON: Psa. 46:1 - 3
The first text starts with 'although', which points to the fact that what is happening is contrary to expectation. The verse starts on a note of disappointment and from a negative perspective. The writer then goes ahead to list all the situations that obtain:
- the fig tree is not blossoming,
- there is no fruit in the vine,
- the olive does not yield despite all the efforts put in to make it produce,
- there is no yield in the sheep fold. When the animals no longer can produce, they are barren,
- the fields yield no food. This means that there is nothing to look forward to,
- there is no herd in the stalls.
You must understand that for an economy driven by agriculture, it is a terrible situation the prophet describes here. This definitely is a crisis situation and only help from the Lord can come to the rescue. Likewise, there are certain situations in life that only the help of God can save the day. Such situations include:
- When there is evidence that tomorrow does not hold much hope.
- When there is disappointment, and no hope.
- Only the living need help and so when one is alive but is as good as dead.
- When you look good on the outside but have terrible issues inside.
- When all things cannot work despite all the efforts applied.
Despite all these happenings, the prophet says even if all things fail, he will not be discouraged, but will rejoice in the Lord and joy in the God of his salvation; that is real faith. The reason this man of God could rejoice in crisis is because he knows that the hand of help is coming for him. He is sure that the Lord God will strengthen and help him. I want you to believe that the same hand of help will come through for you today.
The hand of help comes to those who:
- In the midst of pain can give positive confessions.
- Keep having faith when situation seems contrary to their expectations.
- Believe God in the face of things that could make them doubt the promises of God.
Help comes from the ability to see God even when there is no evidence that He is there. Help will always locate such people because they have attracted the hand of God into their situation. So I charge you today, never give in to negative situations. Nothing should be allowed to steal your joy from you because the hand of help will reach you.
* Ask God for help in the day of battle, that you will not lack strength.
* Command the hand of help upon your day as you go out.
* Ask God for grace to trust Him in all situations.
As mountains surround Jerusalem so will the angels of God surround me today and keep me in all my ways.