Text: Is 55: 7.
MORE LESSON: 2 Chron 33: 1 – 16
When Jesus was to die on the cross, two criminals were crucified along with Him. Jesus was sinless but the criminals had done so much evil, probably all their lives until this last minute when they hanged on the cross. One of the criminals appealed to Jesus, I know I am being justly punished, for I am getting what I deserve for my sins. But you, Lord, are sinless. Please, remember me when you come into your kingdom: Luke 23:40-42 (NIV). Jesus in turn assured him, I tell you the truth, today you would be with me in paradise: verse 43. A man that had done evil all his life asked for mercy at the last minute and he qualified to go to a place reserved only for saints.
The mercy of God is the master key that opens the door to salvation. No matter what evil you have done in the past or what mistakes you have made, the mercy of God will answer for you. The mercy of God will turn a prostitute to an honourable woman, turn an armed robber to a servant of God, take guilt from the heart and change your story. If a terrorist that has killed people and burnt churches should repent and come to the Lord Jesus, I assure you that God in His mercy will accept him.
Manasseh was one of the worst kings Israel ever had. He did more evil than any other king in Israel and was worse than even the Gentile kings that the Lord removed from the land of Canaan for their abominations. He made altars for idols everywhere, including in the temple of Jehovah God, and so, used an idol to replace the Invisible God in His temple for people to worship. He sacrificed his own children to demons and did much evil in the land. Finally the Lord brought the armies of Assyria against Manasseh and they captured him, bound him with chains and carried him to Babylon. They tortured him and when he was in affliction, he humbled himself before God, whom he wronged and pleaded for mercy.
Anybody that knows the full weight of Manasseh's evil against the Lord would think that he would not receive pardon from the Lord. But when he prayed to God, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and He listened to his plea and brought him back to his kingdom in Jerusalem. Then Manasseh knew and acknowledged that the Lord is God (2 Chron 33:13). The Lord not only forgave him but restored him to his kingship in Israel. What a merciful God! If God can have mercy on Manasseh, He can have mercy on anyone. No matter what you have done in the past or what mistakes you have made that you are suffering the consequences, I declare that today is your day of mercy, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the mercy of God will locate your destiny today for a turn around.
* With great humility and commitment, ask God for pardon for all things you ever did against God and His Word.
* Tell the Lord you are forsaking your old ways and that by His mercy He will restore all the blessings that sin has ever denied you.
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Father, help me to delight in You and do Your will always. Deliver me also from the forces of hell, in the name of Jesus.