Monday, April 6, 2015

A Glimpse of Heaven

Monday 6 April
READ: Rev. 21:9-27
MORE LESSON: Rev. 20:12-15

And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. Rev.21:10. This was part of the experience of John the beloved when he was thrown into the Isle of Patmos. He saw the New Jerusalem, the capital of the universe, moved to the planet earth from the planet Heaven to be among men forever. Several other men of old who had the privilege of seeing Heaven before their death did not write what they saw, but John the beloved did. Heaven is a place of eternal bliss where God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Holy Angels and just men who are dead on earth reside. The Bible makes us to understand that death, sorrow, pain, curse and wicked people will not be found in Heaven (Lk.20:26, Rev. 22:3-15, Matt. 25:46). But joy, rest, peace, righteousness, reward and glory are some of the things that obtain there (Lk.15:7-10, Rev.14:13, Lk.16:25, Matt. 5:11-12, Rom. 8:17-18).

Imagine you have to describe the taste of ice cream to people who have never eaten anything but pounded yam, how would you do it? I think one way you can try to do it is by comparing it to the best pounded yam ever eaten and the people’s mouth may salivate. But that comparism can’t prepare them for the rich, delicious taste of ice cream. How, then, can God describe Heaven to earthlings who have never tasted or seen heavenly reality? God can only do so by revealing it to some humans and use terms that are familiar with men like flowers, music, gold, crystal, glass.

Dearly beloved, Heaven is real and it is a place all believers should long to be. Genuine believers will not be afraid of going to Heaven because it is in their hearts already. But when you see believers who are scared to read about Heaven and are so afraid of death, then it is either they are ignorant or are not ready. Thank God for revealing Heaven to Apostle John. Whether you have that glimpse or not, John’s description is rich enough for all who truly believe the Bible to accept and long to be in God’s dwelling place called Heaven.

For those who believe the Bible about Heaven, making it to the place is a task that must be done, not even death should scare such people. Rather death must be seen as a mere transporter to Heaven, not an end. Beloved, do everything to make Heaven. First, be born again by accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Then live a righteous life.

* Ask God to take from you anything that can take Heaven from you.
* Pray that your name will not be missing in the Lamb’s book of life.
* Pray that you will begin to experience Heaven on earth.

This new month, my expectation shall not be cut short, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Jesus Witness Today

Sunday 5 April
READ: Acts 1:1-11
MORE LESSON: Mk. 16:14-20

Jesus the author and finisher of the Christian faith came, died and resurrected on the third day. And the Scripture says having taken captivity captive, Jesus gave gifts to the Church for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ. The gifts of the apostles, prophets, pastors and teachers to the church by Jesus is to grow the believers so that all can assume the full stature of Christ.
Moreover, our text makes us to appreciate what things Jesus did to enable the apostles become His effective witnesses, But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth: v8. Every spiritual office in God's Kingdom is for the purpose of being His witness, ye shall be witnesses unto me. Witnesses are people who tell of their experience. It is interesting to find that Jesus did not call us to be lawyers as a lawyer presents her case and argues its merit or soldiers, who defend their country and preserve its interests. But He called us to be witnesses of Him.

The book of the Acts of the Apostles is full of witnesses; ordinary people who have extraordinary grace from God. Some of them give generously, some speak eloquently, some act with boldness while others move from town to town spreading the good news of the gospel of Christ. A few sacrifice their lives. After each of them has received the Holy Spirit's power, they move the mission of Jesus forward.

Today, the Church of God needs all sorts of members, people who will preach and speak God's truth, ushers who will make visitors and new comers feel welcome, singers who will lift the hearts of believers towards Heaven, givers who are cheerful and generous. But above all the Church needs witnesses, people who will listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and act promptly in faith. The weaknesses, quarrels, in-fighting, distraction and offence in church will disappear when we all heed the command of Jesus and become not church title holders but His witnesses. That is the highest title every believer should aspire to. Any title and name that we carry in church must have His witness added or else there will be no reward in Heaven. Be a Jesus’ witness from today, it is cheap, simple and easy; you don't need anyone to ordain you into this office because by redemption you have already been ordained into it. Jesus commands today, ...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel.... Mark 16:15. Jesus died for this, you are alive for this.

* Ask God for the Holy Ghost power afresh to be an effective witness of Jesus.
* Ask God to help you to see your place as a witness in the ongoing mission to spread the gospel to all people.
** Memorise I Cor. 9:16 and meditate on it all day.

Father, every plan and target of the enemy over my destiny this month, I declare them null and void, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

That God may be Glorified

Saturday 4 April
READ: John 9: 3
MORE LESSON: John 9: 1-37

Many times in life we do not understand God's purpose for taking us through some things that we go through. When some people see someone going through one challenge or the other, they insist that it is because of the person’s sin; then they start gossiping about him. The person also gets discouraged and starts complaining that God has forgotten and forsaken him. This makes him begin to say and do things that will stop his deliverance from coming through. Of a truth, when things go bad, satan could have been allowed access to a man's life because the man has committed sin. However, sin is not the only reason why challenges come. Many times God allows us to go through troubles so that He might be glorified in our lives.

In the text, Jesus and His disciples meet a man who has been blind from his mother's womb. The first question that the disciples ask is, ...who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jn. 9:2. I don't think that should be the first question. They don't even ask Jesus what could be done to help the man; rather they are interested in who sinned that the man was born blind. The answer that Jesus gives them reveals something about the nature of God, Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him: Jn. 9:3.

I want you to know that what you are going through is for the glory of God to be made manifest in you. Do not lose heart or be discouraged; hold on because God wants to be glorified in your issue.

Another typical example is when the children of Israel are being oppressed by Pharaoh. God allows them to be in Egypt; Pharaoh oppresses them and after God deals with Pharoah, he allows the people to go. As if that is not enough, Pharaoh pursues them to the Red Sea. God allows them to get to the tight spot as the hosts of Pharaoh pursue them from behind and the Red Sea is in front. The people cry, thinking that they are trapped because God has forsaken them. On the other hand God vows, . . . I will get me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gotten me honour upon Pharaoh, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen: Exo 14:17 -18.

Men might even oppress you for a season but God has not forsaken you. He wants to take honour over your enemies by manifesting His works in your life. God will be glorified in your matter, in the name of Jesus.

* Pray that in all things God will be glorified in your life.
* Ask God to turn every situation in your life around to His glory.
* Ask God to get honour over your adversary.

Father, concerning that matter….. (mention it) let me hear joy and gladness this month.

Friday, April 3, 2015

One Family by His Blood

Friday 3 April
READ: Eph. 2:11-22
MORE LESSON: Gal. 3:26-29

Our texts vividly paint the picture of one’s state before one comes to know the Lord and the new position one assumes immediately one comes to God's Kingdom by the blood of Christ, That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: v12. Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God: Eph. 2:19. What a great change, all by the blood of Jesus! Every believer in Christ Jesus actually belongs to the same family because all are washed by the same blood and born by the same Spirit. But sometimes in the church you see people tend to be tribal, associating with others like them and avoiding those who are different either by tribe, achievement, language or age.

But Paul the apostle emphasises, For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us: v14. Dearly beloved, having broken down the wall that could separate us in church and in the Body of Christ, Jesus calls on everyone from different racial and national backgrounds, women, men, boys, girls, the rich, the poor, people with diverse political convictions, to be one. One of the supreme benefits of salvation is a sense of belonging; as you belong to God so you belong to His Church. New believers are just as much a part of the Church as old time members.

The Church of Christ is not a social club but a spiritual fellowship united by Jesus Christ through His blood. We are all fellow citizens and members of God's household. We all who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus must see ourselves first as members of the Household of God, joint heirs with Jesus and fellow brethren, regardless of race, colour, gender, language or tribe. Each time we do anything against this brotherhood we deny the power of the blood of Jesus and its privileges.

* Thank God for the gift of Jesus to mankind.
* Ask God to destroy anything that causes division in the Body of Christ and among believers.
* Ask God to reunite His Church and grant His children a sense of bonding by the blood of Jesus.

O Lord, among the multitude, locate me for an unforgettable encounter this month, in the name of Jesus.