Monday 13 April
READ: Heb. 11:13-16
MORE LESSONS: Jn. 21:1-17
Moses, Joshua and Caleb left Egypt the same day with the others but, unlike others, they were able to see and enter the promised land (Canaan). As soon as they left Egypt, they destroyed the bridge (the thought of the garlic, onion, etc) that could still link them with Egypt. They had the opportunity and means to lead the people back to Egypt if they so wished but they never did that because the bridge that linked them to Egypt (friends, colleagues, neighbours) had been destroyed in their hearts. Their minds were made up.
Father Abraham was so determined (Gen. 24:1-9) not to return to his native land such that even to take a wife for Isaac, he sent his servant back to his people. As far as father Abraham was concerned, the bridge that linked him to his home town no longer existed. Elisha destroyed the bridge (the oxen) that had the potential of linking him back to his former profession after he accepted the call of God (I Kgs. 19:19-21).
Beloved, that unhealthy relationship that exists between you and that man, woman, boy or girl is a bridge that must be destroyed. What about the charm, that club you are a member of, those Egyptian garments in your wardrobe, etc; they are bridges that need to be destroyed. Determine to refuse every opportunity capable of linking you to your past life. Today, Let us... lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us: Heb. 12;1.
* Ask God to help you put your old life behind you.
* Pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will never have a reason to desire any of the worldly things you left behind.
* Pray that every besetting sin be totally broken over your life.
Father, today, You will increase my greatness and comfort me on every side.