Friday 29 May
READ: Psa. 122:6-9
MORE LESSON: Neh. 2:1 - 8
God is a very present help in trouble (Psa. 46:1). Every individual needs help because as diverse as our faces are, so are our troubles, but we thank God who gives immediate help when we call. It is not only individuals that need help, even nations do; Nigeria needs the help of God. If there is ever a time to pray for Nigeria, it is now. And when you pray for Nigeria, you are praying for yourself, especially if you are a Nigerian, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee: Psa. 122:6. Your prosperity is linked to your praying for your nation.
Nehemiah has heard about the condition of Jerusalem and is moved to the point of prayer and fasting. After praying for Jerusalem, he goes to King Artaxerxes, still burdened for his nation. We need people that will carry the burden of Nigeria in the place of prayer. The prayer of Nehemiah obviously works because there and then, the king asks him what he wants done. Then Nehemiah does the incredible, The king said unto me, for what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven. And I said unto the king . . . Neh 2:4-5. When the king asks Nehemiah what he wants, in the twinkle of an eye, Nehemiah speaks to Heaven again before he speaks to the king. I believe he must have prayed, Lord anything I ask this man, let him do it for me. He has done a lot of praying in the secret place before he comes to the king, so he doesn't need hours of prayer in the king's presence. He just does a short prayer and the king goes ahead to give him everything he asks for. Eventually, the walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt by the order and financial support of a heathen king whose own predecessors destroyed the walls. This is because a man prays.
There is help for Nigeria from the Lord but you must not keep quiet. It is time for us all to arise and take the responsibility to pray against evil, terrorism, political unrest, bad governance, economic instability and war in our land. Do not assume that God knows what should be and what will be, will be. Nehemiah doesn't assume that God will just do it; he fasts and prays for his nation. As we stand in the gap for our nation, I assure you there shall be help for Nigeria. The enemies of this nation shall be confounded and Jesus shall be glorified over Nigeria. I see the hand of God stretched over Nigeria today to keep it from evil and to grant it peace and help from above-Say Amen if you believe. Amen!
* Pray Psa. 121 for Nigeria and its people.
The cloud of glory, rest upon me today and give my destiny rest, in the name of Jesus.