Saturday 13 June
READ: John 11:1-12
MORE LESSONS: I John 3:1-2
The value that God attaches to relationship is epitomised by Jesus' relationship with Lazarus as recorded in our text. First, in verse 1, Lazarus is referred to as a “certain” sick man and then we learn that Lazarus and the other ladies, Mary and Martha, are from the same town. In verse 2, we are told that these ladies have a relationship with Lazarus, he is their brother. I'm sure by this explanation, God wants to emphasise the importance of relationship.
Another level of relationship is introduced is verse 5, Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. This is Jesus' relationship with the whole family. But of particular interest today is the information in verse 11, …Our friend Lazarus…, which is a personal relationship between Jesus, His disciples and Lazarus.
The strength of this personal relationship is noticed when Jesus gets to the graveside of Lazarus, Jesus wept; John 11:35. Such is their closeness that in spite of knowing that Lazarus is going to rise, Jesus still feels so much for Lazarus’ temporary affliction by death. In fact, the Jews standing-by note, Behold how he loved him! v 36.
All this is a wake - up call to every believer that Christianity is all about loving one another, caring and feeling for one another in the household of faith. Regardless of denomination, tribe or tongue, the Church must be one.
* Ask God to help you to be faithful and committed to your relationships.
* Pray that the Church will teach the world to love and be a practical example of God’s love to one another.
* Pray that the Church of Jesus will be delivered from the arrows of tribe, colour, doctrines, hatred and hypocrisy.
You dry bones of my destiny, come alive today, in the name of Jesus.