Sunday, June 21, 2015

Asher-Safety Alone

Sunday 21 June
READ: Deut. 33:24-28

Today, I like you to prophesy the blessing of Asher on your destiny. Going through all the blessings of Moses upon the twelve tribes of Israel, I sometimes find it difficult to decide which is the greatest of the blessings. But then so much is pronounced upon Asher that I have used it for a regular prayer for myself. I like you to look more closely at this prophecy today and pray it for yourself. It’s so rich, Let Asher be blessed with children v24. Put your name and prophesy that you will not be barren of children, spiritual and physical. Fruitfulness is one of the blessings of God upon man after creation, God said, be fruitful. Today, tell God you will be fruitful in every area of life.
...Let him be acceptable to his brethren. That acceptance was what Joseph didn't have and was sold to slavery. Although he eventually got the acceptance but not without pain in Egypt. May you be acceptable especially at the home front, among your brethren. ...and let him dip his foot in oil. Spiritual like physical oil is rich, significant and so powerful. It speaks of wealth, grace and the anointing. Proclaim all upon yourself now. Thy shoes shall be iron and brass: v25. This means safety.
What follows are long life and strength – as thy days, so shall thy strength be: v25, it means strength until the grave. Finally, the greatest, The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: v27. Secure in God’s arms, there is no fear of ever falling! And the summary of all, Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: v28 Before you pray, note that this prayer is only for Israelites because it says that Israel then shall dwell in safety alone. To be an Israelite of the spirit is to be a child of God, whose sins have been forgiven, which is possible by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and saying bye to sin and all satanic works.

* Lift up your hands to God and ask Him for the blessings of Israel as written in Deut.33:6-29. Ask for them all one by one.
*Take a fast today and create time between 12pm and 4pm to pray for at least 15minutes asking God to fulfil the prophecy of Asher in your life – Gen. 49:20; Deut. 33:24-28.

Father, I receive grace to remain humble and spiritually sound, no matter my greatness in life, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Knowing the Mind of God

Saturday 20 June
READ: Psa. 119: 161-168 MORE LESSONS: Psa. 119:7-16

One of the greatest assets of any child of God is knowing God's mind in anything. To know the mind of God is the first step to receiving anything from God, And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: 1Jn. 5:14. It is so important, therefore, to learn how to know the mind of God.
God's Word is the most revealed mind of God to man. Everything that a man needs to know about God is in the Bible. The more of God's Word that you have in you, the more of God you will know. There are several other ways of hearing God and knowing His will but the most authoritative is the Bible. This is why you must love the Scripture; it is the source of your much sought peace and victory, Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them: Psa.119:165.
When you love God's Word, you will not have problem reading, mediating and obeying it because what we love we adore, …but my heart standeth in awe of thy word: Psa. 119:161. Until the love of God's Word consumes you, it will be difficult to do quiet time, attend Bible Study meeting or study the Bible on your own. Until you do these things, knowing God's mind to find God's answer to crucial matters of life will be near impossible. A man's love for God can be judged by his love for God's Word, which in turn can determine answer to prayer. Do you love God and His Word? How much of God's Word do you know? How much time do you devote to it? How many chapters of the Bible do you read daily? How obedient are you to the Word? God's mind is His Word; read it.

* Ask God to create in you a heart that loves His Word and obeys His will.
* Command the release of divine knowledge upon all your decisions and declare that you will not miss your way in destiny.
* Say, “Today the Spirit of God shall lead my way and I shall laugh all day long”.
* Command today to release all its goodness to you now, in Jesus name.

In the name of Jesus, I refuse to be a negative expert and I refuse the company of negative experts, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Discovering your Purpose in Life II

Friday 19 June
READ: Phil 4:8-9
MORE LESSONS: Phil 3:12-14; Rom.8:28

Sometimes you experience peace in doing certain things. Watch it, that could be an area God has carved for you (Jer. 1:5). A dream or vision lays heavily on your heart and you find it difficult to get it out of your mind-that could be your path to uplifting. Probably you have been dreaming of building a hotel or starting a manufacturing company or writing books; those could be the indicators of your purpose in life.
Another way is to identify what you are willing to give all your life to. God must be stirring you in that direction. Again, you may discover that people are willing to help you in doing something; they encourage you to take steps in a particular direction-either to pursue a certain career or do a project. That could be God urging you to take steps of faith that will usher you to your destiny.
In Gen.1:28, after creating man, God pronounced blessings on him one of which is that man should be fruitful, that is, to be 'seedful'. There can be no fruits without seeds and your seed is your purpose. Then you must discover your personality, who you are. Do you have a winning mentality? You must have determination to take over; after planting your seed, persevere to nurture it to fruition. Shedrach and his friends refused to compromise and they took over in a foreign land.
The next thing is to multiply-this requires wisdom which is the product of divine ideas and of supernatural mysteries (Eph. 3:10). Divine wisdom will locate you at the top and move you from height to height. To replenish implies creativity and innovation. Those who take over add life to their corners and thereby add values to life. Finally, subdue and have dominion, which means taking over. When you are purpose-oriented and creative, you become relevant and people will look for you.

* Ask God to give you divine ideas for supernatural victory.
* Ask God to put an end to any distraction and dust covering your divine purpose.
* Tell God to help you locate your purpose on earth and make you relevant in destiny.

My Creator is great; He is the creator and possessor of Heaven and earth, so I cannot be small nor be a slave in life, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Discovering your Purpose in Life I

Thursday 18 June
READ: Jer.1:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Gal. 1:15-19

Men who know their purpose in life locate their domain, where they are to exercise their God given authority and reign. But many find it very difficult to identify theirs, thus they are confused most part of their lives. Such people stagger through life and die without making any impact in their little corners. Discovering your purpose is vital. How do you do this?
One way is to recognise your deepest desire in your heart or in your spirit man (Psa 37:4). Such desire is very difficult to shake off. Sometimes you have a passion for a particular thing-a profession, a task etc. Some people have trained as medical doctors but find fulfilment in fashion design or fine art. Your lifting in life is in your purpose and not necessarily in your academic qualification. The few who succeed in having this rare combination usually excel in their chosen field.
Another way to know your purpose is to identify what you naturally do well without struggle. For instance, some people naturally love to talk and relate with people. Such may be good in PRO and marketing jobs: God could desire that they take over in the area of public relations. Your purpose is where you get the best results effortlessly.
You can also realise your purpose through the witness of the Holy Spirit on your inside. You could just have a silent witness of what God wants you to be (Rom.8:14,16).
God may use a mature Christian, such as your father in the Lord, to reveal your purpose. Be careful not to go to those who do fortune telling or gaze at stars. It must be a man of God who has the task of watching over you. Locate your prophet and submit to his divine authority for purposeful living.

* Ask Jehovah God to light the candle of your life to find your fullness all through life.
* Tell God to take over your entire destiny and rule, reign and govern your destiny according to His plans.
* Acts 5:31; Isa. 49:5; Gal. 1:18
----Read the passages above and write out the purposes of the people mentioned.

My dreams shall not fail, my hopes shall not be dashed and I shall see my desires in the land of the living.