Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Enemy, the Party is Over

Tuesday 23 June
READ: 1Sam. 30:1-19
MORE LESSONS: Isa. 43:1-7

David and his men were out of town for only three days and by the time they returned, the enemy had invaded the land and made away with everything they left behind, including their wives and children. This is what the devil enjoys doing; invading people's destinies and causing sorrow. This year, I prophesy to you, there shall be no satanic invasion, nor anything that causes sorrow, in Jesus name. The response of David and his men to this situation was expected, Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no power to weep: v4. All they laboured for in life was gone and as humans they were discouraged.
However, the strength of David returned and he went into prayer and received help. Heaven went to work for him and by divine direction and help, David pursued those enemies and, before long, he met them where they were celebrating their loot. David terminated the party, killed all and recovered all. Note the four weapons that ended the enemies’ party: (1) David encouraged himself in the Lord(V6). (ii) He consulted God in prayer (V7). (iii) He received a divine direction from the Lord to pursue (V8). (iv) God sent him a helper of destiny (V12).
Today, all your enemy's party is over. Take hold of prayer like never before and add fasting to it. Give up crying and encourage yourself in what God can do. Ask God for true helpers of destiny and divine direction and your enemy's party over you will be over. Arise now, change your attitude to handling life's challenges and terminate your enemy's party today. I prophesy an end to your enemy's rejoicing over your matter.

* Prophesy against every enemy’s activity in your life.
* Command every war to cease and terminate every satanic hostility.
* Ask God to grant you victory everywhere you turn to this year and that you will not lose any battle any more. I prophesy that you will surprise your enemies, in the mighty name of Jesus.

This year is not permitted to close without the evidence of God’s goodness in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Prayerlessness: a Doom

Monday 22 June
READ: Gen.32:21-31
MORE LESSONS: Gen.33:1-4

For Jacob, taking the decision to return home after over twenty years in Laban's place was tough because of the problem he had about the issue of the blessing of his father, which he stole from Esau. However, one would have expected that being brothers, twenty years were long enough to have quenched the fire, but not so in this case.
Esau, on hearing about his brother's return, prepared a four hundred man army to meet Jacob for revenge. All the gifts that Jacob sent to appease his brother did nothing to change him; his opportunity to revenge had come. When Jacob saw that nothing worked, he resorted to what he ought to have done first-prayer, staying alone with God.
At the place of prayer he met God and his story changed. He was blessed and had his name changed so that by the time he met Esau, the battle plan had become a party plan. If you can turn over your battles to the Lord, you will win without shooting a single bullet. Just imagine, all the four hundred men that Esau brought became bodyguards for Jacob and his family (Gen. 33:15). This is what God will do for you this year, in Jesus name.
Every battle will be turned to party time and all satanic revenge will fail, but not without a life of prayer. Prayer is what changes things-personal prayer, church prayer and all manner of prayers. Restore your altar of prayer today. Prayerlessness is a doom, fight it now!

* Ask God to lay hand on bow and arrow and fight your cause today.
* Declare that from the rising of the sun to its going down today, Heaven will stand for you.
* Declare that you will not lack victory in your place of prayer this year.
* Ask God to rekindle the fire of prayer in your life.

I am a fruitful vine, I shall not be barren of any good thing, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Asher-Safety Alone

Sunday 21 June
READ: Deut. 33:24-28

Today, I like you to prophesy the blessing of Asher on your destiny. Going through all the blessings of Moses upon the twelve tribes of Israel, I sometimes find it difficult to decide which is the greatest of the blessings. But then so much is pronounced upon Asher that I have used it for a regular prayer for myself. I like you to look more closely at this prophecy today and pray it for yourself. It’s so rich, Let Asher be blessed with children v24. Put your name and prophesy that you will not be barren of children, spiritual and physical. Fruitfulness is one of the blessings of God upon man after creation, God said, be fruitful. Today, tell God you will be fruitful in every area of life.
...Let him be acceptable to his brethren. That acceptance was what Joseph didn't have and was sold to slavery. Although he eventually got the acceptance but not without pain in Egypt. May you be acceptable especially at the home front, among your brethren. ...and let him dip his foot in oil. Spiritual like physical oil is rich, significant and so powerful. It speaks of wealth, grace and the anointing. Proclaim all upon yourself now. Thy shoes shall be iron and brass: v25. This means safety.
What follows are long life and strength – as thy days, so shall thy strength be: v25, it means strength until the grave. Finally, the greatest, The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: v27. Secure in God’s arms, there is no fear of ever falling! And the summary of all, Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: v28 Before you pray, note that this prayer is only for Israelites because it says that Israel then shall dwell in safety alone. To be an Israelite of the spirit is to be a child of God, whose sins have been forgiven, which is possible by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and saying bye to sin and all satanic works.

* Lift up your hands to God and ask Him for the blessings of Israel as written in Deut.33:6-29. Ask for them all one by one.
*Take a fast today and create time between 12pm and 4pm to pray for at least 15minutes asking God to fulfil the prophecy of Asher in your life – Gen. 49:20; Deut. 33:24-28.

Father, I receive grace to remain humble and spiritually sound, no matter my greatness in life, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Knowing the Mind of God

Saturday 20 June
READ: Psa. 119: 161-168 MORE LESSONS: Psa. 119:7-16

One of the greatest assets of any child of God is knowing God's mind in anything. To know the mind of God is the first step to receiving anything from God, And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: 1Jn. 5:14. It is so important, therefore, to learn how to know the mind of God.
God's Word is the most revealed mind of God to man. Everything that a man needs to know about God is in the Bible. The more of God's Word that you have in you, the more of God you will know. There are several other ways of hearing God and knowing His will but the most authoritative is the Bible. This is why you must love the Scripture; it is the source of your much sought peace and victory, Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them: Psa.119:165.
When you love God's Word, you will not have problem reading, mediating and obeying it because what we love we adore, …but my heart standeth in awe of thy word: Psa. 119:161. Until the love of God's Word consumes you, it will be difficult to do quiet time, attend Bible Study meeting or study the Bible on your own. Until you do these things, knowing God's mind to find God's answer to crucial matters of life will be near impossible. A man's love for God can be judged by his love for God's Word, which in turn can determine answer to prayer. Do you love God and His Word? How much of God's Word do you know? How much time do you devote to it? How many chapters of the Bible do you read daily? How obedient are you to the Word? God's mind is His Word; read it.

* Ask God to create in you a heart that loves His Word and obeys His will.
* Command the release of divine knowledge upon all your decisions and declare that you will not miss your way in destiny.
* Say, “Today the Spirit of God shall lead my way and I shall laugh all day long”.
* Command today to release all its goodness to you now, in Jesus name.

In the name of Jesus, I refuse to be a negative expert and I refuse the company of negative experts, in the name of Jesus.