Saturday, June 27, 2015

Road Blocks to Advancement

Saturday 27 June
READ: Num 13: 30 -31
MORE LESSON: Num 13: 27 – 14: 12

God told the Israelites to go and possess the Promised Land, but they came up with some reports that posed as road block to their advancement to the fulfilment of their destiny. Christians are mandated to move forward in every area of life. However, there are stumbling blocks that can make you remain stagnant or even retrogress. Today we point out some of the stumbling blocks in the lives of the Israelites so that you can guide against such in your life.
1. Lack of relationship with God: It is obvious that the people did not have a viable relationship with God. They didn't know God; they only knew Moses. This was why they magnified the enemy above God. Only those that know their God can be strong and do exploits (Dan. 11: 32). Living a life that is far away from God will always impede a man from moving to the next level.
2. Unbelief: The people saw all the miracles that God did in the wilderness but their hearts were not persuaded to have faith in Him. Therefore unbelief stopped them from advancing into the rest that God had prepared for them (Heb 3: 18 – 19). I want you to know that it is God that has brought you this far in life and you should believe Him to take you to the next level.
3. Procrastination: The Israelites wanted a better time to go and possess the land when God had told them to go now. You must know that now is the time to take responsibility for your advancement to the next level. If you leave till tomorrow that which you are supposed to do today, you deny yourself advancement in destiny. Laziness is akin to procrastination and both are destiny killers. Don't procrastinate any good thing that you are to do for yourself or for other people till tomorrow because you don't know what tomorrow brings.
4. Un-preparedness: The final road block we will consider is unpreparedness. Down in their heart and mind, the people of Israel were not ready to enter in to their Promised Land. The truth about life is that there is no help you can give to someone that is not willing to move forward. You must be willing and make yourself ready for progress in life. An unprepared person will mess up if he finds himself at a higher level. Whatever is the next level you want--in career, finance, marriage, ministry and spiritual life--you have to equip yourself and make yourself ready from now. This is one of the attitudes you will need to get to the next level.
I implore you to evaluate your life today and take responsibility for your advancement in destiny. I release upon you the grace to move above obstacles and enter into your next level, in Jesus’ name.

*Pray that every road block on your path of advancement be removed.
*Pray against the road block of unbelief, procrastination, unpreparedness and lack of relationship with God in your life.
* Ask for grace to move above obstacles on your path of destiny.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare that the agenda of witchcraft shall not prosper over my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Water of Marah

Friday 26 June
READ: Exo. 15:23-27
MORE LESSONS: Isa. 43:18-19

As soon as the Israelites left Egypt they had a problem as Egypt was pursuing them and the Red Sea was in front of them. The Egyptians must have been happy that the Israelites had no way of escape and they were joyous in anticipation of victory. But the Israelites cried onto the Lord and He divided the Sea so that His people passed on dry land. God, by His great power, parted the water, raised the sea bed and made the path dry, and His people walked to the other side. However, the Sea through which God's people passed became the enemy’s grave. So shall God do to your enemies.
The Israelites continued on their journey after the unique victory. They trekked for three days without water to drink. Therefore, the people began to grumble and lament, forgetting the great miracle they just had. Again, Moses cried to the Lord and He provided water for them. But much to their sorrow, the water was bitter.
That might be your experience. You have been looking for a job and what you got is not satisfactory, something below your qualification, that is, ‘marah’. Don't murmur and complain. What God did at Marah, He can do it again.
From Marah they moved to Elim where they found twelve wells, seventy palm trees and they camped there. That's the doing of the Lord. After the trouble and the tension at Marah, He moved the people to where they found rest. May you enter into God's rest. God who moved Naomi and Ruth from being Mara to becoming the descendants of Jesus will do same for your ‘marah’.

* Declare that this year, you will not move from battle to battle, there shall be rest.
* Pray that you will not live a life of complain but will always work for solution.
* Command every ‘marah’ in your life to turn to sweetness today.

I receive, from today, the sure mercies of David to crown my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

God owns All

Thursday 25 June
READ: Gen.1:13-14

The day we come to the full understanding that when we die we will take no money or material things with us to heaven, all the hatred, animosity and confrontations will dissolve. In verse 14 of our passage, God created the seasons. He created days, He also created years, thereby making the issue of calendar not the doing of any man after all. You are likely to be tempted to think that, calendars are just the creation of man to make for better orderliness and arrangements.
The issue of calendar is spiritual because it has a backing and an origin in the spirit. In other words, there is a dimension of spirit affair in calendar. Because God is Spirit, if He created something therefore, that thing has an origin in the spirit. That also tells us that calendars are not just spiritual; they are spiritual on the side of God, because something can be spiritual on the side of evil and it can be spiritual on the side of God. The kingdom of darkness has no hand in the issue of what is the root of calendar; the root of calendar is in God, God created it. There are different types of calendar, but the creation of days and years are the handy work of the Almighty God. We have the Gregorian, the Jewish and even the Islamic calendars that are man-made except for the Jewish calendar that has its origin in Exodus12:2. Because God is the one who created times and seasons, He also takes responsibilities for whatsoever happens inside them. What happens in the calendar is in God's hands because He created all and owns all. Things can't just happen anyhow to a Christian who has this understanding because he knows for sure that God created the days and the days are in His hands.
When you grab the understanding that God created the seasons and the seasons are in His hands, do not allow Satan to take over or determine what happens in your days, years and seasons because it has its root in your God. Your seasons cannot happen any how if you have the understanding that God is the owner of seasons. We have cold and hot seasons with each having peculiar challenges including health setbacks. However, if you have an understanding that seasons are owned by God and that whatever is of God is never negative but positive, then you can use that knowledge in the place of prayer and say, Father, you created seasons, there is no evil in You, this season shall not be evil for me.

* Pray for clearer understanding of the seasons of God for your life and destiny.
* Declare your days redeemed from every evil.
* Reject every form of negative season and begin to command good seasons upon your life.
* Command Satan to take his hands off your life and seasons.

In the name of Jesus, I command every ministry of wickedness against my life to expire now!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Destiny Blockage

Wednesday 24 June
READ: Phil. 3:11-16
MORE LESSONS: Matt 6:25-34

You do not arrive at your destiny over night; it is a faith-filled life journey with the Holy Spirit. The journey is not all rosy because there are situations and events that will discourage you; however, don’t give up. I have discovered that certain qualities help to smoothen life journey but when a person lacks them, he is handicapped. The weaknesses of our forerunners are lessons for us today to help us to overcome.
One of these is being at ease. Jesus prophesied that Peter would be the rock (one of the builders) of the Church. A fine prophecy but Peter failed to pray even when Christ urged him to. He was at ease; no wonder he denied the Master. But the prayer of the Master went ahead of Peter and he was restored. Secondly, Peter lacked self-confidence; just a simple question from a maid and he compromised. Many believers compromise too often and settle for less than God's provision for them. If Joseph had compromised and yielded to Potiphar's wife, he would have been her favoured servant but without a godly destiny.
The third thing that threatened Peter's destiny was lack of consistency, thus he was rising and falling. It was Peter who received the revelation of Jesus the Son of God and Jesus the bread of life (Matt.16:16-18; Jn 6:68-69). Jesus acknowledged the spirituality of Peter’s declaration. But it was also Peter who chided Jesus when he spoke about His death on the cross and His resurrection. And shortly after Jesus resurrected and ascended to Heaven, Peter abandoned the assignment and went back to fishing. Inconsistency can hinder the fulfilment of your destiny. Stay with the Lord and be fulfilled in life. Tell Him you are feeble and a sinner outside of Him. Ask for help and strength, and He will energise your life, faith and ministry. I pray you will receive God's help today, in Jesus' name.

I prophesy that I shall not be a victim of another man’s error in my entire life, in the mighty name of Jesus.