Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Covenant keeping God

Wednesday 1 July
READ: Gen. 12:2- 3
MORE LESSON: Exo. 2:23-25

The Lord is the covenant keeping God. From generation to generation, God has always related with His people by covenant. The covenant with Abraham was one example. There is a covenant of deliverance, greatness and prosperity that God made with Abraham. In Genesis 12:2, God said, And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. That is a covenant- an agreement between God and Abraham that anything that is associated with him shall be blessed and in turn shall be a blessing. So you can get into a covenant relationship with God and you could even have specific covenants for specific areas of your life.
In Gen. 22, God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son and Abraham set out in obedience. When Abraham got to the place where he would sacrifice his son, God showed up and provided a lamb for the sacrifice instead of his son. Abraham named that place 'Jehovah Jireh' – meaning God the Provider. (Gen 22: 14). That was the beginning of God's covenant of provision with His children which guarantees that in every situation of lack, God will show up for them.
The covenant of provision is the reason why you must not be a poor man. This is because God has sworn that you will not be poor. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth: 3Jn.2. Whatever attempts to make you poor is an enemy to the covenant of God. God's covenant cannot be broken for God cannot lie. Poverty is an enemy of God and God will definitely be victorious over the enemy and not the enemy over Him. When poverty ravages your life, invoke the covenant of God and declare that there is a covenant between God and Abraham your father, which guarantees that you will not be poor. God is bound to fulfil His covenant. There is nowhere God hears about His covenant and shuts down because that would amount to failing in his promise.

When the children of Israel were in bondage in Egypt, they got to a point where they cried out to God. Their cry for help caused God to remember His covenant with their father Abraham. So remaining under bondage is after-all a choice! The day you choose to cry out for the covenant to speak for your help is the beginning of a new dawn. Do not remain in bondage to poverty, sickness, oppression or any evil. You are the seed of Abraham by the reason of adoption through Christ Jesus. Remind God of His covenant today and He will rise up for you. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips: Psa. 89:34.

* Command anti-covenant activities of the devil in your life ended now.
* Invoke the covenant of Abraham to begin to make way for you from now on.
* Ask God to remember His covenant with Abraham and war with every spirit of bondage in your life.

Father, you have done it again. You have given me January-June and will do it again with July-December, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Let my book be Opened

Tuesday 30 June
READ: Rev. 5:1-5
MORE LESSON: Neh. 13: 31

In the book of Revelation, John saw an angel holding a book but the book was closed and sealed and there was no one found who could open the book for which reason he wept. I tell you when a man's book is closed, there is always weeping. When a man's book is closed, there is no remembrance of such a man.
A man could have offered prayers and supplications or written proposals and applications, but if his book is closed, there is nothing for him. He could have done a thing worth rewarding but until his book is opened, there is no remembrance of him. Such was the case of Mordecai in the Bible, his book of memorial was not only closed but it was also hidden. And as long as that book remained closed, he was not remembered. But when God would open his book, that night the king could not sleep. So one was commanded to bring the book of the records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king. Then the king said, "What honor or dignity has been bestowed on Mordecai for this?" Est 6:1-3 (NKJV).
Your book being opened is a figurative expression for God and man remembering you for good. Nehemiah, after doing a lot for God in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, prayed a very important prayer: Remember me, O my God, for good. Neh 13:31. Some people's books have been closed that is why they cannot be remembered. The Bible says that Cornelius' offering came before the Lord as a memorial. (Act 10: 4); so every good thing you did or will do is being recorded. Today I declare that every book of good memorial that has been closed against your destiny is opened in the name of Jesus. The implication of this as well is that if you have not been laying up good works and serving God, there is nothing to be opened in your book. So it is time for you to repent and be diligent in laying up your treasures in God's kingdom which will come up as a memorial before the Lord.
Finally, in Psa. 139: 14-16, all your days have been recorded in a book, which will be opened on the last day and you will be judged by it. (Rev 20:12 – 15). The Book of Life will also be opened on that day and if anybody's name is not found there, such will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Today, invite Jesus into your life so that your name will be written in the Book of Life. If you are already saved, you still need to invite Him to open your book because only He is worthy to open the book and loose the seals.

* Pray, Lord let my books be opened.
* Say, “Father, please let my destiny be remembered as you remembered Hannah, Racheal and Noah”.
* Let every blessing that has been shut against me be reopened today.

Father, my heart cry in destiny is to live for You and serve You; Lord make this a reality in my life, in Jesus’ name.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Your Partner for Inheritance

Monday 29 June
READ: Heb 9:16-17
MORE LESSON: I Cor. 2:9-12

Usually when a man is about to die, he writes a will and puts it in the hands of an attorney to keep the will in trust. A will is written instructions about what should happen to your possessions when you die. The attorney is saddled with the responsibility of getting the relatives together and making sure the inheritance is shared as stipulated in the will. A bad attorney can manipulate the will or can refuse to release the will. The implication is that all the beneficiaries are at the mercy of the attorney because he can alter the will.
When Jesus died at Calvary, He also left a will of all that He owns to His children after Him. There is, however, something very exciting about Jesus' will. He wrote a will and died, because a will is only operational after the death of the testator (Heb. 9:16–17). But our Lord Jesus didn't stay dead, He resurrected! He came back to life and He is alive today to supervise the implementation of the will that He wrote. Men write will and are no longer alive to see that it is done as they will, but Jesus died and resurrected and is seated on the right hand of the Father today supervising how His will is being implemented. So His will cannot fail because He who wrote it is alive to supervise and implement it. He is alive to empower the will, He is alive to ensure that all that is written in the will is all that you get. You can get all that is in the will because the author and testator of the will is alive. His cannot fail; the will cannot be manipulated, under-implemented or changed.
The Holy Spirit is the custodian of God's Word. He is the attorney who supervised the documentation of the Word; He as well supervises the implementation. This is one reason why you can be sure that every word God has said concerning you cannot fail. You have the Mighty Holy Spirit as your partner to implement the will because He is the facilitator of the will. God has not put the fulfilment of His Word in the hands of men but of the Holy Spirit. So do not fret; just trust in the ability of the Spirit of God to bring His Word to fulfilment.

* Give God thanks for the perfect thought He has for you.
* Proclaim that today lines will fall for you in pleasant places.
* Declare that your inheritance in Christ Jesus will not be taken from you.

Father, fumigate my life, sanitise it and make it free of every unwanted spiritual and physical dirt, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Spiritual Sight

Sunday 28 June
READ: Matt 6: 22 - 23
MORE LESSON: Rev 3: 17 - 18

People attach a lot of importance to eyesight, and being blind in the natural is seen as one of the worst things that can happen to a man. This reminds me of the story of a beautiful sister who had a conviction that God wanted her to marry a brother who happened to be blind. When the lady introduced the man to her father who was a rich man, the father said that she must be out of her mind. Many things were done to discourage her but she held on to her conviction. She said she preferred to marry a blind man in God's will than to marry a man with sight if it is not God's will. The family finally succumbed and wedding plans were made. On the wedding day, after they were joined together, the groom's eyes opened!
Why do men attach so much importance to sight? Why is blindness seen as a major problem? Physical things actually portray a higher spiritual reality. Man's aversion to blindness in the natural is an expression of the evil of blindness in the spiritual realm,
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! Matt 6:22-23.
A man without Jesus is engulfed by great darkness and such a man needs to allow the light of life to come into his heart so that he may see, then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life: John 8:12.
A man, even a Christian, who is not full of the Word of God is blind because the Word is light (Psa 119: 105, John 1: 1-4). This is why you must make it a point of duty to be full of God's Word. A man who doesn't keep his eyes single and focused on Jesus will also be blinded by the distractions of worldliness.
This is the reason our text says that for you to be full of light, your eyes must be single. This talks about singleness of focus on Jesus. In Rev 3: 17 – 18, the problem with the Laodicean Church (which represents the End-time Church) is that worldliness and materialism have so much overtaken them that the Lord says they have become blind. But Jesus enjoins them to buy eye-salve from Him so that they may see. I pray that God will re-anoint you and rededicate you with His eye-salve so that the things of the world will not make you blind to the things of God, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that you will not lose your spiritual sight.
* Declare, Father, because Your Word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path, I shall not walk in darkness.

I receive the key of David; every door that I open shall be opened and the ones I close shall be closed, in the name of Jesus.