Sunday, August 16, 2015

Life-changing Encounter

Sunday 16 August
READ: Mark 5:1-20
MORE LESSON: Lk.8:41-46

The story in our text today gives a clear illustration of what a life in darkness experiences. The man of Gadarenes was living in the graveyard because of the evil spirits tormenting him. This man had his dwelling in a place where normally men would never stay to relax or much more live there. This is the destruction Satan brings into men's lives; he makes them abnormal and inordinate. If before then this man had a family (relations, a wife and children), I guess that because of what happened to him all his loved ones had left him. No one wanted to be identified with a mad man. Maybe when the family tried all they could to make him normal and it did not work, they had to let him go. Satan then took this man to the lowest level of being dead while still living, as the man made his home with the dead in a graveyard.
The evil spirits humiliated the man to the point that he was always crying and cutting himself with stones, yet there was no help for him to get out of bondage until the day Jesus came into that country. Because the man was so desperate for a release, contrary to the evil spirits in him, he ran to worship Jesus and that was the end of the madness that no one could tame or heal. …For this purpose the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil: I Jn.3:8.
This man had a life-changing encounter with the Master of the universe and the reverse of darkness manifested to him. Light came in and darkness had to leave. And they come to Jesus and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind and they were afraid:Mark 5:15. The madness made the man restless and uncoordinated. But when light came in, he could sit down and experienced rest. He was naked and dirty before, then light came in and he became clothed. He lost his senses before but when he had an encounter with Jesus, his life changed; He became normal and all his senses were restored.
Jesus will give you rest from every form of restlessness from within to outside, amen. Yours may not be as bad as the mad man of Gadarenes but you get so restless and unsettled; unsure of tomorrow. Jesus will give you rest! Just surrender your life to Him as the mad man did by running to Jesus and you will enter rest.

* Jesus, You are the life-changer; come into my life and turn my night into day.
* I terminate every activity of Satan and his agents in my life by the power of Jesus Christ.
* Today, I enter into full rest from every torment of the enemy, in Jesus’ name.
Father, I overturn today, in its entirety every satanic decision and plot against the rest of my year, in Jesus’ mighty name

Caution for the Last Days II

Saturday 15 August
READ: I Cor. 7: 29-31
MORE LESSON: Eph.5:10 -20

One of the things that make men of a particular generation to avoid the pitfalls of their generation is caution such as was exhibited by Job (Job 31:1-3). He was so conscious of his godly heritage and status that he made covenants over what he would never do with members of his body in order to avoid sin against God. No wonder God boasted about him (Job 1:8).
Caution must be exercised to avoid unholy festivities. Eating and drinking on its own is not sinful but when it leads to revelry and drunkenness then it is sinful and attracts judgement (Matt.24:49). Christians should even get to the point where organizing parties with no eternal purpose attached should not be encourgaed. Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God: I Cor.10:31. The Bible says that even in eating and drinking or gathering men for celebrations, God's glory must be the aim. If it will not glorify God, shove it aside even if the society calls for it. Honour God more than societal expectations. As we expect the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus, believers should use their parties as evangelistic tools which will bring great benefits to the Kingdom and self- fulfilment to the believer.
Another caution to take about the last days is to consciously avoid abnormalities and inordinate tendencies in every area of life. Abnormalities have existed since the days the fallen angels came into the earth and had intercourse with humans (Gen.6:1-4) and produced abnormal humans called giants. Even today Satan still continues to move men to do abnormal things. This is not just in sexual practices but also in attitudes and character traits. Demonic interactions with men when allowed leads to unforgiveness, bitterness, revenge and hatred. Such interactions also drags men into deceptions, little lies and little foxes which spoil their Christian testimony.
There must be a conscious effort to tell Satan to get behind you, when he comes with his vicious conversations that lead to abnormal behaviours. Some people have listened to such and have become vessels in Satan's hand to divide God's people by evil rumours, slander and gossip. Refuse such relationships in your life; learn to bind those demons and send them to the abyss where they belong. Looking diligently, lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled: Heb.12:15. Be indeed diligent and careful so that at the end of your race here on earth, you might see the Lord!

* Holy Spirit, help me to seek God's glory in all that I do today and always.
* I close all the gates of my life to every demonic interference, in Jesus’ name.
* Satan will not use me in any way to destroy God's Kingdom or divide God's people, in Jesus’ name.

Jesus, the name above every name, rise above every name opposing Your glory in my destiny, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Caution for the Last Days I

Friday 14 August
READ: Matt.24:36-41

The days that will usher in the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ have been compared to the days of Noah. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be: Matt.24:38-39. We must all take precautions to avoid being caught unawares and consequently miss the rapture. The passage clearly shows that legitimate issues such as marriage, eating and drinking can so much occupy men at the expense of making heaven. How can this happen? Marriage for example is instituted of God as a legitimate, correct process but it is being made illegitimate by people in these last days. Marriage perversions are gradually creeping in and taking over nations. In some societies today, children are growing up to encounter situations that make them think it is correct to have two men or two women as parents, contrary to what God instituted (Gen.2:22-25; Rom.1:26-27).

If the floods of these end times will not sweep you away, then you must consciously guard against perversions of all forms from taking over your life, home and family. Some of these marital perversions are entering our homes through latest home videos and movies. Parents must guard against their children being gradually indoctrinated into various perversions by the media of the day. We must teach our children what God's Word says and cry against the vile glamour of the perversions being portrayed as fashionable and acceptable.

Another evil that is gradually creeping in is that of violence (Gen.4:23). The issue of violence (physical or verbal) must be strongly prayed and spoken against because some people are already coming to the conclusion that if they cannot have things peacefully and legally then they should use violence to take them by force. Such people forget or are ignorant of the saying that, “He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword” (Matt.26:52). There are better ways of expression both within and outside the home. Christians must give good examples to the world by handling matters the Bible way and not violently. Husbands must never lift their hands against their wives; correction and discipline of children must be done moderately and not to inflict wounds. Above all, the way out of domestic or external forms of violence is to lead members of the family, friends in the neighborhood and others to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

* I receive grace to be careful and watchful in order to escape destruction as Noah did in his generation, in Jesus’ name.
* I rebuke the spirit of all forms of perversion in my life, home and family.
* The Word of God will without compromise continue to be my standard for living, in Jesus name.

I overthrow every power contending with the grace of God upon my life and I prevail in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Not done with Me

Thursday 13 August
READ: Mk. 7:24-30
MORE LESSON: Phil. 3:10-14

As I write this moment, I hear Heaven declare loudly like with a thousand voices, God is not done with you yet! To the rich, the intelligent, the most influential, popular and great, I say, God is not yet done with you. There is room for more. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect…. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize... Phil. 3:12-14. God has more than He has given you and He wants to give you more; He wants to take you further, so press on towards more. Don't stop at the “little” because God has greater, better and higher plans for you.

To the poor, defeated, delayed and depressed, today I hear God saying, God is not done with you yet! He has a plan for your lifting, breakthrough, restoration and prosperity. God is still at work; He is still giving children, marriage partners, healing, wealth, jobs, career success and breakthroughs. God didn't stop the work of creation until He finished. He is still at work on your matter and will not stop until He finishes. He has not yet gone to rest, and He will not until He is through with your case.

So, like Paul, press on until you reach the prize mark. Don't give up on yourself; quitters don't win, winners don't quit. If you don't stop, God won't stop. Press on like the Syrophoenician woman in our text; be deaf to all negative comments about your situation. Just refuse to give up your faith, hope and confidence in God, even if it’s an angel that said what discouraged you. Stay glued to the God who says, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth: Matt. 7:7-8.

Today, you may be down but tomorrow is still a credit! Just never say 'never', for God will never give up on him who refuses to give up on himself. Tell your enemies, For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief: Prov. 24:16. You will rise and your light will shine again. Glory days are here again! Friend, just stay righteous and hold on to God without despair, pressing on in prayer and faith and God will do it again.

* Lift up your hands and proclaim that this year will not pass by without your answer.
* Ask that the Host of Heaven will take over your fight this year and give you victory.
* Find out any abandoned project/prayer requests in your life and prayerfully go back to them and shortly success will come.
* You can also tie a vow to the requests this time just like Hannah did.

Father, train my hands to war and my fingers to fight, and let the bows of iron be broken by my hands this year, in the name of Jesus.