Saturday 5 September
READ: Luke 16:19-31
MORE LESSON: Matt. 16: 26
I saw a video where the image of a former Miss Nigeria when she won the beauty pageant was compared with how she looked before she died. The difference was unbelievable. That clip showed the temporariness of physical beauty. Of a truth, spending all your money and effort on only making up your body and looking good is simply not wise. While your body should be cared for, your spirit is what really counts. The body will end up in the coffin as meal for maggots. Many people spend all their lives preparing their body as good meal for the maggot. Do not let your adornment be merely outward — arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel — rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.
In Luke 16: 19 – 31, Lazarus was a poor man who begged at a rich man's table. He died and was carried to Abraham's bossom. The rich man also died and despite all the fine dresses, gold and possession he had, he found himself in hell. We should value spirituality and eternity above earthly possessions by putting the priority on our spirit above our body.
We should know however, that it is not because Lazarus was righteous that he was poor. It is not God's will for a man to be righteous and poor. People become poor as a result of their choices. Poverty is a choice. When a man is tight- fisted and refuses to give, he is making a choice for poverty. Refusal to give to the course of the kingdom is courtship with poverty. When a man focuses on hard work without God, he is choosing poverty. Sin and walking crooked ways also lead to poverty for a believer. Lazarus wasn't poor because of righteousness. It takes spiritual understanding to access wealth.
I pray that God will open your understanding and you will access secrets that will make you rich and righteous. We have so many in scriptures who were righteous and rich; Abraham, Isaac, David, Uzziah- the 16 year old king who prospered as long as he pursued God and many others stand as testimony that you can be righteous and prosperous. We are not commending Lazarus for being poor nor are we saying that the rich man went to hell because he was rich. But we are emphasizing that any man that focuses on the temporary things of the world – possessions, good looks, beauty, fame etc. at the expense of his spirituality and eternity is making a mistake. I pray you will not gain the world and lose your soul in Jesus’ name.
* Say, “I shall not inherit the earth and loose heaven”, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Tell God heaven will remain your priority forever.
* Reject every poverty-induced character in your life.
* Pray for wisdom to be heavenly minded though earthly conscious always.
All extinguishers of spiritual power, I render you impotent this month in my destiny, in the name of Jesus.