Wednesday 11 November
READ: Num 25: 1- 5
MORE LESSON: Prov. 7: 7 - 27
Balak king of Moab wanted to curse and destroy Israel but God fought for them and turned it to a blessing. Balaam, the hired prophet, could not curse Israel but he knew what he could do to turn the face of God against them. He knew he couldn't overcome them spiritually or physically so he decided he was going to make them do what God hates so that He would withdraw from them and then Israel would be vulnerable to attack. Balaam advised Balak to turn his girls loose to go and entice the Isrealites to sexual immorality. Even the unbeliever knew that the sure way for a child of God to lose the favour of God and be at the mercy of the enemy is to live in sin.
The Moabites had tried to war against the Israelites and they couldn't confront them. They also tried divination but it didn't work because there is a great God behind Israel. So they selected the most beautiful girls in their land and sent them into the camp of Israel. The girls approached the men of Israel and told them that they wanted to give them free pleasure. When the devil offers you free pleasure then know that that pleasure is going to be costly because what he will take from you will be too big compared to what he gives you. The pleasure of sin is too costly, please run away from it. This is what Moses understood that made him choose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season (Heb 11:24-26). Job in the Bible also said, I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid? Job 31:1. But when Israel saw these girls from Moab, they rushed them. It was these free girls that finished Israel. The Moabites defeated Israel without using a bullet by sending fornication into their midst.
It is still this same strategy that the devil uses today, he knows that if he can get you to sin against God, he has finished you. So he sends free pleasure into your life. However, I want you to know that something free could be too costly. A daughter of God that gets free money from a man and loses her spiritual alertness will soon discover that gifts can be costly. Brother, when that girl comes with her gifts, in fact she may offer to buy her own drinks and pay for yours as well, she is enticing you to sin, please don't wait to consider her offer, run because that offer will cost you your life and eternity. It is too costly. Those free girls penetrated Israel and God was angry with them and struck them with a plague in which twenty four thousand died. Run from sin.
* Ask God to reveal to you and forgive every sin that can make you vulnerable to your accusers and enemies.
* Rebuke any form of sexual immorality in your life, from your thought to reality.
* Pray that sin shall not be found in you no matter how small.
I shall testify of the eleventh hour miracle this month and my expectations shall not be aborted, in the mighty name of Jesus.