Thursday, November 19, 2015

God honours Faith

Thursday 19 November
READ: Hab. 11:1-2
MORE LESSON: Rom 10: 38

Bible says that the just shall live by faith. (Hab 2: 4, Rom 1: 17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10: 38). God is all you need and He will never fail you. When God gives you an assignment, He expects you to trust Him for the consignment. When He gives you a vision, you need to have faith in Him for the provision. There is the great hero of faith, George Mueller, who founded an orphanage and gathered children who did not have parents in large number and he was feeding and educating them. He had nothing and no government support of whatever kind; he lived by faith and took care of the children by faith in God, and God never failed him. One day in the orphanage, there was nothing to eat and the children were at the table waiting for him to give them food.

One thing about children is that they are not interested in whether daddy has money or not, they don't want to know how mummy gets food into the kitchen, all they care to know is that when it is meal time, there must be something on the table. The children sat around the table and were ready to eat and the man of God didn't have anything to give them. The man of God went to the table and told the children, 'let us pray'. He started to bless the meal and the children were excited that there was food, but actually he knew there was nothing. Immediately they finished praying, a man knocked at the door. He opened and it was a dairy farmer transporting fresh milk in a truck to be sold in town. The truck broke down in front of the building. He did all he could but when the vehicle would not start, he was left with no other option than to leave it and go back to the farm. He looked to his side and saw there was an orphanage there. Fresh milk goes bad if left unused for a period of time. In other to avoid the milk wasting, he decided to donate the milk to them.

They immediately blessed the milk and distributed it to the children on the table. As they were thanking God, another man ran in and said, 'I have a bakery and today, a great burden came over me to bring bread to this orphanage. Please I'm sorry if I came late'. He gave them bread and left. The man of God had already blessed the meal before it arrived so they just shared the food and the children had a nice breakfast of fresh milk and hotly baked bread. 
God honours faith. When God commits a vision to you, He will definitely make provision for it. Today is the day to step out on that kingdom assignment that God has told you to do, knowing fully well that He will make provision for its fulfilment. Have faith in God.

* Ask God for faith to face impossibilities.
* Declare to God that you will never doubt him.
* Tell God that you trust Him to set a table in the desert at no cost.
* Proclaim that this year will not end without a divine provision for you.

In the name of Jesus, I refuse to continue to labour under a closed heaven.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Cultivating a good Success Mindset

Wednesday 18 November
READ: Psa. 139: 13 - 18
MORE LESSON: Josh 1: 8

There are steps to take in order to achieve good success as children of God. As God instructed Joshua in our text, there are principles that a man must follow in order to have good success.
1. You must see God as the author of good success. Promotion comes from nowhere but God (Psalm 75: 6 - 7). It is important for you to know that God is the source of good success. He is the only one that grants success to a man. If man is your source, he will destroy you. If Satan gives to you, you will pay dearly for it. God is the author of every good thing (Jam 1: 17). When you serve God diligently, He will give you all (Hebrews 11:6).

2. Locate your purpose and vision for life. Before you were born, God fore-knew you and predestined you to be something (Jeremiah 1:5,). It is your duty to discover what it is that God has put in your hand to excel with. All you need to achieve success He encoded into you when He made you. The reason why many are poor, rejected, dejected, defected even with good careers is because many people are in other men's jobs. If God did not give you the job you are doing, you will be labouring for others. You cannot succeed in a thing you are not destined to be. If you want to succeed in life, ask God to reveal to you what He sent you into the world to do.

3. You must get relevant information and education. You cannot act on what you have not discovered neither can you discover what you have not searched. God was telling Joshua to train himself so that he can become successful. You also need to develop yourself for what you are destined to be. As you fast and pray, it is also important that you work and improve yourself. Add more to what you know and equip yourself more each day. You need to know more and the way to know is by learning (Joshua 1:8). Believers must learn to learn, the moment you stop learning, you get stuck. When you refuse to add more to what you know in a particular area, you will expire. You must always update your knowledge and relevance.

For instance, we are in the computer age and the secret of what you need to get so many things done is in the computer. Even as a pastor you need to be computer literate so sit down with it and learn. Spend your money on things that can enrich your knowledge. The people perish for lack of knowledge. Do positive thinking, find out information.
As you rightly position yourself, you will find good success in Jesus’ name.

* Ask that the heavens will be opened upon you and grant you success.
* Ask God to reveal your purpose in destiny to you and grant you breakthrough in it.
* Pray that you will be connected with the specific keys for your breakthrough today.
* Pray that you will never be a failure in life.

Oh thou that ruleth in the affairs of men, rule today that my desire may locate my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Be Blessed!

Tuesday 17 November
READ: Gen. 12:1-5
MORE LESSON: Gen. 22:16-18

Abraham today has come to be an epitome of faith and blessing. His name is so great that its relevance is still of much effect today as when he was alive. If you go to Israel, you will see how much reverence they give to the name. Not just that, religions have laid claim to his fatherhood because of the level of greatness he stepped into. All these came as a derivative of God's blessing upon him. I can not tell if Abraham had any dream for his life, but I can boldly say that when he met with God in Gen. 12, God gave him a dream- a land God will show him. God gave him a dream and God blessed him. This blessing was so enormous that it redefined the course of his life and gave him a name beyond his generation forever.

Today is the day for you to key into the blessing of Abraham. Even if you didn't have a dream for your life before now or that your dream is not the will of God for you, as you key into God's blessing today, you will have a dream and you will accomplish your dream. The blessing of God upon Abraham transformed him from a nonentity to a trans- generational role model. You also will get to a point that when they want to define greatness, they will refer to you.

Anybody who believes in Jesus Christ believes the Word of God has the capacity to step into greatness. Today I bless you by the anointing of the Spirit of God that you will enter into the Abrahamic order of blessing. No matter how lack-lustre your life has been, you are stepping into greatness by the God of heaven and earth today. All you need is to believe the words that God is speaking to you today. Luke 1:37 says, for with God, nothing shall be impossible. In case you didn't know what nothing means; nothing means not anything. There is not anything that is impossible to you when you are blessed of the Most High. You can become anything great irrespective of what you are now. Mary was a virgin who conceived and gave birth to a child without knowing a man.

That is humanly impossible but not after she was blessed by the Holy Spirit of God who came upon her. And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. Luke 1:45 KJV. God sent a messenger called angel Gabriel to go and communicate God's blessing to her and she believed. Don't ever make light of God's blessing through His vessels because such blessings have the capacity to cause a shift in your destiny. 
Today I have a word from God to you and it is a command to bless. So be blessed in Jesus’ name.

* Say, “I receive the declared blessing of today upon my destiny, in Jesus name”.
* Declare that the blessings of the Lord will overflow your life before this year runs to an end.
* Command the blessing of Abraham to be activated in your life beginning from today.

Today, I shall hear Jehovah’s voice behind me saying, “This is the way, follow it”, and so shall I walk into greatness, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Earthly Glory

Monday 16 November
READ: Matt. 4:8-10
MORE LESSON: 2 Cor. 4: 18

When satan came to tempt Jesus, he took Him to a high mountain. He showed Him all the glories of the earth and said that he would give all to Him if only He would bow down and worship him. The question is can Satan give a man glory? It is important to answer this question because many give themselves to Satan because they have been told that he can give them everything. It is noteworthy in this reading that even Jesus did not refute it when Satan said, “bow to me and I will give you wealth and earthly glories”, He instead replied that a man ought to worship God alone. I want you to know that Satan may have the capability to give people position, wealth and fame but he cannot give you that which is most important- eternity. If Satan gives you earthly glory, it will be at the expense of the real glory which God has for you. All the glory a man can get without Jesus in his life is temporal and passing away. There are two kinds of glory the Bible talks about; the earthly glory and the eternal glory. The Bible says, The glory that is seen (physical) which is temporal but that which is unseen is eternal (2 Cor 4: 18). Physical glory is good but it should not be your life pursuit.

God can give you both earthly and eternal glory. Mordecai in scriptures exposed a coup plot against the king and was forgotten until the day the king lost his sleep and nothing could be done to make him sleep. He then ordered that the book of remembrance be opened and read and he heard the story of Mordecai that he is yet to be honoured. The King then ordered for his promotion and Mordecai later ascended to a place of glory in the kingdom. You don't have to subscribe to the devil's way in search of glory. If you refuse to bow to him, God will remember you. A national award ceremony held in Nigeria in 2014, where the man who designed the Nigerian flag was honoured after 54 years of being forgotten. Thank God he is still alive else it would have been a post- humous award. After 54 years he was remembered, it doesn't matter how old you are or how long that work you did has been forgotten, you will be remembered not long from now, in Jesus’ name. The man was placed on a monthly salary of a special assistant to the president for life. That is glorious! However it is still temporal because once he dies, the salary is over. 
Do you want glory here on earth and in eternity? Then who you need is Jesus. He is the only One who can give you glory now and ever after - Christ in you is the hope of glory Col.1:27.

* Ask for grace to always say no to all satanic offers.
* Pray that the book of remembrance will be opened to honour your past deeds.
* Ask that your life will not be devoid of earthly and eternal glory.

I receive strength and grace to turn every enemy to flight today, in the name of Jesus.